440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 22, 2000 10:13 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Pac Bell set up DSL Internet access.

2...Escalation Not Answering to Coordinate Solution
3...Marketing Seeks Information and Support for DSL Installation W2000
4...Escalation Rep Calls to Schedule Visit
5...DSL Configured with Browser; Tricked LAN IP Assignment
6...Email Account with Pac Bell Configured for Outlook Express
.....Email Server Information
.....Email Registration on PacBell.Net
.....Outlook Configured to Replace Outlook Express
7...Network Failed; Fixing DSL Caused LAN Problem - Need Domain Assigned
8...C11 Configured for Peer to Peer, Need Domain for LAN and DSL
9...Changed LAN to Netbeui; DSL Configured with TCP/IP
10...Domain Name Replaces Work Group Assignment

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Need help on this issue; logged onto this web site and found
2...Nevada indicated email takes several weeks to start; need
3...Address book could not figure out to import from Netscape.
4...We got C09 to recognize C11, but it asked for a password, which
5...Is this the Domain assignment Nevada feels is needed for
6...Why wasn't this investigated, before telling the customer
7...If we select Domain then Workgroup is disabled. If we use

0201 - Pacific Bell Network Services        510 901 9094 fax 806 0729
020101 - Mr. Robert A Triado; Manager =858 320 5529  Pager 858 271 3761
020102 -
020103 - DSL Orders
0202 - Intel Corporation                    408 765 8080
020201 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020202 -
020203 - Cable Network Operation

Communication DSL Internet Access
DSL High Speed Transmission System
Pac Bell DSL, 000401
DSL EnterNet 300 Pac Bell, 000415
High Speed Internet Access

0907 -    ..
0908 - Summary/Objective
0909 -
090901 - Follow up ref SDS 41 0000, ref SDS 40 0000.
090902 -
090903 - Tried to notify Earline that W2000 configuration problem has not been
090904 - solved by marketing people. ref SDS 0 2970  Could not reach anyone, so
090905 - called Robert in marketing.  He reported continuing difficulty getting
090906 - support to complete configuration of DSL under W2000. ref SDS 0 8811
090907 - Nevada and Steve arrived about 1330, and in an hour or so Nevada got
090908 - the browser to address Pac Bell's server.  This solved the main
090909 - problem from last week. ref SDS 0 0788  The solution after hours of
090910 - frustrating work, met with initial approval.  Nevada in short order
090911 - helped get email set up using Outlook Express. ref SDS 0 2496
090912 - However, the solution caused the LAN function to fail. ref SDS 0 5740
090913 - Nevada advised that additional w2000 network components needed to be
090914 - installed in order to assign a "domain" name to distinguish LAN from
090915 - DSL operations. He pointed out a dialog window showing that a domain
090916 - was not assigned; but how he found that information is not clear in
090917 - the record, and he did not have time to prepare a record on this
090918 - information. ref SDS 0 6699  Steve and Nevada reported that they could
090919 - not fix this problem.  Pac Bell management was called, and told the
090920 - customer that, while Pac Bell modified w2000 network to install DSL,
090921 - and while this was done without required training, this lack of
090922 - training justifies failing to use the same initiative for fixing the
090923 - LAN problem that was applied to fix the DSL problem. ref SDS 0 3080
090924 - The customer was referred to Pac Bell marketing.  After the Pac Bell
090925 - team left, configuration for LAN was changed to NetBeui, and this
090926 - seems to have solved part of the LAN problem. ref SDS 0 7396
090927 - Investigation revealed one possibility for assigning a Domain name.
090928 - ref SDS 0 2170
090929 - ..
090930 - Sent ref DIT 1 0001 to Robert with copy to Vicki, linked to this
090931 - record for information on training.  Request notice of schedule on
090932 - pending action items.
090933 -
090934 -     On 000423 got message from Internet that copy to Vicki bounced
090935 -     back.  Called and left message on this problem; requested email
090936 -     address correction,
090937 -
090938 -       [On 000424 received voice mail from Pac Bell; sent follow up
090939 -       letter. ref SDS 42 8811
090940 -
090941 -
090942 -
090943 -  ..
0910 -
0911 -
0912 - Progress
0913 -
091301 -  ..
091302 - Escalation Not Answering to Coordinate Solution
091303 -
091304 - Called Earline            415 542 5459
091305 -
091306 - Yesterday, Earline's number was busy for 3 hours when I tried to call.
091307 - ref SDS 41 0001
091308 -
091309 - This morning Earline's phone rang, but we get a voice mail that says
091310 - to call other numbers...
091311 -
091312 -
091313 -                    542 5455
091314 -                    542 5486   *
091315 -                    542 5451
091316 -                    542 5450
091317 -                    542 1476   *
091318 -                    542 5469
091319 -                    542 5463
091320 -
091321 - Called a few of these numbers and none answered.
091322 -
091323 -
091324 -
091325 -  ..
091326 - Marketing Seeks Information and Support for DSL Installation W2000
091327 -
091328 - Called Robert's pager.
091329 -
091330 - He called back.
091331 -
091332 - Robert has had further brief discussions with Gil, who related some
091333 - differences between NT and W2000, based on experience configuring DSL
091334 - with W2000 on his personal computer.  However, Robert still feels he
091335 - does not have enough information to solve our problem.  He has been
091336 - unable to locate other people within Pac Bell who, like Gil, have
091337 - taken the initiative to develop expertise by installing DSL on their
091338 - personal computer with W2000, as we discussed on 000418.
091339 -
091359 -
091360 - Robert plans to contact Gil again on Monday to get help on completing
091361 - installation.
091362 -
091371 -
091372 - Robert will send a letter today explaining what he plans to do.
091373 -
091374 -
091375 -  ..
091376 - Escalation Rep Calls to Schedule Visit
091377 -
091378 - Follow up ref SDS 41 0001, ref SDS 38 3445.
091379 -
0914 -
0915 -
0916 - 1049 received call
0917 -
091701 - Pac Bell representative...
091702 -
091703 -
091704 -                          Nevada
091705 -
091706 -
091707 - He is a dispatcher, but he is also going to come by today and do the
091708 - work on completing installation of DSL.
091709 -
091710 - I began to explain background on the w2000 problem, and discussions
091711 - with Earline on 000417. ref SDS 38 3445
091712 -
091713 - Neveda said he wants to come by and assess the situation personally.
091714 -
091715 - He will be here about 1200.
091716 -
091717 -
091718 -
091719 -
0918 -
0919 -
0920 - 1332 Pac Bell Team arrived
0921 -
092101 - Nevada and Steve with Pac Bell installation services.
092102 -
092103 - Nevada took the lead to configure DSL on w2000, and demonstrated
092104 - oustanding skill configuring w2000 network, based on experience having
092105 - installed w2000 on his personal computer.  These skills align with
092106 - efforts Robert has been pursuing to draw on Pac Bell resources per our
092107 - telecon this morning. ref SDS 0 8811
092108 - ..
092109 - Initially, I asked Nevada to review the record of installation
092110 - on 000415 EnterNet 300 v 1.34 for w2000. ref SDS 37 4899
092111 -
092112 - Nevada removed the EnterNet 300 v. 1.34, using Control Panal,
092113 - Addd/Remove software; and he removed configuration for the Kingston
092114 - network card, using Control Panel, Add/Remove hardware.
092115 -
092116 - He booted the computer.
092117 -
092118 - When W2000 went through the boot sequence, Kingston network card was
092119 - configured automatically because it was phyically still installed in
092120 - the motherboard, as reported on 000415. ref SDS 37 3038
092121 -
092122 - Nevada installed EnterNet 300 v 1.28 for W98.
092123 - ..
092124 - These changes did not solve the problem of DSL access failing
092125 - using the browser.
092126 -
092127 -     [...below, EnterNet 300 removed and installed again. ref SDS 0
092128 -     YT7L
092129 -
092130 - These changes did eliminate the Product error that had been occurring
092131 - during the boot sequence, reported on 000415, ref SDS 37 2448, and on
092132 - 000418. ref SDS 38 6351
092133 -
092134 - Nevada tried removing the Kingston network card and connecting the Pac
092135 - Bell router (modem) directly the 3Com network card.
092136 -
092137 - He booted the computer.
092138 -
092139 - This did not solve the problem.
092140 - ..
092141 - Nevada removed EnterNet 300 v. 1.28 and installed EnterNet 300 v
092142 - 1.34 again.  This operation installed EnterNet 300 in...
092143 -
092144 -
092145 -                   i:\program files\nts
092146 -
092147 -
092148 -    I explained I wanted installation in...
092149 -
092150 -
092151 -                        h: 00 13
092152 -
092153 -
092154 -    ...where it was installed on 000415. ref SDS 37 9400
092155 -
092156 -       [On 010129 problem with EnterNet 300. ref SDS 45 RM5H
092157 -
092158 -    Nevada planned to change the directory, but did not have enough
092159 -    time.
092160 -
092161 -
092162 -  ..
092163 - DSL Configured with Browser; Tricked LAN IP Assignment
092164 -
092165 - Based on the foregoing experience, Nevada solved the problem of the
092166 - browser failing to connect to the Pac Bell server, as follows...
092167 -
092168 - Problem,
092169 -
092170 -    Windows 2000 is sharing a 3Com LAN network card as part of the
092171 -    original system configurtion, and DSL Kingston Network card
092172 -    installed by Pac Bell on 000415 by Art Hernandez. ref SDS 37 2907
092173 -
092174 -    It turned out that TCP/IP binding was with 3Com network card
092175 -    instead of Pac Bell's server, because TCP/IP processing looks for
092176 -    the fastest connections to obtain an IP address.  It found IPs
092177 -    already assigned for the 3Com LAN card, and used the IP address for
092178 -    the customer's computer #09 instead of obtaining an IP address for
092179 -    Pac Bell's server, because the local IP address was the fastest
092180 -    route.
092181 -
092182 - Solution
092183 -
092184 -    Temporarily disabled 3Com LAN network card by deleting the IP
092185 -    address to prevent it from being used when the DSL operation
092186 -    attempts to configure itself.
092187 -    ..
092188 -    Uninstalled EnterNet 300 software and reinstalled without
092189 -    3Com network LAN IP address configuration.
092190 -
092191 -    DSL service then worked with customer's browser.  This solved the
092192 -    problem reported on 000415. ref SDS 37 6972
092193 -
092194 -        [...below, Pac Bell's solution caused failure of LAN.
092195 -        ref SDS 0 5740
092196 -
092197 -        [...below, solved problem, got DSL and LAN to run. ref SDS 0
092198 -        7396
092199 -
092200 -        [On 000518 easy method for configuring LAN using NetBeui and
092201 -        DSL using TCP/IP, which is essential for NTS 300 Enternet
092202 -        software to connect to Pac Bell's server. ref SDS 44 6942
092203 -
092204 -        [On 010202 same configuration for c13. ref SDS 46 5395
092205 -
092206 -
092207 -
092208 -
092209 -
0923 -

Mail Servers
Outgoing Server:
Outgoing User Name:

1408 -
140801 -  ..
140802 - Email Account with Pac Bell Configured for Outlook Express
140803 -
140804 - After getting IE and Netscape browsers to address the Pac Bell server,
140805 - Neveda helped setup an email account.
140806 -
140807 - He configured Outlook Express because of an understanding that
140808 - Internet Explorer uses Outlook Express, and because Netscape, which is
140809 - our normal email program, is currently configured for,
140810 - which needs to remain for a transition period, and further because
140811 - Netscape 4.7 only supports one popserver configuration.
140812 -
140813 -
140814 -      ..
140815 -     Email Server Information
140816 -
140817 -     This was entered in Outlook Express by calling
140818 -
140819 -        Tools
140820 -          Accounts
140821 -
140822 -            Select from the list...
140823 -
140824 -     
140825 -
140826 -            Select properties which shows...
140827 -
140828 -               Name for servers...
140829 -
140830 -        
140831 -
140832 -
140833 -               User Information...
140834 -
140835 -                  Name:           Rod Welch
140836 -                  Email Address:
140837 -
140838 -                  Include this account when receiving mail or
140839 -                  synchronizing. (this option is checked)
140840 -
140841 -            ..
140842 -            Servers...
140843 -
140844 -               Incoming mail server is a POP3 server.
140845 -
140846 -               Incoming mail POP3...
140847 -
140848 -               Outgoing mail SMTP...
140849 -
140850 -               Incoming mail server
140851 -
140852 -                  Account Name:    rodwelch
140853 -                  Password:        poimss
140854 -
140855 -
140856 -
140857 -      ..
140858 -     Email Registration on PacBell.Net
140859 -
140860 -     Nevada logged onto a web site for additional email configuration
140861 -     information...
140862 -
140863 -
140864 -{C19AAE85-E976-1728-DD76-08002080224C}?Brand=PBI
140865 -
140866 -
140867 -     User ID:              rodwelch
140868 -     Keyword:              poims
140869 -     Password:             poimss
140870 -     Account #:            415 781 3456 558
140871 -     DSL Service Order #:  C14121744
140872 -
140873 -     Information on how to setup email and alias for Millie, is at...
140874 -
140875 -
140876 -
140877 -        Need help on this issue; logged onto this web site and found
140878 -        nothing on how to do anything.
140879 -        ..
140880 -        Sent a letter to Pac Bell for assistance using inline
140881 -        email services for the web site.
140882 -
140883 -        Got a response saying Pac Bell will respond eventually using
140884 -        reference...
140885 -
140886 -                                 5810404
140887 -
140888 -
140889 -           [On 000425 got response from Pac Bell Technical Analyst,
140890 -           providing email account information, and saying to see their
140891 -           web site for instructions on how to get set up. ref SDS 43
140892 -           0001
140893 -
140894 -     We have basic service.
140895 -
140896 -     Modem - Westell.
140897 -
140898 -     Nevada indicated email takes several weeks to start; need
140899 -     information from Pac Bell on when it occurs, and how we are
140900 -     notified to being using Pac Bell email.
140901 -
140902 -
140903 -
140904 -      ..
140905 -     Outlook Configured to Replace Outlook Express
140906 -
140907 -     Used information from configuring Outlook Express. ref SDS 0 5073
140908 -
140909 -     Configuration using Internet Connection Wizard has an option that
140910 -     says...
140911 -
140912 -         x  Connect using my local area network (LAN)
140913 -
140914 -     ...this option is selected.
140915 -
140916 -     Address book could not figure out to import from Netscape.
140917 -
140918 -
140919 -
140920 -
1410 -

Configure with DSL
Configure LAN with DSL
Network Failed with DSL, 000422
DSL Configure with Network
DSL Conflicts with Network, 000422
Network, W00, EtherPCI
DSL Interent

2110 -
211001 -  ..
211002 - Network Failed; Fixing DSL Caused LAN Problem - Need Domain Assigned
211003 - C11 Configured for Peer to Peer, Need Domain for LAN and DSL
211004 -
211005 -
2111 -
2112 -
2113 - 1605
2114 -
211401 - After Nevada got DSL running, I asked to test the network since that
211402 - was the purpose of using two network cards, reported by Art on 000415.
211403 - ref SDS 37 6804
211404 -
211405 - Nevada re-configured the 3Com Network.
211406 -
211407 - He tried to log onto computer 09.
211408 -
211409 - This failed.
211410 -
211411 - He and Steve worked on this for about 20 minutes.
211412 -
211413 - Nevada found that the network hardware recognizes both C11 and 09, but
211414 - the network software will not recognize either.
211415 -
211416 - He somehow examined W2000 system configuration for computer C11, and
211417 - advised that W2000 seems to be configred for...
211418 -
211419 -
211420 -                       peer to peer network
211421 -
211422 -
211423 - ...and that no domain name has been assigned.
211424 - ..
211425 - Nevada advised that in order to restore the prior condition
211426 - where C11 will address other computers on a LAN using the 3Com network
211427 - card, and will also run with Pac Bell's DSL system, additional W2000
211428 - network options need to be installed on C11 using w2000 setup.  He
211429 - recalled that when he installed w2000 on his personal computer, he
211430 - installed all network options.
211431 -
211432 - He seemed to indicate the the missing feature is a...
211433 -
211434 -
211435 -                       "domain" account
211436 -
211437 -
211438 - Nevada indicated that w2000 requires a domain name to separate network
211439 - operations between DSL and LAN functions.
211440 -
211441 -     [...below, found one place where domain could be assigned to
211442 -     replace Workgroup, per below. ref SDS 0 2170
211443 -
211444 - On 000310 MCE installed W2000, including network support ref SDS 34
211445 - 0783 and was aware that DSL would be installed, based on work MCE
211446 - performed 000302 installing TCP/IP for LAN support, and planning that
211447 - this configuration would facilitate DSL installation. ref SDS 33 6460
211448 -
211449 - Was this an error?
211450 -
211451 - "Domain" was mentioned by Robert on 000418 as an issue his contact
211452 - cited for installing DSL under Windows 2000. ref SDS 39 4047  Since we
211453 - do not seem to have a domain, it appears that Nevada developed a work
211454 - around that eliminated our network.
211455 -
211456 -     [...below, found one place where domain could be assigned to
211457 -     replace Workgroup, per below. ref SDS 0 2170
211458 -
211459 - Nevada said Pac Bell is not authorized to modify customer computers to
211460 - complete installation of DSL.  He and Steve maintained that Pac Bell
211461 - wants the customer to perform this work.  They expressed fear about
211462 - losing their job and their home, if they attempted to complete the
211463 - work.
211464 -
211465 -     [...below, solution is to use separate protocols - netbeui for
211466 -     LAN, and TCP/IP for DSL. ref SDS 0 7396
211467 -
211468 - I asked where the requirement for the customer to provide a computer
211469 - with any particular configuration is set out in Pac Bell's agreement
211470 - with Welch shown in the record on 000401?
211471 -
211472 - Nevada and Steve did not know the agreement with the customer; but,
211473 - they were concerned about instructions from Pac Bell management which
211474 - they understand requires them to ignore agreements with the customer.
211475 -
211476 - I requested that Pac Bell complete installation by restoring the prior
211477 - LAN functionality.
211478 -
211479 - Nevada called...
211480 -
211481 -                        Tom Knight  925 413 0906
211482 -
211483 -
211484 - After speaking to Tom for about 5 minutes, I asked to talk to Tom.
211485 -
211486 - I congratulated Tom and Pac Bell on good work by Neveda, in solving a
211487 - problem that had stymied prior Pac Bell people, as reported on 000418.
211488 - ref SDS 39 0744  We reviewed requirements for Pac Bell to provide DSL
211489 - service without reducing prior LAN service.
211490 -
211491 - Tom asked to talk to Nevada.
211492 - ..
211493 - Neveda called his boss at home...
211494 -
211495 -
211496 -                     Vicki Guterez (sp??)
211499 -
211500 -
211501 - After Nevada spoke to Vicki for about 5 minutes, I talked to Vicki.
211502 - ..
211503 - I thanked Vicki for taking time out from her weekend to help us
211504 - get the last 10% of the work completed, without which, the other 90%
211505 - is of no value.
211506 -
211507 - Vicki advised that Nevada is not trained to fix the problem caused by
211508 - modifying the network to install DSL on Windows 2000, as a result she
211509 - will not authorize him to fix the problem.
211510 -
211511 - We reviewed the record on 000415 showing Pac Bell is not trained to
211512 - install DSL on Windows 2000, ref SDS 37 1350, however, Nevada did this
211513 - work today based on independent initiative working with Windows 2000
211514 - on his personal computer.  This experience shows he has the expertise
211515 - to complete the work of configuring the network to restore LAN
211516 - operations, despite lack of formal training.
211517 -
211518 - Vicki disagreed.
211519 -
211520 - She feels Nevada and Steve should not have installed DSL because the
211521 - customer's computer is running Windows 2000, and Pac Bell staff has
211522 - not been trained for this work.  She further feels that since DSL was
211523 - installed on the customer's computer, she cannot authorize completion
211524 - of the work, because, despite demonstrated expertise to modify the
211525 - network configuration, Nevada has not been trained to work on the
211526 - customer's network.
211527 -
211528 - DSL installation inherently requires network expertise, because it
211529 - requires changing the network, as shown above. ref SDS 0 0788  Thus,
211530 - having created a LAN network problem in order to solve a DSL network
211531 - problem, imposes a duty on Pac Bell to fix the LAN problem.
211532 -
211533 - We briefly reviewed the agreement for Pac Bell to install DSL under
211534 - Windows 2000, entered on 000401.  It is hardly a solution to give the
211535 - customer high speed Internet access, if the monitor is dysfunctional,
211536 - or if the keyboard is rendered unusable.  The same is true for LAN. If
211537 - adding DSL causes prior service to be reduced, Pac Bell has a duty of
211538 - prior notice so that the customer can say "Fine that is agreeable," or
211539 - "No, we will try Sprint, AT&T or abandon the effort."  Causing the
211540 - customer to expend 20 hours over a weeks time, significantly modifying
211541 - existing telephone and computer systems, then standing back and
211542 - saying...
211543 -
211544 -         Well, we've got it!
211545 -
211546 -         All you have to do is fix the LAN [or monitor, or keyboard]
211547 -         problem we caused, and the job is complete!
211548 -
211549 - When the customer asks...
211550 -
211551 -         What's the problem?
211552 -
211553 -         How do we fix it?
211554 -
211555 - is no solution to say...
211556 -
211557 -         If we tell you how to complete the work, we will lose our job
211558 -         and our house, because, even though we know how to do it, our
211559 -         boss doesn't want us to do it, because her boss said thus and
211560 -         so, and that person's boss is traveling and cannot be reached
211561 -         to coordinate a sensible solution.
211562 -
211563 -         We cannot use our initiative to solve a problem caused by our
211564 -         initative to solve a prior problem.
211565 - ..
211566 - Vicki said this was a marketing mistake, and therefore the
211567 - customer should contact the marketing department for a solution.
211568 -
211569 - I explained having spoken to the marketing account rep supervisor,
211570 - Robert, this morning. ref SDS 0 8811
211571 -
211572 - Vicki requested Robert's phone number so she can call him on Monday.
211573 -
211574 - I provided Robert's pager number, and the general number we were given
211575 - on 000417. ref SDS 38 1184
211576 -
211577 -
211578 -
2116 -


2204 -
220401 -  ..
220402 - Changed LAN to Netbeui; DSL Configured with TCP/IP
220403 -
220404 -
2205 -
2206 -
2207 - 2105 called Morris
2208 -
220801 - Background...
220802 -
220803 -     On 970116, Morris helped set up networking for C08 and C09.
220804 -     ref SDS 16 2121
220805 -
220806 - We reivewed the record, per above. ref SDS 0 5740
220807 -
220808 - Morris has not yet installed W2000, so he could not offer guidance on
220809 - creating a domain name suggested by Nevada. ref SDS 0 6699  He finally
220810 - got the new notebook computer he has wanted (650 MHz, 128 MB, 18 GB),
220811 - so this may provide occassion to consider W2000.
220812 -
220813 -  ..
220814 - We considered the possibility that the "domain" issue pertains to
220815 - multiple networds using TCP/IP protocol.  Perhaps if the LAN uses
220816 - different protocols, e.g., Netbeui, it might not be necessary to
220817 - establish a domain name for TCP/IP.  If true, this would avoid having
220818 - to use W2000 setup for adding network features, and to figure out how
220819 - to assign a domain name, suggested by Neveda, ref SDS 0 6699, none of
220820 - which is clear how to accomplish.
220821 -
220822 -     [On 000518 applied these ideas of assigning netbeui to LAN and
220823 -     TCP/IP to DSL adapter, to configure c12, everything seems to work
220824 -     successfully. ref SDS 44 6942
220825 -
220826 -     [On 010129 Pac Bell clarifies installation prodecures. ref SDS 45
220827 -     RM5H
220828 -
220829 -     [On 010202 used same procedure to configure c13, and worked
220830 -     successfully. ref SDS 46 WA9K
220831 -
220832 - Rebooted the computer and logged on to the Administrator account,
220833 - although this may not have been necessary because I am the
220834 - administrator.
220835 -
220836 - Opened properties for Network, and properties for...
220837 -
220838 -
220839 -                    Local Area Connection
220840 -
220841 -  ..
220842 - Removed assignment of TCP/IP on LAN adapter....
220843 -
220844 -     Got a message asking if we want to remove TCP/IP for all
220845 -     networks.
220846 -
220847 -     I thought this only pertained to the 3Com card, and so clicked
220848 -     yes, before Morris cautioned that it would also remove TCP/IP for
220849 -     the other DSL network card also.
220850 -
220851 -     In any event, it was done.
220852 -
220853 -     Installed....
220854 -
220855 -
220856 -                  Netbeui
220857 -                  File and Printer Sharing for MS Networks
220858 -                  Client for Microsoft Networks
220859 -
220860 -
220861 - Booted C11.
220862 -
220863 - C09 is already configured for Netbeui.
220864 -                             ..
220865 - We got C09 to recognize C11, but it asked for a password, which
220866 - it had not done previously.  Tried regular password, poims, but got
220867 - message this is incorrect.  Could not figure out how to solve this
220868 - password problem.
220869 -
220870 - C11 recognizes C09, so we have a connection and can transfer files,
220871 - which is the purpose of the exercise.
220872 -
220873 -    To restore prior condition, need Pac Bell to restore prior utility
220874 -    of LAN using TCP/IP.
220875 -
220876 - However the DSL network failed.
220877 -
220878 - Had to add back TCP/IP.
220879 -
220880 - This has the effect of adding TCP/IP in the other LAN network
220881 - configuration for the 3Com card.
220882 - ..
220883 - After adding TCP/IP, it was unchecked in the LAN network
220884 - configuration.  This eliminated the IP address conflict and the domain
220885 - name problem.
220886 -
220887 - Similarly, we left File and Printer sharing unchecked in the Kingston
220888 - network configuration for DSL.  The resulting configuration is that
220889 -
220890 -      LAN 3Com network configuration looks like this...
220891 -
220892 -               x  Netbeui Protocol
220893 -               x  File and Printer Sharing for MS Networks
220894 -               x  Client for Microsoft Networks
220895 -                  Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
220896 -
220897 -      DSL LNE100TX Kingston network configuration looks like this...
220898 -
220899 -               x  Client for Microsoft Networks
220900 -                  File and Printer Sharing for MS Networks
220901 -               x  Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
220902 -                  Netbeui Protocol
220903 - ..
220904 - This seems to be working, execpt...
220905 -
220906 -
220907 -      1.  C09 cannot log onto C11 because we cannot figure out the
220908 -          password; since C11 can log onto C09, the problem is
220909 -          somewhat mitigated.
220910 -
220911 -          This problem did not exist prior to Pac Bell modifying our
220912 -          computer to support DSL. ref SDS 0 5096
220913 -
220914 -      2.  It takes about 20 seconds for C11 to find C09, and then
220915 -          takes another 20 seconds to list the contents.
220916 -
220917 -          Once the stuff is listed, data transfer is normal.
220918 -
220919 -          Actually, subsequent work, seems to indicate that connecting
220920 -          now takes closer to 10 seconds, so this probably okay.
220921 -
220922 -
220923 -
220924 -
2210 -

Domain Name Similar to Work Group

230301 -  ..
2304 -
2305 - 0044
2306 -
230601 -  ..
230602 - Domain Name Replaces Work Group Assignment
230603 -
230604 - Late this evening, found one place to assign a domain name that does
230605 - not require installing more w2000 stuff.  This might be the idea
230606 - Robert got from Gil on 000418. ref SDS 39 4047
230607 -
230608 - Properties for Netowrk shows...
230609 -
230610 -      Network and Dial Up Connections
230611 -
230612 -           Advanced Menu
230613 -
230614 -               Network Identification
230615 -
230616 -                   Properties
230617 -
230618 -
230619 -           This shows a screen a section...
230620 -
230621 -                Member of
230622 -
230623 -                   Domain
230624 -
230625 -                   Workgroup   RW
230626 -
230627 -           Currently, Workgroup is selected and shows RW.
230628 -
230629 -           However, we could select Domain and enter a name, perhaps
230630 -           the same name... RW.
230631 -
230632 -           Quetions...
230633 -
230634 -           Is this the Domain assignment Nevada feels is needed for
230635 -           TCP/IP to work correctly, per above. ref SDS 0 6699
230636 -
230637 -           Why wasn't this investigated, before telling the customer
230638 -           that Pac Bell could not procede?
230639 -
230640 -           If we select Domain then Workgroup is disabled.  If we use
230641 -           RW for the domain, will C09 recognize this identification as
230642 -           the Workgroup, it does not seem to have a domain option
230643 -           under Windows 95?
230644 -
230645 -
230646 -
230647 -
230648 -
230649 -
230650 -
230651 -
230652 -
230653 -
2307 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"