440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 17, 2000 10:22 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Letter from Jack Park on his DKR project and advancing KM.
2...Open Source More Secretive than Proprietary Source Projects
3...SDS Initiative Through SRI Solve High Visibility Problems
4...Subject Management Key Part KM to Solve Big Problems
5...Pattern Language Link to Semiotics Needs Research
6...Lens Technology Useful for Knowledge Space
7...Lawyers, Accountants, Engineers Don't Know they are doing KM
8...Customers for KM Have to be Created, Time is KM Dilemma
9...People Not Aware Time Needed to Invest Intellectual Capital
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KM Project Initiative on Web
Market Conditions DKR
Park DKR Web Site, 001013
Gelernter Architecture Time
Time Organize Information Produce Knowledge SDS Standard
Pictures Scan Incorporate into Documents, Email
PDF Pictures Not Efficient for Com Metrics KM Takes Too Much Time
Trial Installations
1110 - ..
1111 - Summary/Objective
1112 -
111201 - Follow up ref SDS 71 0000, ref SDS 68 0000.
111202 -
111203 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Jack responding to my letter, ref DIP 5
111204 - 0001 on 001013, ref SDS 71 0001, commenting on a paper he submitted
111205 - the other day explaining his new KM project.
111206 -
111213 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record,
111214 -
111215 - Cited Covey on sound management practices overlooked, because good
111216 - habits are hard to form, and bad habits are harder to change,
111217 - reported on 921205. ref SDS 3 6013
111218 -
111219 - Cited letter to DKR team on 001004. ref DIP 3 MH6J
111220 -
111221 - [On 001017 Jack responds. ref SDS 74 0001
111222 -
111226 -
111227 - Jack suggests looking at another web site....
111228 -
111229 -
111230 -
111231 -
111232 -
111233 - ...that uses the phrase "knowledge space."
111234 -
111235 - Examination shows this is a company that provides a service described
111236 - as...
111237 -
111238 - KnowledgeSpace is a knowledge service designed to help improve
111239 - business performance. It integrates Arthur Andersen's business
111240 - resources with daily news and insights to help business
111241 - professionals find answers to their key business issues.
111242 -
111243 - A performer profile says...
111244 -
111245 - Rich Peters says Cargill's vision calls for delivering increased
111246 - value to producers and customers
111247 -
111248 - Knowledge Space was formulated on 960620 to summarize advantages of
111249 - adding intelligence to information, and convey the prospects of
111250 - mathematical modeling. ref SDS 19 3516
111251 -
111252 - Objectives and methodologies of the company Jack cites today appear to
111253 - be different in substance, form and utility from SDS and Communicaiton
111254 - Metrics that uses knowledge space, as set out in POIMS, ref OF 2 1107,
111255 - based on the work in 1996.
111256 -
111257 - A key distinction is that SDS provides intelligence for doing
111258 - daily work from the history of daily work in relation to
111259 - objectives, commitments and requirements; whereas, KnowledgeSpace
111260 - uses resources from Arthur Anderson and daily news.
111261 -
111262 - Jack does not address the KM dilemma of not having enough time to use
111263 - pictures for KM, cited in the record on 001013, ref SDS 71 YQ7N, also,
111264 - ref SDS 71 IR8N, and in the letter to Jack. ref DIP 5 MJ7J
111265 -
111266 - He does not comment on merits of research proposal to LANL on 001013
111267 - to develop a scientific basis of Knowledge Space. ref SDS 72 0001
111268 -
111269 -
111270 - ..
111271 - Open Source More Secretive than Proprietary Source Projects
111272 -
111273 - Follow up ref SDS 71 7227.
111274 -
111275 - Jack responds to the annomoly of secrecy that pervades open source
111276 - projects cited in my letter, ref DIP 5 OH6M, and in the record on
111277 - 001013. ref SDS 71 7227 He says...
111278 -
111279 - Open source advocates remain secretive until they get the glory
111280 - they seek by revealing the *next insanely great idea*. The KM
111281 - dilemma to which you often refer is, itself, a cloud of concepts.
111282 - That cloud is composed of several social, psycological, and
111283 - pragmatic factors, perhaps the largest pair being greed and
111284 - laziness. ref DRT 1 TI6K
111285 -
111286 - I don't intend to visit any candidate solutions, but it does seem
111287 - to me that your POIMS offers one slice of a much larger pie that
111288 - may represent the newer KM tools. ref DRT 1 LM8N
111289 -
111290 - Jack points out that discussion about his project should not the Welch
111291 - web site anytime soon.
111292 -
111293 - He says comments at his web site will be greatly appreciated.
111294 -
111295 -
111296 -
111297 - ..
111298 - SDS Initiative Through SRI Solve High Visibility Problems
111299 - Subject Management Key Part KM to Solve Big Problems
111300 -
111301 - Follow up ref SDS 71 5Y4L.
111302 -
111303 - The letter to Jack on 001013 explained proposing to Pat Lincoln on
111304 - 001011, ref SDS 70 FZ4F, that DKR project could develop support for
111305 - subject management, ref DIP 4 01XS, ontology, ref DIP 5 FR8G, which
111306 - Jack raised on 000221. ref SDS 52 8044 and more recently on 000623.
111307 - ref SDS 60 4752
111308 -
111309 - Jack comments today that this may not be a productive effort.
111310 - ref DRT 1 FR8G
111311 -
111312 - Jack sent a reply to my letter on a minor point, and I sent a
111313 - follow up letter that reviewed telecon with Pat Lincoln this
111314 - afternoon. ref SDS 73 0001
111315 -
111316 -
111317 - ..
111318 - Pattern Language Link to Semiotics Needs Research
111319 -
111320 - Follow up ref SDS 71 7480.
111321 -
111322 - Jack does not comment today about pattern language which is reported
111323 - in the letter, ref DRP 1 0001 from Jan Borchers, ref DIP 5 G8W5,
111324 - responding to my letter, ref DIP 1 0001 asking for assistance applying
111325 - pattern language to support Semiotics for the DKR effort, as a result
111326 - of a letter from Jack Park citing pattern language received on 001008.
111327 - ref SDS 68 RS5F
111328 -
111329 -
111330 -
111331 - ..
111332 - Lens Technology Useful for Knowledge Space
111333 -
111334 - Jack responds to comments in my letter, ref DIP 5 G8W5, on lens
111335 - technology, ref DRT 1 TO6I, says that in the long run, the lens
111336 - metaphor works fine. He sees it as a device capable of floating about
111337 - at the 50,000 foot level, while zooming down to the nano level as
111338 - needed, and helicoptering all over the knowledge space at will. With
111339 - that lens, the user constructs a personal (situated, embodied) view of
111340 - what's there.
111341 -
111342 -
111343 -
111344 -
1114 -
Secret SDS Only KM Design, 000425
Difficult KM Hard to Design, Not Understood
KM Hard to Uderstand Requires Experience for More than 20 Minutes
Dilimma Benefits Takes Days, Weeks, Years, People Only have 20 Minute
Core Capability KM Not Understood, Eric Armstrong
KM Not Understood, Eric Armstrong
Design KM Not Understood
KM Design Objectives Not Understood, Eugene Kim
1811 -
181101 - ..
181102 - Lawyers, Accountants, Engineers Don't Know they are doing KM
181103 - Customers for KM Have to be Created, Time is KM Dilemma
181104 - People Not Aware Time Needed to Invest Intellectual Capital
181105 -
181106 - Follow up ref SDS 71 Z5W8, ref SDS 67 0001.
181107 -
181108 - Jack responds to the KM dilemma of limited time that is unable to
181109 - pilot test long enough to obtain results of knowledge, set out in my
181110 - letter on 001013. ref DIP 5 7C9K
181111 -
181112 - He explains focusing on two separate issues:
181113 -
181114 - 1. automation, and
181115 -
181116 - 2. community practice.
181117 -
181118 - He believes Cliff's Principa web site talks about and actually
181119 - presents part of all of this; Cliff and Francis appear to me to have a
181120 - good start in the right direction.
181121 -
181122 - He sent a copying of his letter to Cliff.
181123 -
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181129 -
181130 -
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