440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 22, 2000 09:36 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Called Curt about meeting to improve SRI management, do KM research.

2...KM is Research, and SRI is a Research Organization
3...Management Improvement on Collaboration Fits SDS Capability
........KM Two Parts People, One Part Tools

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0201 - SRI International                    650 326 6200
020101 - Mr. Curtis R. Carlson; President and CEO =650 859 2878
020102 -
020103 - Executive Offices

Pilot Test 20-60 Min Conflicts Knowledge Pays Off Days, Weeks, Months
Meaning Drift Not Known Problem that Needs Solution
SRI Research KM and SDS, Pat Lincoln
Knowledge Different from Information
Culture of Knowledge Transition from Information Culture
Knowledge Different from Data, Information, Wordprocessing Inadequate
Culture of Knowledge Paradigm Shift Documents to Knowledge Space
Com Metrics Improve SRI Management Meeting with Curt Carlson
Research KM Proposal to SRI, Meeting with Curt Carlson
Carlson, Curt Sets Meeting Review Proposal for SRI to Pilot Test SDS
Carlson, Curt Sets Meeting Review Research Proposal on KM to Pilot Te
SRI Organizational Platform, Doug, 000419
Tools One Part of Km, People Two Parts of KM
KM One Part Tools, Two Parts People Leadership Aided by Technology
Define KM Technology Augment Human Intelligence Competence Strengthen

4017 -    ..
4018 - Summary/Objective
4019 -
401901 - Follow up ref SDS 58 EL3O.
401902 -
401903 - Curt has received the letter, ref DIP 6 0001, but has not read it
401904 - yet, due a heavy schedule.
401905 -
401906 - He will try to get to it soon.
401907 -
401908 -     [On 001228 called and left message for Curt. ref SDS 62 0001
401909 -
401910 -     [On 010104 Curt schedules meeting for 010109. ref SDS 63 0001
401911 -
401912 -
401913 -  ..
401914 - KM is Research, and SRI is a Research Organization
401915 -
401916 - Curt recalled that during the reception for Doug on 001220, we
401917 - discussed meeting, ref SDS 58 B8RW, about advancing research ideas on
401918 - KM submitted in a letter, ref DIP 3 0001, to Pat Lincoln on 001011,
401919 - ref SDS 26 0001, and, also, about using SDS and Com Metrics to apply
401920 - Doug's ideas for an OHS/DKR to improve competency, for improving
401921 - management at SRI, per Curt's initiative reported by Pat on 000829.
401922 - ref SDS 21 MJ6F
401923 -
401924 - We did not discuss the education initiative for a scholarship
401925 - competition. ref DIP 6 KI6O
401926 -
401927 - In the letter today to Pat later in the afternoon, explained that KM
401928 - is research and so is ideal for SRI, which is a research organization.
401929 - ref DIT 1 HU6M
401930 -
401931 -
401932 -
401933 -  ..
401934 - Management Improvement on Collaboration Fits SDS Capability
401935 -
401936 - Follow up ref SDS 21 PU4H.
401937 -
401938 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Vicky, responding to the letter submitted
401939 - yesterday, ref SDS 60 0001, that explained Com Metrics, following up
401940 - discussion with Vicky and Pat at the reception for Doug on 001220, on
401941 - improving SRI's management, ref DIP 1 0001, per planning on 000829 in
401942 - a telecon with Pat. ref SDS 21 MJ6F
401943 -
401944 - Vicky proposes a meeting to review Com Metrics next year. Cindy Frod,
401945 - our CIO also has an interest in this.
401946 -
401947 - This is progress on Curt's objective to improve management.
401948 -
401949 - Communication Metrics looks at the schedule as a metric of progress,
401950 - because unless concrete tasks are planned, they are ignored due to ad
401951 - hoc activity from daily crises, as noted by Curt in our discussion on
401952 - Wednesday. ref SDS 58 B8RW
401953 - ..
401954 - Sent ref DIT 1 0001 to Pat, asking him to suggest that Vicky set
401955 - a particular date so the matter does not get overlooked again.
401956 - ref DIT 1 YW8O
401957 -
401958 -       [On 001224 Pat proposes meeting on 010109. ref SDS 61 0001
401959 -
401960 - Cited....
401961 -
401962 -    1.  Letter to Pat and Vicky yesterday, ref DIP 1 0001, transmitting
401963 -        the letter to Curt, ref DIP 6 0001, reported on 001221.
401964 -        ref SDS 60 0001
401965 -
401966 -    2.  Vicky's letter today proposing a meeting next year. ref DRT 1
401967 -        0001
401968 -
401969 -         ..
401970 -        KM Two Parts People, One Part Tools
401971 -
401972 -    3.  KM is only one part tools, per the letter to Curt, ref DIP 6
401973 -        4V9F, on 001220, ref SDS 58 KO4I, while it is two parts people.
401974 -        ref DIT 1 DU6O
401975 -
401976 -           [On 010114 leadership experts ignore technology that aids
401977 -           KM. ref SDS 65 X5GW
401978 -
401979 -           [On 010116 letter to Pat confirms KM requires tools and
401980 -           people skills empowered by leadership with broader vision.
401981 -           ref SDS 66 0001
401982 -
401983 -    4.  NWO explaining Com Manager role, ref OF 2 6369, is one part of
401984 -        two parts that comprise the human side of KM. ref DIT 1 DU6O,
401985 -
401986 -    5.  Leadership sometimes has to be Machiavellian to get things
401987 -        through people without causing hurt feelings. ref DIT 1 ES8O
401988 -
401989 -        Coordination and collaboration must take place one way or the
401990 -        other.  This requires authority exercised with diplomacy, tact
401991 -        and tools to be thorough and timely.
401992 -
401993 -           [On 010111 Pat frustrated by poor coordination and
401994 -           collaboration. ref SDS 64 OE8H
401995 -        ..
401996 -    6.  Leadership needs to help people overcome the hurdle of
401997 -        transitioning toward a whole new way of thinking, ref DIT 1
401998 -        QV7M, explained in NWO, ref OF 2 0DF6, and as Doug proposes in
401999 -        the Bootstrap mission statement, see 991222. ref SDS 9 3696
402000 -
402001 -        On 000424 contributors call for "listening" to Doug's ideas for
402002 -        developing OHS/DKR. ref SDS 14 R56N
402003 -
402004 -        Letter to OHS/DKR team on 000920 explains people want bad
402005 -        management to succeed rather than use new way of working to
402006 -        make good management easier. ref SDS 22 GQ5J
402007 -
402008 -            [On 010111 Pat cites slow progress improving collaboration.
402009 -            ref SDS 64 EF6M, says SDS effective. ref SDS 64 OE8H
402010 -
402011 -        Letter on 001219 explains cultural resistance exemplified by
402012 -        Luddites. ref SDS 57 FM3J   Earlier, on 000920 explained
402013 -        cultural resistance to new way of thinking and working.
402014 -        ref SDS 22 GQ5J
402015 -
402016 -    7.  Explained telecon with Curt this morning, ref DIT 1 FX4J, on
402017 -        that separate track, per above, ref SDS 0 0001  Noted that SDS
402018 -        will be shocking to Curt, but we need to work through that in
402019 -        order to improve management at SRI by changing the conduct of
402020 -        business. ref DIT 1 OZ5J
402021 -
402022 -
402023 -
402024 -  ..
4021 -
4022 -
4023 - 1705 received letter from Pat
4024 -
402401 - Received ref DRT 2 0001 from Pat saying he will follow up with Vicky
402402 - to ask her to set a specific date for a meeting. ref DRT 2 004P
402403 -
402404 -       [On 001224 Pat proposes meeting on 010109. ref SDS 61 0001
402405 -
402406 -
402407 -
402408 -
402409 -
402410 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"