440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 19, 2000 10:51 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Sandy called to get biographies for Morris and I.
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0201 - CoreTalk Corporation 408 867 1100
020101 - Mr. Sanford B. Klausner
020102 - Founder and Founder =408 867 1100
020103 -
Alliances, Klausner, Sandy, 000608
Biography Rod, Morris, Request Sandy Klausner
Morris' Biography
Welch Background Leading to SDS, POIMS, Communication Metrics
1007 - ..
1008 - Summary/Objective
1009 -
100901 - Follow up ref SDS 37 0000, ref SDS 36 0000.
100902 -
100903 - Sandy advised he has called and left a message for Morris, per my
100904 - letter ref DIP 2 0001 to Sandy last night, ref SDS 37 5251, letting
100905 - him know Morris' office number, and suggesting he call Morris today.
100906 -
100907 - Sandy requested a bio on me and for Morris.
100908 -
100909 - I will send him something on me.
100910 -
100911 - There is some biography in the record on Morris, but advised Sandy to
100912 - discuss release of any material on Morris when he talks to him later
100913 - today.
100914 -
100915 - My biography is at...
100916 -
100917 - 1. On 990902. ref SDS 13 0001
100918 -
100919 - 2.
100920 -
100921 -
100922 - Explanation of SDS improving literacy is in the record on 930728.
100923 - ref SDS 2 5987
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1010 -
1011 -
1012 - 1858 Sandy called back
1013 -
101301 - Sandy left a message to call him back, and to call on his cell phone
101302 - if he does not answer at the office number.
101303 -
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1014 -
1015 -
1016 - 2016 called back
1017 -
101701 - Sandy talked to Morris. They are meeting tomorrow evening at Sandy's
101702 - office and/or home to review CoreTalk technologies, and Sandy's
101703 - business ideas.
101704 -
101705 - [On 000621 Sandy had a good meeting with Morris. ref SDS 38 0001
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"