440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 15, 2000 04:58 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Pac Bell server for DSL Internet access failed.
2...DSL Capaciters Need to Be Reset Periodically for 2 Minutes
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0201 - Pacific Bell 510 901 9094 fax 806 0729
020101 - Ms. Evelyn Bannon; Technical Advisor =213 339 4736
020102 -
020103 - DSL Help Desk =800 221 4736
System down, 000513
System down Capaciters Reset, 000515
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Suddenly we are not getting access again to anything through the Pac
050604 - Bell DSL line.
050605 -
050606 - Was able to use, indicating the email system is okay.
050607 -
050608 - Called Pac Bell DSL support.
050609 -
050610 - Phone rang about 30 times.
050611 -
050612 - Talked to Mary Ann Jarvis,
050613 -
050614 - She said her specialty is ISDN, rather than DSL, and indicated we may
050615 - have been transferred to her because DSL is very busy.
050616 -
050617 - She said there is another number for DSL help...
050618 -
050619 -
050620 - Call Pacific Bell Internet. 800 708 4638
050621 -
050622 -
050623 - Mary Ann tried to transfer my call, but could not get through to the
050624 - DSL people.
050625 -
050626 - She offered to try and trouble shoot the problem.
050627 -
050628 - I asked how we can check status of the server?
050629 -
050630 - Mary Ann advised that system status is at...
050631 -
050632 -
050633 -
050634 -
050635 -
050636 - I tried the url address, and got a message saying it does not exist,
050637 - indicating I wrote it down incorrectly. Mary Ann send an email with
050638 - the correct address.
050639 -
050640 - Logged on using Attglobal dial up.
050641 -
050642 - Pac Bell reports DSL status is normal.
050643 -
050644 - Logged off.
050645 -
050646 - Mary Ann suggested checking the three green lights on the modem.
050647 -
050648 - Green lights on modem are all on.
050649 -
050650 -
050651 -
050652 - ..
050653 - DSL Capaciters Need to Be Reset Periodically for 2 Minutes
050654 -
050655 - Marry Ann said the gradual drop in the transmission rate, and
050656 - eventuall lack of access, per above, ref SDS 0 0001, is likely caused
050657 - by capaciters overloading.
050658 -
050659 - She suggested two levels of service...
050660 -
050661 - 1. Boot the computer to reset capaciters.
050662 -
050663 - 2. Shut down the computer, and power down the router (modem) by
050664 - unplugging the power cable. Wait for about 2 minute, then
050665 - restore the power to the router and power up the computer.
050666 -
050667 - While we talked, I booted the computer.
050668 -
050669 - When it came up, service is restored.
050670 -
050671 - Mary Ann advised that these service steps are disclosed when customers
050672 - call Pac Bell for technical support, as part of instructions on which
050673 - buttons to press.
050674 -
050675 - However, as shown in the record on 000401, Pac Bell did not disclose,
050676 - in entering the agreement, that its service required stopping work and
050677 - shutting down the computer for two minutes in order to clear
050678 - capaciters as a requirement for for Pac Bell to deliver promised high
050679 - speed DSL access on the Internet. ref SDS 1 4096 In the case of
050680 - Windows 2000 that takes about 2 minutes to boot, the loss of time is
050681 - actually closer to 5 minutes.
050682 -
050683 - This solution seems to address another problem.
050684 -
050685 - After we use DSL for a few hours, the next time we shut down and
050686 - restart the computer, the DSL application for NTS Enternet 300 takes
050687 - up to a minute or so, before it appears on the screen and we are able
050688 - to use the DSL service. This is a significant delay in productivity.
050689 -
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050693 -
050694 -
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0507 -
0508 -
0509 - 1837 called back DSL support 800 708 4638
0510 -
051001 - Talked to Jeromy.
051002 -
051003 - Asked for help with the EnterNet 300 window that is opened when the
051004 - system boots up.
051005 -
051006 - He suggested checking Connections in the Enternet 300 program, which
051007 - is opened by....
051008 -
051009 - Start
051010 - Programs
051011 - NTS Enternet 300
051012 - Enternet 300
051013 -
051014 - This opens the log on window.
051015 -
051016 - At top of window open menu for...
051017 -
051018 - Connections
051019 - Settings
051020 -
051021 -
051022 - The first choice is for...
051023 -
051024 - Launch Client at Windows Startup
051025 -
051026 -
051027 - Since this setting is not selected, Jeromy does not know
051028 - why the the NTS program window is opened when we boot the
051029 - computer.
051030 -
051031 -
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051038 -
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051040 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"