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1...Need explanation for cognitive model...
2...How is context frame established for linking common
3...What is "semantic knowledge" relative to ordinary
0201 - CoreTalk Corporation O-00000760 0101
020101 - Mr. Sanford B. Klausner O-00000760 0101
020102 - Founder and CEO
Purpose DKR
AI Has Not Succeeded in Augmenting Daily Work
AI Cannot Think No Biological Drives
Thinking, Reasoning, Automated
Computational Linguistics
Industry Doesn't Know How to Design KM
AI Computer Science Cognitive Science
Atomic Data Structures Knowledge Representation
AI Relational, Mathematical, Logical Operations
Atomic Data Structure Secret Knowledge Management
AI Process Information Patterns Generate Knowledge Management
CoreTalk, Sandy Klausner, 000424
Knowledge Requires Experience, Accuracy from Continual Refinement
Core Capability KM Not Understood, Eric Armstrong
XML Problems
Atomic Data Strucutes Support KM
KM 2 Groups Orality and Tools TQM Project Management Human Systems, a
AI Black Box Engine Mechanized Knowledge False Dangerous Idea 2 Group
AI Moved to KM Use Software Build Web Pages for Collaboration Ontolog
2921 -
2921 - ..
2922 - Summary/Objective
2923 -
292301 - Follow up ref SDS 24 4933, ref SDS 23 4933,
292302 -
292303 -
292304 -
292305 -
292307 - ..
2924 -
2925 -
2926 - Progress
292701 - ..
292702 - AI Pattern Matching May Support DKR Atomic Data Structures
292703 -
292704 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Sandy Klausner, CIO Cubicon Technologies
292705 - Corporation, responding to my letter, ref DIP 1 0001, submitted
292706 - yesterday, ref SDS 24 1521, asking Eric how atomic data structures
292707 - proposed in his letter, ref DRP 2 0001, support the purpose of the DKR
292708 - project to augment human intelligence, which he proposed in response
292709 - to recommendation by Debra England at the project meeting on 000420?
292710 - ref SDS 21 2808
292711 -
292712 - // [On 000608 Sandy called. ref SDS 36 7029
292713 - // <KN4G
292714 - Sandy explains AI ideas (computational linguistics) on hypertext,
292715 - ref SDS 0 4212, but offers no examples, work product nor scenarios
292716 - showing how handling daily working information is improved, cited
292717 - on 000327, as the purpose of Knowledge Management. ref SDS 18 3971
292718 - Neither is an explanation given on the distinction between
292719 - information and knowledge, such that there is no evident cost
292720 - benefit or value added to existing practice by the methods Sandy
292721 - suggests today, which is not to say there are none, but just that
292722 - it helps to see work product, cost studies, and/or comment on the
292723 - issue.
292724 -
292725 - [On 000517 distinction between information, knowledge reviewed
292726 - at Intel. ref SDS 34 0785
292728 - ..
292729 - [On 000624 met with Sandy and examined a powerful new
292730 - architecture that improves software programming. ref SDS 37
292731 - 0001 Did not see KM support for atomic data structures.
292732 - ref SDS 37 TK6F
292734 - ..
292735 - [On 001017 Sandy attends DKR meeting at SRI and asks about OHS
292736 - architecture. ref SDS 42 5555
292738 - ..
292739 - [On 010321 POIMS explains two branches of KM. ref SDS 53 0001
292741 - ..
292742 - The original letter to Eric asks...
292743 -
292744 - 1. For a mock up and/or scenario of how capability supported by
292745 - atomic data structures reviewed on 000423, ref SDS 24 4977, can
292746 - be used to perform daily work, like write code, conduct a
292747 - meeting, make a phone call, read a book, design a computer
292748 - chip, fix the car, go to the dentist, the normal activity
292749 - people use "intelligence" to support in generating knowledge
292750 - about the world. ref DIP 1 0306
292752 - ..
292753 - 2. Do requirements for atomic data structures, ref SDS 24 4977,
292754 - suggest that augmenting "intelligence," cited as the purpose of
292755 - the DKR, ref SDS 24 5933, provides an underlying capability
292756 - that helps everyone do almost anything a little better, rather
292757 - than simply improve the email system?
292758 - ..
292759 - Sandy says...
292760 -
292761 - The DKR team has identified two distinct levels of information
292762 - abstraction that require development to achieve the group's
292763 - goals...
292764 - ..
292765 - 1. Cognitive model based upon deterministic behavior that
292766 - can machine execute. This technology model could be used as
292767 - a foundation to design and implement "An interactive tool
292768 - for discussion and *deliberation* that records decisions and
292769 - their rationales in a way that allows the knowledge gained
292770 - in the process to be applied to future projects."
292771 - ref DRT 1 1406
292772 - //
292773 - [On 000608 Sandy's planning seems to include this as
292774 - // part of an XML engine. ref SDS 36 1482
292776 - ..
292777 - Need explanation for cognitive model...
292778 -
292779 - ...based upon deterministic behavior...
292780 -
292781 - a. Where is this set out in the record as a goal of the
292782 - project?
292784 - ..
292785 - b. Provide example of instructions a machine will
292786 - execute, and give examples of behavior that might be
292787 - augmented to improve productivity, or solve a
292788 - problem that occurs in daily life?
292790 - ..
292791 - c. Explain how the "cognitive model" would address these
292792 - questions (i.e., a, b., c., herein)?
292794 - ..
292795 - Interactive tool for discussion and deliberation that
292796 - records decisions and their rationales --
292797 -
292798 - a. Where is this set out in the record?
292799 -
292800 - b. What is meant by interactive, a keyboard, video,
292801 - voice recorder?
292803 - ..
292804 - c. How are decisions identified, and distinguished from
292805 - other information, e.g., rationale?
292807 - ..
292808 - d. How is the record created; who does this work; and
292809 - who checks the work for accuracy; what controls which
292810 - decisions get record, and which and how much of any
292811 - rationale is recorded?
292813 - ..
292814 - Allows the knowledge gained in the process to be applied
292815 - to future projects."
292816 -
292817 - a. What makes the stuff recorded "knowledge" rather than
292818 - information, i.e., what is the process that adds
292819 - value to information.
292821 - ..
292822 - b. What is the process for applying recorded stuff to a
292823 - future project? Stated another way, how is relevant
292824 - history discovered in the record when needed to
292825 - support current activity?
292827 - ..
292828 - Can you use a prototype of the system to answer
292829 - questions in this record; or explain a use case of
292830 - how the DKR when complete would do that?
292831 -
292832 - ..
292833 - 2. Robust traverse, edit, read, and write untyped text.
292834 - ref DRT 1 5698
292835 -
292836 - What is untyped text? Handwriting, voice, video?
292837 -
292838 - Provide an example of advantage this has over doing the
292839 - same thing for typed text?
292840 - ..
292841 - 3. Determine semantics in symbolic patterns and link to
292842 - other passages in the web. This text may be linked to typed
292843 - atomic data that may itself be composed into typed molecular
292844 - data representing pictures, sounds, and other rich
292845 - multimedia information. All this information may itself
292846 - exist as part of a data structure within a domain object
292847 - within a system. ref DRT 1 8051
292848 -
292849 - a. How is context frame established for linking common
292850 - patterns? It is a desirable goal cited for review
292851 - with LANL on 000331, as a secondary objective of KM
292852 - because it is unproven. ref SDS 19 5711
292854 - ..
292855 - [On 000428 may pursue this with LANL. ref SDS 29 5358
292857 - ..
292858 - [On 000503 Jack wants to pursue it. ref SDS 30 6860
292860 - ..
292861 - [On 001220 Gary Johnson proposed developing
292862 - requirements for DKR that can represent addressable
292863 - atoms of information. ref SDS 50 TQ4H
292864 -
292865 - b. What is a "pattern" - 2 words, 5, 1000; how do
292866 - mistakes in spelling impact computational linguistics
292867 - for pattern matching, discussed in the record on,
292868 - 991213? ref SDS 12 3234 How do omitted words inferred
292869 - by near term context get incorporated into the
292870 - pattern matching process?
292872 - ..
292873 - c. What is relationship between this typed stuff and the
292874 - untyped stuff that is edited, per above. ref SDS 0
292875 - 2891
292877 - ..
292878 - d. Provide an example of how this would be used to bake
292879 - a cake, or fix a loose bolt on the space shuttle
292880 - orbiting earth. Can it solve the email problem that
292881 - likely caused the space probe to bump into Mars,
292882 - reported on 991001? ref SDS 11 3077
292883 - ..
292884 - 4. SMGL markup documents capture semantic knowledge embedded in
292885 - strings. Clear document model separates concerns by parsing
292886 - clear text from markup information, into a collection of
292887 - linked character nodes. Processors maintain position and
292888 - range links into the clear text collection. Processors
292889 - analyze and hold format, organization, navigation,
292890 - narrative, reference, graphic control, publication, and
292891 - filters. Clear text editing maintains processor links into
292892 - the clear text collection. Such a model would be able to
292893 - manage the requirements for a robust DKR environment.
292894 - ref DRT 1 2280
292896 - ..
292897 - [On 001123 Sandy working on Clear Text to solve
292898 - problems of XML and SMGL. ref SDS 46 4N6H
292899 -
292900 - a. What is "semantic knowledge" relative to ordinary
292901 - knowledge? Need a couple of examples.
292902 -
292903 - b. What concerns of a DKR are separated by parsing?
292905 - ..
292906 - c. What specific DKR requirements are addressed by the
292907 - SGML capability?
292908 -
292909 - a. Need examples of how, what admittedly is powerful
292910 - capability, would be applied to common "knowledge"
292911 - tasks, per Doug's explanation of KM in the record on
292912 - 000327. ref SDS 18 3971
292914 - ..
292915 - Diagram or explain a set of parsed text, and set out
292916 - steps in your process to augment human intelligence.
292918 - ..
292919 - What is the distinction between clear text, text and
292920 - unclear text?
292922 - ..
292923 - b. SMGL's long history should have numerous examples
292924 - showing steps and work product for evaluating utility
292925 - and improvement of daily knowledge work. Where are
292926 - the examples?
292927 -
292928 -
292929 -
292930 -
2930 -
Purpose DKR
Use Case Method Define Requirement, 000324
Atomic Data Structures, 000423
Use Case Software Program, 000424
Software Programming Program Initial Product, 000406
4007 -
400801 - ..
400802 - Use Cases Correlate OHS Functions with Daily Work Needs
400803 -
400804 - Follow up ref SDS 24 4933, ref SDS 23 4933.
400805 -
400806 - Received ref DRT 4 0001 from Eric Armstrong responding to my letter,
400807 - ref DIP 1 0001, submitted on 000423, ref SDS 24 1521, asking for
400808 - examples of how design requirements for XML editor will improve
400809 - handling of daily working information.
400811 - ..
400812 - Eric says use case analysis will show that later. ref DRT 4 7600
400814 - ..
400815 - Responding to a 2nd question in my letter...
400816 -
400817 - Do requirements for atomic data structures, ref SDS 24 4977,
400818 - suggest that augmenting "intelligence," cited as the purpose of
400819 - the DKR, ref SDS 24 5933, provides an underlying capability that
400820 - helps everyone do almost anything a little better, rather than
400821 - simply improve the email system? ref DIP 1 5955
400822 - ..
400823 - ...Eric says...
400824 -
400825 - Yes. We're focusing on improving "natural language interactions",
400826 - at least those taking place in context of a deliberation. As such,
400827 - the end result is liable to be useful for a wide variety of
400828 - pursuits. The immediate goal, though, is to make *SURE* it is a
400829 - totally awesome, undeniable useful tool for software engineering
400830 - -- so much so that it becomes impossible to see how you could work
400831 - without it... ref DRT 4 1960
400832 -
400833 - ...which confirms initial objective is for DKR project to produce a
400834 - software programming program, per question yesterday. ref SDS 24 1521
400835 -
400836 - [On 000427 use case planning guide for software development
400837 - submitted by Lee Iverson, does not seem to have any use cases
400838 - for improving software programming. ref SDS 27 1462
400840 - ..
400841 - [On 000504 Eugene Kim notices DKR project aims to initially
400842 - produce a program to improve software programming. ref SDS 31
400843 - 5850
400845 - ..
400846 - [On 000516 Eugene Kim submits use cases for software
400847 - development. ref SDS 33 4393
400849 - ..
400850 - This confirms planning on 000406 about producing a program for
400851 - software programming. ref SDS 20 5078
400852 - ..
400853 - What is a "deliberation"?
400855 - ..
400856 - Doesn't all activity entail deliberation, using "intelligence"
400857 - planned to augment in Eric's letter on 000423, ref SDS 24
400858 - 5933, and it is just a matter of scale? see POIMS, ref OF 1
400859 - 1104, and Doug on 991222. ref SDS 13 1596
400860 - ..
400861 - What has been speced so far that is specific to software
400862 - engineering, as opposed to automobile, biotech, or sanitary
400863 - engineering?
400864 - ..
400865 - Need scenario or case study showing peculiar tasks for
400866 - softwaring engineering that will be enhanced by the OHS?
400867 -
400868 - For example, the record on 990530 provides KM support for
400869 - writing some code, certainly not as complex as needed for
400870 - the DKR, but the process is evident. ref SDS 9 0001
400871 -
400872 - On 990524 asked Intel about using this method for software
400873 - and chip design, since reports showed Intel is having
400874 - problem getting things done on time. ref SDS 7 0876
400876 - ..
400877 - On 990525 Intel reports engineers don't like to write, so a
400878 - KM tool is not helpful, as with the alure of email, they
400879 - want to rush ahead and start doing something, without the
400880 - front end investment of KM. ref SDS 8 0966
400882 - ..
400883 - This all goes to the market penetration issue Eric
400884 - discussed on 000227. ref SDS 16 1248
400885 - ..
400886 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Eric and the DKR team, responding to
400887 - Eric's letter, ref DRT 4 0001, saying use case analysis will explain
400888 - how the design requirements will accomplish DKR objectives, per above.
400889 - ref SDS 0 0005
400890 -
400891 - Note that use case work so far has been remote and esoteric,
400892 - ref DIT 1 1794, citing explanations by others, for example,
400893 - Sandy's comments above promoting AI and SGML, ref SDS 0 0002,
400894 - which does not explain how Doug's vision of KM set out in the
400895 - record on 000327 will be done faster, better, cheaper. ref SDS 18
400896 - 3971
400898 - ..
400899 - Provide link to work with Pac Bell today, on installing DSL,
400900 - ref SDS 25 0001, to show example of actual daily working
400901 - information, so people can see the level of effort and character
400902 - of work that needs to be improved by DKR.
400903 -
400904 - [On 000504 Eugene Kim explains how technology can improve
400905 - productivity of specific kinds of daily KM tasks. ref SDS 31
400906 - 0784
400908 - ..
400909 - [...Eugene gives particular examples of using an editor to
400910 - perform daily tasks. ref SDS 31 6205
400911 -
400912 -
400913 -
400914 -
400915 -
4010 -
Purpose DKR Project, 000424
Document Management
OHS Open Hyperdocument System
Document Management Systems
Linking Dynamic Time Subject Management SDS Innovation
Augment, Doug Engelbart's Tools at SRI in 1960s
Augment Reasoning by Technology
30 Seconds Tell Me What I Need to Know, Path to Murphy's Law
Listening Communication Metric of Understanding Alignment
Feel Good Management Defers Exposure of Constant Error
Productivity IT Sector Poor Do Something Even If Wrong Open Source Em
Requirements Needed Before Comitting to Methodology
Historical Archive Guides Current Work
6115 -
611601 - ..
611602 - DKR Project Building OHS to Manage Documents Per Doug's Vision
611603 - Listening Key Communication Metric; Requires Alignment with Record
611604 -
611605 - Received ref DRT 2 0001 from Adam Cheyer responding to Debra England's
611606 - suggestion at the meeting on 000420 for the team to write up an
611607 - explanation on the purpose of the project, i.e., what is the project
611608 - building? ref SDS 21 2808
611610 - ..
611611 - Adam proposes...
611612 -
611613 - We are building an "Open Hyperdoc System", an open-source
611614 - framework for the distributed management and interconnection
611615 - of documents (using the "large" definition of documents as a
611616 - representation of any computer-represented media), under the
611617 - guidance and following the vision of Doug Engelbart,
611618 - incorporating where possible "modern" Internet standards and
611619 - technologies. ref DRT 2 0001
611620 -
611621 - [On 000602 Eugene Kim entered Adam's explanation on
611622 - Eugene's web site, but there is no link to the original
611623 - source. ref SDS 35 2394
611625 - ..
611626 - [...Pat Lincoln needs summary of project objective so SRI
611627 - can seek government funding. ref SDS 35 5862
611629 - ..
611630 - This aligns with Doug's letter launching project team meetings on
611631 - 000322, ref DRP 1 3645, and with the record of the meeting on
611632 - 000324. ref SDS 17 5880 It seems more expansive than Eric
611633 - Armstrong's idea on 000120 for improving email, ref SDS 14 3871,
611634 - re-stated recently on 000423. ref SDS 24 5943 But it is narrower
611635 - than Eric's submission on 000421, stating...
611636 -
611637 - "An interactive tool for discussion and deliberation that
611638 - records the decisions and their rationales in way that allows
611639 - the knowledge gained in the process to be applied to future
611640 - projects. ref SDS 22 5933
611641 -
611642 - ...because discussion in meetings and calls, and deliberation
611643 - extend beyond the relm of "documents." Not all decisions are
611644 - documented, and most rationales for decisions are derived from
611645 - experience, rather than from documents. Most human knowledge is
611646 - experienced based, rather recorded in documents, from review of AI
611647 - on 900301. ref SDS 3 3002
611648 - ..
611649 - Adam further notes...
611650 -
611651 - ...Doug's name should appear in the "mission statement", and
611652 - that the high-priority purpose of our group is to follow his
611653 - lead and vision, since he is the one who brought us together.
611654 - Are we listening closely enough to Doug's experience and
611655 - wishes? ref DRT 2 5390
611657 - ..
611658 - As well, Jack Park says in a letter today...
611659 -
611660 - Doug has written a lot and spoken widely on his vision for this
611661 - project and we should pay closer attention to his words.
611662 - ref DRT 3 2368
611663 -
611664 - [On 000505 cite Adam and Jack on listening to Doug in
611665 - developing spec for OHS, DKR. ref SDS 32 1770
611667 - ..
611668 - [On 001025 Doug requested links into OHS Launch Plan to use
611669 - anchors that facilitate analysis based on context. ref SDS 43
611670 - 00VU
611672 - ..
611673 - [On 001028 reviewed Doug's request with Jack. ref SDS 44 O66I
611674 - ..
611675 - Eric Armstrong responds to Adam's view about following Doug's vision,
611676 - noting that...
611677 -
611678 - Design starts with user problem to solve. We are not building
611679 - "everything; we need to focuse on what we are going to build.
611680 - ref DRT 5 2108
611682 - ..
611683 - 30 Seconds, 25 Words Follow Elevator Presentation to Save World
611684 - Funding Requires Focus on Clear Objectives, Easy to Explain
611685 -
611686 - Follow up ref SDS 24 5735.
611687 -
611688 - Focus critical to obtain funding. If you can't define it in 30
611689 - seconds or less, and explain why someone cares in under 2 minutes,
611690 - you have already lost the "sale", whether to a customer or to a
611691 - potential funder. ref DRT 5 0798
611692 -
611693 - On 000423 Eric provides a powerful "elevator" summary of KM,
611694 - and competent 30 second sound bite. ref SDS 24 5933 However,
611695 - Eric's detailed explanation that calls for improving email,
611696 - ref SDS 24 5943, seems wholly unrelated to his powerful
611697 - "elevator" summary.
611699 - ..
611700 - On 990817 developed need for focus beyond 30 seconds and 2
611701 - minutes to avoid continual bumbling, failure, loss and
611702 - conflict. ref SDS 10 6831
611703 - ..
611704 - Adam's summary assumes understanding of "Open Hyperdocument
611705 - System". Eric asks what is that? What does it do, and how does
611706 - it make the user better off than they are without it?
611707 -
611708 - [On 000426 Jack Park asks same question about DKR? ref SDS 26
611709 - 4940
611710 -
611711 - [On 000427 Lee Iverson proposes WebLog support tools that
611712 - evidently have been recognized by investor market. ref SDS 28
611713 - 5985
611715 - ..
611716 - We can't assume anyone has ever heard of it, so we have explain
611717 - tasks and results in language others have heard. ref DRT 5 1160
611718 -
611719 - On 931008 developed 30 second sound bites for SDS. ref SDS 4
611720 - 9995
611721 -
611722 - On 950427 reason for 30 second bites developed. ref SDS 5
611723 - 0740
611725 - ..
611726 - On 990817 sound bites don't move civilization forward, but
611727 - they may get some funding to try. ref SDS 10 5877
611728 - ..
611729 - Eric further notes that...
611730 -
611731 - Committing to a methodology before explicitly detailing the goals
611732 - is almost uniformly a disaster, and characterizes the choice as to
611733 - play follow the leader, or do the work that ensures we build the
611734 - right thing. ref DRT 5 2244
611735 -
611736 - [On 000831 Paul Fernhout proposed Termite production to
611737 - expedite progress from synergy of independent engineering
611738 - guided by personal objectives, rather a master design.
611739 - ref SDS 39 0001
611741 - ..
611742 - [On 001012 open source advocates experience pressures to take
611743 - action, even if in wrong direction, ref SDS 40 B4P2, under
611744 - theory that empowering people to do what they want yields
611745 - synergy that ultimately leads to success. ref SDS 40 PT5M
611747 - ..
611748 - [On 001017 Eric developing source code and explanations so the
611749 - architecture will make sense. ref SDS 41 IO6J
611751 - ..
611752 - [...same day, SRI announces OHS architecture will be determined
611753 - by new core team under funding by NIH who will audit progress.
611754 - ref SDS 42 4877
611756 - ..
611757 - [On 001127 Eric notes again the need to figure out requirements
611758 - for OHS before starting to design and code. ref SDS 47 0001
611759 -
611761 - ..
611762 - Organizational Memory, Lessons Learned Expedites Progress
611763 -
611764 - Follow up ref SDS 24 5933, ref SDS 22 5933.
611765 -
611766 - Eric proposes...
611767 -
611768 - Following a design process that may retread ground Doug has
611769 - already covered -- but the point of what we are building is to
611770 - capture such investigations in such a way that we *could* profit
611771 - by them, had they been preserved. ref DRT 5 2346
611772 -
611773 - [On 001105 Henry van Eykan is working on project to preserve
611774 - Doug's documents. ref SDS 45 8621
611776 - ..
611777 - On 000212 Eric proposed innovation to move beyond documents,
611778 - and to create an environment for capturing the record.
611779 - ref SDS 15 4292 and ref SDS 15 1682
611781 - ..
611782 - On 000227 Eric proposed a record connected to relevant history
611783 - would improve productivity, save time and encourage widespread
611784 - use of DKR capability. ref SDS 16 1248
611786 - ..
611787 - On 000421 analysis of Eric's letter shows support for case
611788 - studies and lessons learned, ref SDS 22 0832, restated
611789 - yesterday, ref SDS 24 5933, that reflect POIMS process of
611790 - investing intellectual capital, ref OF 1 6649, and thereon
611791 - supports Eric's summary explanation for the purpose of the DKR
611792 - to...
611794 - ..
611795 - augment human intelligence.
611796 -
611797 -
611798 - ...submitted yesterday. ref SDS 24 5096
611800 - ..
611801 - Eric offers strong rationale in his letter today for the
611802 - benefits of capturing and relying on the record, ref DRT 5
611803 - 4698, which then conflicts with Eric's broader explanation to
611804 - improve email, ref SDS 24 5943, since most of the important
611805 - work in software programming, or any other knowledge work, is
611806 - not in the email record. Organizational Memory covers the
611807 - entire range of planning, events, documents, and analysis that
611808 - comprise daily working information.
611810 - ..
611811 - On 951221 article reports IT industry work standards requires
611812 - contemporaneous records. ref SDS 6 0966
611813 -
611814 - [On 000427 Doug Engelbart recommends Guide to Running Nics to
611815 - develop a good record and provide "intelligence" for the
611816 - project. ref SDS 28 2867
611818 - ..
611819 - [On 000505 suggest using this method for explaining changes
611820 - in design specs. ref SDS 32 1368
611822 - ..
611823 - [On 000517 Eric reported a project where good records were
611824 - helpful. ref SDS 34 2064
611826 - ..
611827 - [On 000824 Eric objects to design that provides a record
611828 - connected to relevant history in the project archives.
611829 - ref SDS 38 FJ5H
611831 - ..
611832 - [On 051130 Leonardo da Vinci credited for contemporaneous
611833 - notes to support creativity, invention, and development of
611834 - new tools and systems. ref SDS 54 PR4F AIA Architect
611835 - recommends diligence exercising the habit of document is
611836 - critical to design and project management. ref SDS 54 G46F
611838 - ..
611839 - Aside from Jack and Eric's comments, incorporating Doug's name in the
611840 - mission statement for the DKR project is okay, though not standard
611841 - practice. The mission statement should focus on what needs to be
611842 - done. Doug deserves notice, and this will certainly follow with
611843 - success of the initiative.
611845 - ..
611846 - Jack and Adam urging that people "listen" to Doug reveals a critical
611847 - objective, or "metric," of communication, which is a predicate to
611848 - action, and so offers clues about future success or failure. Debra's
611849 - suggestion for people to write down the purpose of the project
611850 - provides feedback on alignment of understanding with original sources,
611851 - in this case Doug's mission, which in turn supports the "listening"
611852 - inquiry advanced by Adam and Jack.
611854 - ..
611855 - The question then becomes how might an OHS type technology support...
611856 -
611857 -
611858 - listening
611859 -
611860 -
611861 - ..., and would doing so, augment human "intelligence" cited by Eric as
611862 - the purpose of the project, in his letter on 000423? ref SDS 24 5096
611864 - ..
611865 - What is lisetning, and how is it measured in the work-a-day world of
611866 - many meetings, calls, emails and other noise from information
611867 - overload? Jack calls for a use case study. ref DRT 3 2201
611869 - ..
611870 - Listening was reviewed on 890809 as a big need for improving daily
611871 - communication, so executives can be more effective, save time and
611872 - money by getting things done. ref SDS 2 CJ9J
611874 - ..
611875 - One way to "listen" is to use the speaker's language to ascertain the
611876 - purpose of actions.
611878 - ..
611879 - On 991222 Bootstrap mission statement, ref SDS 13 3696, says...
611880 -
611881 - 3. Enable a whole new way of thinking about the way we work, learn,
611882 - and live together;
611883 -
611884 - This was cited on 000120 in reviewing ideas from contributors
611885 - for OHS/DKR colloquium at Stanford. ref SDS 14 I75N
611887 - ..
611888 - [On 001222 letter to Pat Lincoln explains leadership needed
611889 - to enable new way of thinking and working, i.e., by
611890 - listening to Doug. ref SDS 51 1C9M
611892 - ..
611893 - [On 010111 Pat reports slow progress following up on Doug's
611894 - call for new way of thinking and working. ref SDS 52 EF6M
611896 - ..
611897 - 4. Promote development of Collective IQ among, within and by
611898 - networked improvement communities;
611900 - ..
611901 - 5. Cultivate a knowledge environment which includes a shared
611902 - dynamic knowledge repository;
611904 - ..
611905 - 6. Foster development of an open platform information system
611906 - infrastructure, based on an Open
611908 - ..
611909 - 7. Hyperdocument Systems (OHS) framework;
611910 -
611911 -
611912 - "Listening" might entail incorporating and synthesizing this language
611913 - into a summary statement of purpose of the DKR. Not listening might
611914 - mean offering up conflicting language.
611915 -
611917 - ..
611918 - Listening to Doug Reveals Goal for "Whole New Way of Thinking..."
611919 -
611920 - In this case "listening" means Doug plans a hyperdocument framework,
611921 - as reported on 000324, ref SDS 17 5880, but also envisions a whole new
611922 - way of thinking about the way we work..., per Bootstrap mission
611923 - statement. ref SDS 13 3696
611924 -
611925 - [On 000504 Eugene Kim proposes integrating Schedule and Contacts
611926 - system, as new way of thinking. ref SDS 31 6033
611928 - ..
611929 - [On 000505 suggest project spec include listening. ref SDS 32
611930 - 1770
611932 - ..
611933 - Since documents have been around a long time, in order to feature
611934 - Doug's call for new ways of thinking and doing things, "listening"
611935 - might require following the spirit of a "framework" embodied by
611936 - hyperdocument methods that connect information into a more powerful
611937 - resource of "knowledge," rather than rely on parsing out "document" as
611938 - the central purpose of the DKR. This leads to featuring knowledge and
611939 - the process of creating it, i.e., intelligence that connects
611940 - information in chains of cause and effect, as the driving force of the
611941 - mission statement, rather than documents.
611942 - ..
611943 - Adding the goal to augment human "intelligence" in the mission
611944 - statement supports Adams call for better listening, ref DRT 2 5390,
611945 - because listening is an important part of human intelligence. It also
611946 - aligns with Jack Park's letter today pointing out that Doug's
611947 - "Augment" idea centers on improving human intellect, ref DRT 3 2201,
611948 - per planning from the meeting on 000324. ref SDS 17 0638
611949 - ..
611950 - Thus the DKR mission statement keeping with Adam's objetive
611951 - might read...
611952 -
611953 - We are building tools for managing and connecting information
611954 - in an open source framework, called a Dynamic Knowledge
611955 - Repository (DKR), to augment human intelligence and collective
611956 - ability to advance civilization, under the guidance and
611957 - following the vision of Doug Engelbart.
611958 -
611960 - ..
611961 - Note: "human intelligence" and "collective ability" substitute for
611962 - "collective IQ," because political energy now frowns on "IQ."
611963 -
611964 - [On 000602 Eugene Kim reports that Pat Lincoln indicates SRI wants
611965 - additional ideas for explaining purpose of the project.
611966 - ref SDS 35 5133
611968 - ..
611969 - Another form that uses OHS, might be...
611970 -
611971 - We are building tools for an Open Hyperdocument System (OHS)
611972 - of managing and connecting information within a Dynamic
611973 - Knowledge Repository (DKR) to augment human intelligence and
611974 - collective ability to advance civilization, under the guidance
611975 - and following the vision of Doug Engelbart.
611976 -
611977 -
611978 -
611979 -
6120 -
Knowledge Define, Distinguish Data, Information
Purpose DKR
Paradigm Shift Documents to Knowledge Space
6405 -
640601 - ..
640602 - Mission DKR Changing from Documents to Knowledge Space
640603 - Changing from Documents to Knowledge Space Enhances DKR Mission
640604 -
640605 - Doug's mission to develop new ways of thinking and working, cited on
640606 - 991222, ref SDS 13 3696, might be more strongly presented by citing
640607 - Knowledge Space, discussed with Doug on 991222, ref SDS 13 1140, as
640608 - follows...
640609 -
640610 - We are building tools for managing and connecting information
640611 - in an open source framework, called a Dynamic Knowledge
640612 - Repository (DKR) that advances civilization by changing the
640613 - paradigm for augmenting human intelligence from traditional
640614 - documents to a new medium of Knowledge Space, under the
640615 - leadership and vision of Doug Engelbart. ref DRT 2 0001
640617 - ..
640618 - [On 001130 DKR team discusses need to move from "documents" to a
640619 - stronger paradigm for knowledge. ref SDS 48 5350
640621 - ..
640622 - [On 001204 Doug requests ideas for a presentation to NSF.
640623 - ref SDS 49 9Q8M
640625 - ..
640626 - Jack Park further proposes today...
640627 -
640628 - ...adopt some mode of representation of knowledge. ref DRT 3 2201
640629 -
640630 - Doug has spent many years dealing with the syntactic/physical
640631 - constraints on an Augment system. He has devised a variety of
640632 - tools (e.g. mouse), methods (click and double click combined with
640633 - keystrokes -- these days known as "accelerators"), and so forth.
640634 - In my naive judgement, Augment spent less time on an internal
640635 - representation scheme that would allow users to manipulate
640636 - knowledge to attain a multitude of views of that knowledge. Doug
640637 - has focused on the Transcoding approach, one which I think will be
640638 - of great importance to the final product. ref DRT 3 3536
640639 -
640640 -
640641 -
640642 -
640643 -
640644 -
640645 -
640646 -
640647 -
640648 -
6407 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"