440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 1, 2000 09:48 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Letter from Eric on POIMS and meeting at Intel on 000517.
2...Common Practice File Documents on Backseat of Car Hampers Discovery
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KM Vision Meeting at Intel 000517
Accuracy, SDS Records Inaccurate
Tape Recording Meetings to Evaluate SDS Accuracy
Accurate Complete Notes Can be Prepared without a Transcript
Accurate Records SDS Better Than Tape Recording
Armstrong, SDS Supports Accurate Thorough Record of Discussion on Mee
2608 -
2608 - ..
2609 - Summary/Objective
2610 -
261001 - Follow up ref SDS 23 0000, ref SDS 18 0000.
261002 -
261003 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Eric responding to my letter, ref DIP 2
261004 - 0001 on 000531, ref SDS 23 0001, submitting the record for the meeting
261005 - at Intel on 000517. ref SDS 18 0001
261007 - ..
261008 - Eric asks if the meeting was tape recorded, and how the detail on the
261009 - meeting was developed in the absence of a recording? ref DRT 1 0001
261010 -
261011 - This seems to reflect the record was reasonably accurate, and so
261012 - helps people remember accurately if the record is readily
261013 - available, as in the SDS Knowledge Space methodology.
261015 - ..
261016 - In another record today, Eric proposes adding requirements for
261017 - alignment, based on SDS design set out in POIMS. ref SDS 24 4997
261018 -
261019 - [On 010913 Eric recongized SDS ability to link related events
261020 - adds value to historical record. ref SDS 26 1U3O
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261022 - [On 010916 Eric amazed by SDS support for memory with
261023 - mechanisms that obviously work; would like better interface.
261024 - ref SDS 27 0001
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261028 - ..
261029 - Common Practice File Documents on Backseat of Car Hampers Discovery
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261031 - Eric responds to a request in the letter, ref DIP 2 3942, on 000531,
261032 - ref SDS 23 0001, for comments on POIMS, which he related having
261033 - prepared, during a meeting at Intel on 000517. ref SDS 18 7482 Today
261034 - Eric reports he cannot find the POIMS paper (may be on the backseat of
261035 - his car). Eric offers to read his comments out loud at the next DKR
261036 - meeting at SRI. He does not have enough time for submitting legible
261037 - analysis anytime soon. ref DRT 1 0150
261039 - ..
261040 - Eric's problem today aligns with a report on 960406 that people cannot
261041 - find anything. ref SDS 4 4249 If people can't find key information,
261042 - that explains why there is no time for analysis.
261043 -
261044 - [On 000824 Eric hates using archives. ref SDS 25 7O9I
261045 -
261046 - [On 010916 Eric discouraged that nobody can find anything in the
261047 - archives. ref SDS 28 KA6H
261049 - ..
261050 - [On 010916 Eric reports SDS enables amazing memory using methods
261051 - that obviously work for finding everything. ref SDS 27 0001
261053 - ..
261054 - [On 011003 Eric reports information overload paralyzes
261055 - productivity because people cannot finding anything.
261057 - ..
261058 - [On 030111 Eric lost the OHS/DKR specification. ref SDS 29 YN71
261060 - ..
261061 - [On 070729 Everything is Miscellaneous book explains hard work
261062 - organizing the record causes people to store documents in stacks
261063 - on desks, the floor, in cabinets, coffee table, anywhere handy,
261064 - including the backseat of the car. ref SDS 30 IG9F
261066 - ..
261067 - Sent ref DIT 1 0001 citing the Knowledge Space explained in POIMS is
261068 - designed to reduce the incidence of papers getting lost and misplaced.
261069 - ref OF 2 1107
261070 -
261071 - May help address Morris question about benefit of SDS, which he
261072 - asked about on 000517. ref SDS 18 5964
261074 - ..
261075 - Cited Eric's ideas about improving SDS and POIMS in his letter to the
261076 - DKR team on 000405. ref SDS 7 4823
261078 - ..
261079 - Answered Eric's question about how clear, concise and complete record
261080 - can be created of a meeting without a tape recording, based on SDS
261081 - firepower explained in the record on 950204. ref SDS 3 4995
261083 - ..
261084 - Linked to explanation on 900303 about people think through stories.
261085 - ref SDS 2 3016
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