440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 20, 2000 09:14 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Install MS Project on C11 and C12.
2...MS Project Installation on C12
3...Visio Organization Chart Program Installation
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MS Project, CPU #10, MS W98
CPU #12, MS W2K
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 22 0001.
060602 -
060603 - Installed MS Project for Windows 95 on C11 and C12, using
060604 - instructions from installation for C09.
060605 -
060606 - Supplements work on 000310 when w2k was installed on c11. ref SDS 23
060607 - 0001
060608 -
060609 - Supplements work on 000518 configuring c12. ref SDS 24 0001
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0607 -
0608 -
0609 - Progress
0610 -
061001 - ..
061002 - MS Project Installation on C12
061003 -
061004 - Follow up ref SDS 14 7918, ref SDS 7 3510.
061005 -
061006 - Used the record on 990114 for installation on CPU10, ref SDS 14 7918,
061007 - which used prior record on 981114 installing MS Project on C11 using
061008 - original code on C09, to configure MS Project on C11 and C12 today.
061009 -
061010 - As a result of upgrading the operating system to w2k on 000311, MS
061011 - Project was removed from c11, which was originally installed on
061012 - 981114. ref SDS 7 3510
061013 -
061014 - We have a set of 7 upgrade installation disks for MS Project for
061015 - Windows 95. It requires having a prior version already installed in
061016 - order to install the upgrade. The files for the prior version of MS
061017 - project are not on either c11 or c12, but they are on C09.
061018 -
061019 - I copied the files from C09 in...
061020 -
061021 - i: 00 02 04
061022 -
061023 - C12...
061024 -
061025 - h: 00 02 04
061026 -
061027 - that the MS Project setup program on the installation disks
061028 - would recognize we already have a program installed.
061029 -
061030 - Copied files on the 7 MS Project installation disks to:
061031 -
061032 - g: 00 project disk1, disk2, etc.
061033 -
061034 - The folders need to be named "diskn" where n is the number of each
061035 - succeeding disk.
061036 -
061037 - After copying the installation disks to g: then.....
061038 -
061039 - ..
061040 - Open...
061041 -
061042 - g: 00 MSproject disk1 setup.exe
061043 -
061044 - ...and double click setup.exe.
061045 -
061046 - The program initially asks to designate a folder for shared
061047 - files, and proposes...
061048 -
061049 -
061050 - c: MSOffice
061051 -
061052 -
061053 - Set MSOffice shared files to the folder...
061054 -
061055 -
061056 - h: 00 02 04 msoffice
061057 -
061058 -
061059 - Next, installation asks where to install the program, and I set the
061060 - installation directory to...
061061 -
061062 -
061063 - h: 00 02 04
061064 -
061065 -
061066 - Select Custom option to install all options.
061067 -
061068 - Setup then completely installs MS Project without any further input
061069 - from the user, by making use of the files in each of the folders on
061070 - the g: drive.
061071 -
061072 - After setting up MS Project on C12, used the network to copy program
061073 - files and installation files to C11.
061074 -
061075 -
061076 - c12-h: 00 02 04 to c11-h: 00 02 04
061077 -
061078 -
061079 - ...and...
061080 -
061081 -
061082 - c12-g: 00 MSProject to c11-g: 00 MSProject
061083 -
061084 -
061085 - This is necessary because the installation program initially looks to
061086 - ensure there is already a version of MS Project already installed on
061087 - the system.
061088 -
061089 -
061090 -
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0611 -
Visio, V 4.0 SN: 117 713 042036
0904 -
090401 - ..
090402 - Visio Organization Chart Program Installation
090403 -
090404 - Follow up ref SDS 14 4032, ref SDS 7 8388.
090405 -
090406 - On 000310 changed operating system from w98 to w2k, but did not
090407 - change any configuration for Visio.
090408 -
090409 - The code for this program is already installed on C11 in...
090410 -
090411 - h: 00 15
090412 -
090413 - it is consistent with CPU11. ref SDS 7 8388
090414 -
090415 -
090416 - Today, I copied the CD installation files to....
090417 -
090418 -
090419 - c12-g: 00 Visio
090420 -
090421 -
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