440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 7, 2000 07:37 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

GGC notified of damaged package from CDW; it was returned.


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0201 - Golden Gatweay Center                415 434 2000
020101 - Ms. Ann Nolasco; Attendant
020102 - Tennant Administrattion

RMA# 1797954; Return Omnibook 4150, Account 000502
CDW Fails Honor RMA Defective HP Notebook Computer on MBNA Account
MBNA Credit - 4195 89

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 31 0000, ref SDS 29 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Ann Nolasco visited about 1930 this evening, and advised there is a
060704 - damaged package in the mail room addressed to me.
060705 -
060706 - I went downstairs with Ann, and investigated.
060707 -
060708 - There was a package from CDW.
060709 -
060710 - The package was damaged, with a number of holes and cave-ins of the
060711 - package on several sides, as Ann had reported.
060712 -
060713 - Ann said the mail room usually notifies the shipper to pickup damages
060714 - packages.
060715 -
060716 - I advised that we have not ordered anything from CDW.
060717 -
060718 - Ann said GGC will notify the shipper, RPS to return the package.
060719 -
060720 - In any case, the package appeared to be the same box, size and shape
060721 - as the defective merchandise returned to CDW on 001002, ref SDS 29
060722 - 0001, and which was received by CDW according to the postal receipt in
060723 - the record on 001012. ref SDS 31 0001
060724 -
060725 - Since this is a disputed issue, per the record on 000927, ref SDS 28
060726 - 4J7I, and since the package was damaged, I agreed that GGC should
060727 - notify the shipper to return the package to CDW.
060728 -
060729 -     [On 001110 notified MBNA of this record. ref SDS 33 DZ4F
060730 -
060731 -
060732 -
060733 -
060734 -
060735 -
060736 -
060737 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"