440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 27, 2000 10:35 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Call MBNA on resolution of disputes.


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0201 - MBNA - Maryland Bank, NA             800 441 9977
020101 - Wilmington, DE
020102 - Mr. Kelly Jackson; Account Manager =800 309 6365 ext 56959
020103 - Customer Assistance  =800 421 2110

First USA - 6533, $21,000 check 2566
MBNA Credit - 4195 89
First USA - 6533, $21,000 check 2565
MBNA CDW Fails Honor RMA Defective HP Notebook Computer
MBNA Mishandled Check #2656

0707 -    ..
0708 - Summary/Objective
0709 -
070901 - Follow up ref SDS 43 0000, ref SDS 42 0000.
070902 -
070903 - Kelly Jackson returned my call from 001122.
070904 -
070905 - Kelly says he has been assigned the account manager in place of
070906 - Vanessa.  He has not yet received the letter, ref DIP 1 0001, that
070907 - confirms telecon with Toni on 001113, who advised that MBNA has placed
070908 - the account in dispute status.
070909 -
070910 - Kelly asked about the disputes?
070911 -
070912 - We reviewed the CDW matter, which is about $4,500.
070913 -
070914 - We have lost the benefit of a 1.9% interest rate, which may cost
070915 - another $10K.
070916 -
070917 - We have incurred costs of about $5K - $10K fixing MBNA mistakes.
070918 -
070919 - Kelly initially said he would remove the $4,500 CDW charge and offer
070920 - a 9% rate on the balance.
070921 - ..
070922 - I explained our objective to resolve all pending issues.
070923 -
070924 - Kelly then seemed to propose that MBNA will settle the entire $45K
070925 - balance if we pay them $26K.
070926 -
070927 - He will send me a letter confirming this offer.
070928 - ..
070929 - I asked Kelly to send a copy via email to expedite our efforts.
070930 -
070931 - Kelly said he prefers regular mail.  He will send it today.
070932 -
070933 -    [On 001130 Kelly called and amended MBNA's offer. ref SDS 44 0001
070934 -
070935 -    [On 001206 received Kelly's letter, submitted response renewing
070936 -    idea to use email and Internet to expedite communication.
070937 -    ref SDS 45 3O5H
070938 -
070939 -    [On 001206 Kelly reported MBNA credited the Welch account for the
070940 -    unauthorized charge by CDW of $4,400. ref SDS 45 UJ6M
070941 -
070942 -
070943 -
070944 -
070945 -
070946 -
070947 -
070948 -
070949 -
070950 -
0710 -
0711 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"