440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 9, 2000 09:32 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Call Mike Wirth about presentation at IBM ARC.
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0201 - IBM Almaden Research Center 408 927 1898
020101 - Mr. Michael C. Wirth, Ph.D.; Manager USR Software =408 927 1898
020102 -
020103 - ser Systems Ergonomics Research
0202 - IBM Almaden Research Center 408 927 1898
020201 - Mr. Jim Spohrer, Ph.D.; 408 927 xxxx
020202 -
020203 - User Systems Ergonomics Research
Sponsor/Stakeholder Planning
IBM, SDS Trial with OS2 in Boca
Alliances on Development
Killer App, What Testing, Study to Discover Useful Technology
Killer Application = Entertainment + Useful
IBM Almaden Research Center
Wirth, Mike Letter on SDS Presentation to IBM Mentions Jim's Ideas on
SDS Presentation to IBM Almaden Research Center, Planning
1410 - ..
1411 - Summary/Objective
1412 -
141201 - Follow up ref SDS 23 0000, ref SDS 20 0000.
141202 -
141203 - Left message for Mike reminding per his request that I sent him a
141204 - letter on 000503, ref DIP 4 0001, reminding him to schedule a
141205 - presentation on SDS for the Thursday lunch events, per our telecon on
141206 - 000503.
141207 -
141208 - [On 000624 received letter from Mike, and sent a response with
141209 - subject and abstract of my talk. ref SDS 27 0001
141210 -
141211 - Also called the number Mike has on his voice mail...
141212 -
141213 -
141214 - 408 927 3252
141215 -
141216 -
141217 - reach Jim Spohrer, who is cited in the letter to Mike based on
141218 - Jim's comments about online books, reported on 000503. ref SDS 22 5073
141219 - ..
141220 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Jim linked to the discussion with
141221 - Mike on 000503, ref SDS 22 2856, asking him to remind Mike about
141222 - scheduling a presentation.
141223 -
141224 - [On 000624 received letter from Mike and sent a response with
141225 - subject and abstract of my talk. ref SDS 27 0001
141226 -
141227 -
141228 -
141229 -
1413 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"