440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 1, 2000 06:20 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Glossary for DKR project submitted bv Bill Bearden.
............Knowledge Definition
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0201 - Bootstrap Institute O-00000735 0101
020101 - Mr. Douglas C. Engelbart, Ph.D. O-00000735 0101
Glossary, Engelbart, Doug, 000518
Attribution, Credit, Linking to Original Sources
Attribute Credit Contributions, Link to Original Sources
0905 -
0905 - ..
0906 - Summary/Objective
0907 -
090701 - Follow up ref SDS 41 2808, ref SDS 36 2808.
090702 -
090703 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Bill Bearden submitting an initial
090704 - glossary for the DKR, requested by Doug Engelbart at the meeting on
090705 - 000518, as reported in the SDS record. ref SDS 41 3286
090706 -
090707 - This action aligns with objective to use SDS for managing daily
090708 - work, reported at the meeting with Intel on 000517. ref SDS 40 7227
090710 - ..
090711 - Earlier today Joe Williams reported during project meeting at SRI
090712 - that work is underway on glossary; Doug Engelbart provided
090713 - guidance. ref SDS 47 5783
090714 -
090715 - [On 000604 sent letter to Morris citing the example in this
090716 - record. ref SDS 49 1564
090718 - ..
090719 - Some of the terms in the glossary need to be part of Eric's specs, and
090720 - the whole thing needs to be part of the architecture, per the record
090721 - on 000505. ref SDS 32 2356
090723 - ..
090724 - Sent a letter, ref DIT 1 0001, to Bill and the DKR team commending
090725 - Bill's inititive in starting this big job.
090727 - ..
090728 - Suggested....
090729 -
090730 - 1. Add links to sources for attribution in Glossary.
090731 -
090732 - 2. Provide examples to illustrate meanings in Glossary.
090733 -
090734 - 3. DKR needs more explanation.
090736 - ..
090737 - Actually everything in the list needs more work, but at least it is a
090738 - start. In particular, Bill sets out a definition of knowledge...
090739 -
090740 - Knowledge Definition
090741 -
090742 - Information, interpreted over time, that yields cause and
090743 - effect guidelines for future events. For example, "In this
090744 - area, a 5 degree increase in average temperature causes a
090745 - 10% decrease in corn yields." ref DRT 1 1242,
090747 - ..
090748 - This starts work on issue in the the meeting agenda list submitted to
090749 - Eugene on 000531, ref SDS 45 5460, and action item cited by Doug on
090750 - 000518. ref SDS 41 3286
090752 - ..
090753 - So, this is a big start on KM by getting people to grow their
090754 - knowledge based on their work by relying on the record.
090755 -
090756 - [On 000602 Eugene Kim adds action items for completing glossary.
090757 - ref SDS 48 0001
090758 -
090759 - [...Bill Bearden responds to Welch letter, including action item
090760 - on attribution. ref SDS 48 4148
090761 -
090762 -
090763 -
090764 -
090765 -
090766 -
090767 -
090768 -
090769 -
090770 -
090771 -
090772 -
0908 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"