440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 27, 2000 07:52 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Joe Ransdell called on ideas for New World Order... paper.
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0201 - Texas Tech University O-00000761 0504
020101 - Mr. Joseph M. Ransdell; Associate Professor O-00000761 0504
020103 - Department of Philosophy O-00000761 0504
NWO Ideas, Aristotle Half-truth, Deviation Source of Creativity
Truth Deviations Multiplied by Time - Com Metrics Risk Management
Creativity Lucky Accidents Deviations from Truth
Time Multiplies Deviations from Truth
Ransdell Deviation from Truth Multiplied by Time
Risk Communication Main Factor of Management Success
Entropy in Communications/Information
NWO Book (uses manual language)
1710 -
1710 - ..
1711 - Summary/Objective
1712 -
171201 - Follow up ref SDS 93 0000, ref SDS 92 0000.
171202 -
171203 - Joe responded to my message yesterday, about my letter, ref DIP 2
171204 - 0001, sent on 000724, ref SDS 92 0001, expressing hope that, before
171205 - too long, we can look at idea for solution of adding time to alphabet
171206 - technology to produce knowledge management, ref DIP 2 3510, per the
171207 - letter, ref DIP 1 1500, to Joe on 000719. ref SDS 88 7488
171209 - ..
171210 - I expressed appreciation for Joe's extensive analysis of SDS and
171211 - Communication Metrics within the framework of KM.
171213 - ..
171214 - I asked if he has felt at all overwhelmed by the level of effort, as a
171215 - result of the SDS process that generates a lot of analysis?
171217 - ..
171218 - Joe said he has not been troubled by this, and seemed to say he
171219 - appreciates the opportunity to interact with the SDS record.
171221 - ..
171222 - He related first hand experience with difficulties in the private
171223 - sector because his wife is involved in a project of some kind that is
171224 - encountering problems explained in the NWO... paper.
171226 - ..
171227 - We discussed the need to engage a wider audience in these discussions
171228 - about forming a new managmeent science of Communication Metrics.
171230 - ..
171231 - Joe noted again that communication is not treated as a theory, nor
171232 - core discipline, in academics; and; so it presents a major whole that
171233 - needs attention, per his letter on 000716 indicating that SDS and
171234 - Communication Metrics are an ambitious undertaking to solve a problem
171235 - dating back to the 17th century on developing a coherent theory of
171236 - management. ref SDS 84 7838
171238 - ..
171239 - Joe indicated today that the NWO makes a start on setting out a
171240 - coherent explanation about missing ingredients in formal education,
171241 - and putting forth a theory of communicaton, which is why he is
171242 - spending so much time to identify the premises, explanations and
171243 - prescriptions put forward.
171245 - ..
171246 - Joe indicated that there is a lot of work to introduce new curriculum
171247 - at a university. He seemed to say that philosophy department is not a
171248 - good starting point. We briefly reviewed the letter to Joe on 000719
171249 - pointing out that both philosophy and cognitive science provide
171250 - foundational training needed to grasp Communication Metrics.
171251 - Initially, Joe did not recall that letter. I read the section under
171252 - point 2. ref DIP 1 8632
171254 - ..
171255 - Joe seemed concur with the concept that Communication Metrics presents
171256 - a way for university training to focus on communication.
171258 - ..
171259 - He related the Philosophy Department at Texas Tech has a new director
171260 - or chairman, who has been successful getting contract funding support
171261 - from NASA. This might provide a basis for Joe to discuss with the
171262 - director how Communication Metrics might be presented as a curriculum
171263 - and possibly a degree.
171265 - ..
171266 - We also discussed the need to get philosophical underpinnings for the
171267 - arugment that SDS advances alphabet technology, explained in the
171268 - letter, ref DIP 1 1500, on 000719. ref SDS 88 7488
171270 - ..
171271 - Joe will give this more thought and try to spend some time on it.
171272 -
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1713 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"