440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 24, 2000 01:20 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Morris on CoreTalk and SDS.
2...Operating System for People and Organizations = KM Applying SDS
3...Computer Architecture Needs to Support Architecture of Human Thought
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0201 - Intel Corporation O-00000704 0201
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager
020103 - Cable Network Operation O-00000704 0201
MS Word Creats Links Quickly
Word Supports Linking, But No Intelligence Features that Strengthen A
MS Word Supports Linking
Operating System for People & Organizations
Architecture Human Thought Predicate Architecture KM, 000531
Human Centered Design
Architecture Human Thought Predicate Architecture KM
Uniquely Qualified Morris Develop Architecture KM Integrate Architect
3210 -
3210 - ..
3211 - Summary/Objective
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321201 - Follow up ref SDS 44 0000, ref SDS 43 0000.
321202 -
321203 - Morris made the point that language is the leap forward in humanity,
321204 - and he described this as comprising sound and symbols.
321206 - ..
321207 - I agreed with this formulation. Another leap forward was development
321208 - of alphabet technology, which significantly enhanced the ability of
321209 - the human mind to use symbols for thinking objectively and abstractly.
321210 - This led to the information age, especially with Gutenberg's invention
321211 - of the printing press in 1455, reported on 991010. ref SDS 16 2548
321213 - ..
321214 - Research on 991108 shows modern scholars, notably Havlock, argue that
321215 - the alphabet, which settled in its present form about 700 BC, was an
321216 - explosive technology that accelerated the advance of civilization,
321217 - particularly with the advent of using the alphabet for analysis, some
321218 - 300 hears later, in about 400 BC. ref SDS 17 7048 This moved people
321219 - beyond merely recording what was said, and done, to projecting future
321220 - results by constructing understanding from alignment with trends from
321221 - history. ref SDS 17 3339
321223 - ..
321224 - We looked on the Internet at the SDS record for 991108, which explains
321225 - some of the history of alphabet technology. ref SDS 17 0001
321227 - ..
321228 - Morris copied this record from the Internet to a directory on his
321229 - computer. He also copied POIMS to the same directory, which
321230 - formalizes analysis of alphabet technology that the SDS design strives
321231 - to improve.
321233 - ..
321234 - We took a moment and examined some of the references in the record on
321235 - 991108 that explains a notion of the alphabetic mind. ref SDS 17 5628
321237 - ..
321238 - Then had to leave for a meeting with Sandy Klausner. ref SDS 46 0001
321240 - ..
321241 - In leaving, I asked Morris to review the record on 991108 explaining
321242 - the Alphabetic Mind, since it describes the foundation of
321243 - civilization, which we want to enhance by integrating information and
321244 - time management using SDS.
321246 - ..
321247 - Morris indicated plans to review the record for 991108 on the
321248 - alphabetic mind.
321249 -
321250 - [On 000706 visited Morris, he demonstrated Microsoft
321251 - programs can link documents with a few steps. ref SDS 48
321252 - FPW7
321254 - ..
321255 - [On 000706 reviewed 8 steps using SDS that strengthen the
321256 - alphabetic mind with better analysis for working
321257 - intelligently. ref SDS 48 Y69J
321258 -
321259 -
321261 - ..
321262 - Operating System for People and Organizations = KM Applying SDS
321263 - Computer Architecture Needs to Support Architecture of Human Thought
321264 -
321265 - We considered the proposition in the letter on 000531, ref SDS 28
321266 - 4256, that Morris has a strong sense of computer architecture. We
321267 - need to meld this understanding with the architecture of human thought
321268 - endemic to the SDS design, set out in POIMS. ref OF 1 0561, in order
321269 - to create an operating system for people and organizations, as the
321270 - core capability of Enterprise Management, the paperless office, the
321271 - virtual office.
321272 -
321273 - [On 000703 called Morris to follow up. ref SDS 47 0001
321275 - ..
321276 - [On 000709 Bill DeHart explained an SDS advantage is organizing
321277 - information, which seemed to boil down to managing time, which
321278 - yields chronologies of cause and effect, i.e., context,
321279 - understanding, also, intelligence. ref SDS 49 0004
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