440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 3, 2000 12:32 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Submitted letter to Morris on Medit improvements.

2...Need more memory
3...SF (FFile) Need Correction for Y2K
4...Marketing Plan to Discover Early Adopters

Click here to comment!

0201 - Intel Corporation                    408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation

Directory Local Data Base
List Files Web Site Temp Directory
Delete Files
Medit Improvement Recognize Long Path Filenames Upper and Lower Case
Morris on Medit Improvements

0807 -    ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 38 0000, ref SDS 36 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Morris linked to the record of the work on
080904 - 001001. ref SDS 38 0001
080905 -
080906 - Explained this improvement saves about 50 key strokes a day, and so
080907 - for a lot of users, this is a huge savings of time by adding
080908 - intelligence to management. ref OF 1 0561
080909 - ..
080910 - Mention need to open files with long names. ref DIT 1 567G
080911 -
080912 -    [On 001005 called Morris on this. ref SDS 39 0001
080913 -
080914 -
080915 -
080916 -
0810 -

Memory capacity of Medit, increase.
Memory management (avoid crashing)
Memory Management

1106 -
110601 -  ..
110602 - Need more memory
110603 -
110604 - Follow up ref SDS 38 H15I, ref SDS 32 I57O.
110605 -
110606 - The letter to Morris requests further effort on this. ref DIT 1 J97M
110607 -
110608 -
110609 -
110610 -
110611 -
110612 -
1107 -

File Access menu, 0608, 06081
File List F1 F3 Macro 0608 Year Selection Op

1405 -
140501 -  ..
140502 - SF (FFile) Need Correction for Y2K
140503 -
140504 - Follow up ref SDS 38 WW7L, ref SDS 27 0001.
140505 -
140506 - Do not discuss this in the letter to Morris, so we don't overload him
140507 - with stuff.  He may bump into the pending issue in the record
140508 - submitted today for the work on 001001.
140509 -
140510 -
140511 -
140512 -
1406 -

SRI DKR Project, 000503
Help Preparing Business Plans
SDS Demand Low Because Demand for KM Low
Pilot Test SDS to Discover Customer Base Early Adopters
Customers Determine Demand Pilot Test Find Early Adopters, Morris
KM Demand Low Because No Calls for SDS, Letter to Morris
Pilot Test Early Adopters Discover Demand for SDS KM
Early Adopters Discover Demand for SDS KM Pilot Test
Market Potential
Trial Installations

2714 -
271401 -  ..
271402 - Marketing Plan to Discover Early Adopters
271403 -
271404 - Follow up ref SDS 38 8320, ref SDS 36 8320.
271405 -
271406 - In the letter today, ref DIT 1 Y68L, ask Morris to comment on business
271407 - plan. ref OF 4 0111
271408 -
271409 - For example, does the Executive Summary read well in relation to
271410 - similar documents Morris has reviewed? ref OF 4 0201
271411 -
271412 - Ask if explanation for converting from documents to Knowledge Space
271413 - reads okay. ref OF 4 2688
271414 -
271415 - Asked about jury duty, which Morris has this week, based on our
271416 - meeting on 001001, ref SDS 38 8320, and provided link to how SDS is
271417 - used for jurors, that might help a businessman, from record of jury
271418 - assignment on 000427. ref SDS 7 0001
271419 -
271420 -
271421 -
271422 -
271423 -
271424 -
271425 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"