440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 25, 2000 05:43 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Received another call from MBNA on disputed issue with CDW.


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0201 - MBNA - Maryland Bank, NA             800 441 9977
020101 - Wilmington, DE
020102 - Ms. Louisa Bell; Customer Advocate  =800 634 2927
020103 - Proof Department  =800 421 2110
0202 - CDW Computer Centers                 312 498 4426
020201 - Mr. Jerry Griffith; Account Manager =847 371 8827
020202 -
020203 - Sales Department =800 800 4239

Omnibook 1450 650 MHz, 000502
RMA# 1797954; Return Omnibook 4150, Account 000502
CDW Fails Honor RMA Defective HP Notebook Computer on MBNA Account
MBNA Credit - 4195 89

0806 -    ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Follow up ref SDS 25 0000, ref SDS 24 0000.
080802 -
080803 - Talked to Mark Remick
080804 -
080805 - Mark apologized for not calling back sooner on his research following
080806 - the telecon on 000921. ref SDS 25 6V8K
080807 -
080808 - Mark said he has been unable to locate the MBNA staff person who
080809 - logged the call to Welch on 000920 in order to obtain clarification
080810 - and assistance with instructions MBNA gave for resolving the issue
080811 - with CDW.  Mark said he will continue to work on this and that MBNA
080812 - should be following up.
080813 -
080814 -    [On 000926 received call from MBNA on another matter, and MBNA
080815 -    reported there is a record of new information in MBNA's computer
080816 -    relating to the CDW disputed transaction. ref SDS 26 MX3I
080817 -
080818 -    [On 000927 received call from MBNA saying they have made further
080819 -    contact with CDW. ref SDS 27 4J7I
080820 -
080821 -
080822 -
080823 -
080824 -
080825 -
080826 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"