440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 24, 2000 05:23 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Letter to Mike Wirth about presentation at IBM ARC.
........looking for "love" in all the wrong places...
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0201 - IBM Almaden Research Center 408 927 1898
020101 - Mr. Michael C. Wirth, Ph.D.; Manager USR Software =408 927 1898
020102 -
020103 - ser Systems Ergonomics Research
0202 - IBM Almaden Research Center 408 927 1898
020201 - Mr. Jim Spohrer, Ph.D.; 408 927 xxxx
020202 -
020203 - User Systems Ergonomics Research
Sponsor/Stakeholder Planning
IBM, SDS Trial with OS2 in Boca
Alliances on Development
Killer App, What Testing, Study to Discover Useful Technology
IBM Almaden Research Center
Looking for Love in Wrong Places Video, Speech Recognition Not KM
Graphics Not Effective for KM Improving Productivity
Next Wave, Market Needs New Killer Application Ellison, Larry
Looking for Love All Wrong Places for KM
Looking for Love Wrong Places Engineers Just Want to Work on Technolo
1712 - ..
1713 - Summary/Objective
1714 -
171401 - Follow up ref SDS 31 0000, ref SDS 27 0000.
171402 -
171403 - A week ago got a letter from Mike Wirth at IBM requesting information
171404 - on doing a seminar at IBM's Almaden Research Center. ref DIT 1 0002
171405 -
171406 - Prepared ref DIT 1 0001 with link to NWO... ref OF 3 4723
171407 -
171408 - [On 000629 called to follow up. ref SDS 36 0001
171409 -
171410 - [On 000629 cited in proposed letter to LANL. ref SDS 35 6156
171411 -
171412 - [On 000711 Mike indicated he wants a presentation. ref SDS 37 0001
171413 -
171414 - [On 000713 submitted reminder. ref SDS 38 0001
171415 -
171416 - [On 010213 called and reminded again. ref SDS 39 0001
171417 -
171418 - This follows up my letter on 000503, ref DIP 4 0001, reminding Mike to
171419 - schedule a presentation on SDS, per our telecon on 000503, ref SDS 26
171420 - 0001, and follow up voice mail message and letter to Jim Spohrer,
171421 - ref DIP 5 0001 asking him to remind Mike about scheduling a
171422 - presentation.
171423 -
171424 - The letter to Mike proposes a seminar on why KM is an illusory "Killer
171425 - Application," and cites the "Alphabetic Mind" from the record on
171426 - 991108, ref SDS 8 5628, as the target of opportunity which can be
171427 - expanded by KM.
171428 -
171429 - Cite experience at SRI showing people are having difficulty grasping
171430 - KM solutions, based on the record of the meeting at SRI on 000615.
171431 - ref SDS 34 6271
171432 -
171433 - Cite courage of Prometheous to give the light of fire to humanity,
171434 - indicating persistance is needed, from the record on 991108.
171435 - ref SDS 8 7633
171436 - ..
171437 - Explain solution to KM dilemma, ref DIT 1 8010, is religion,
171438 - expained in NWO paper, ref OF 3 4723, and farming which exemplifies
171439 - the paradigm of investing and deferred rewards, explained in the SDS
171440 - scenario, ref OF 2 1755, and citing the record on 950426, ref SDS 1
171441 - 4404, also, on 950428, ref SDS 2 8564, and most recently discussing
171442 - the Garden of Eden theory of executives foraging on endless amounts of
171443 - information, like cows and zebras grazing on vast fields of grass.
171444 - ref SDS 33 5893
171445 -
171446 - Cite Larry Ellison's frustration that wordprocessing and spreadsheets
171447 - are the only big applications, from the professional event on 970222
171448 - in Paris with Bill Gates. ref SDS 5 3967
171449 -
171450 - Technologists, as the saying goes, are...
171451 -
171452 - looking for "love" in all the wrong places...
171453 -
171454 - Pictures, graphics
171455 - Video
171456 - Speech recognition
171457 -
171458 - All of which is akin to grazing in a vast medow of information,
171459 - like a zebra or cow, cited recently as a metaphore for the
171460 - mistakes of seeking to generate more information.
171461 -
171462 - Cite interview by Charlie Rose of Andy Grove asking about the next
171463 - wave of technology, reported on 000513. ref SDS 32 5672
171464 -
171465 - The presentation will explain the cultural side of KM....
171466 -
171467 - Farmers
171468 -
171469 - Accountants
171470 -
171471 - Reporters
171472 -
171473 - the lineaments of a new work discipline.
171474 -
171475 -
171476 -
171477 -
171478 -
171479 -
1715 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"