440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 18, 2000 05:19 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Pac Bell called about setting up DSL Internet access.
2...Develop Plan to Complete Installation DSL Service
3...How to Specify Pac Bell in "Domain" Parameter??
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0201 - Pacific Bell Network Services 510 901 9094 fax 806 0729
020101 - Mr. Robert A Triado; Customer Support =858 320 5529
020102 -
020103 - DSL Orders
0202 - Pacific Bell Network Services 510 901 9094 fax 806 0729
020201 - Mr. Cervando Almazan; Account Representative =858 320 5529
020202 - DSL Orders
Communication DSL Internet Access
DSL High Speed Transmission System
Pac Bell DSL, 000401
DSL EnterNet 300 Pac Bell, 000415
High Speed Internet Access
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 35 0000, ref SDS 34 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Robert did not get information for completing configuration. He will
080904 - investigate further, and call tomorrow after 1700 to try again. This
080905 - evening received letter from Robert requesting help from a colleague.
080906 - Called and left status report to Escalation Manager, Erline.
080907 - ref SDS 0 3770
080908 -
080909 - Sent ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record showing information on the
080910 - list of resources in the Network folder. ref SDS 0 4377
080911 -
080912 -
080913 -
080914 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Progress
0813 -
081301 - ..
081302 - Develop Plan to Complete Installation DSL Service
081303 - How to Specify Pac Bell in "Domain" Parameter??
081304 -
081305 - Follow up ref SDS 35 0744, ref SDS 35 2700.
081306 -
081307 - Work Order.... C14121744
081308 -
081309 - Tracking # 380719
081310 -
081311 - Issues to be resolved are shown in the record on 000417. ref SDS 35
081312 - 6351
081313 -
081314 - Robert advised that his colleagues in Texas were not as helpful as
081315 - hoped.
081316 -
081317 - Robert received the letter, ref DIP 1 0001, linked to the record of
081318 - efforts yesterday, ref SDS 35 5982, and to Pac Bell installation work
081319 - on 000415. ref SDS 34 5852 He had not yet reviewed the record, so he
081320 - took five (5) minutes to see if anything has been done that suggests a
081321 - solution.
081322 -
081323 - Robert reported everything appears to have been done correctly.
081324 -
081325 - He asked about the procedure for creating the record?
081326 -
081327 - The SDS record provides planning on what needs to be done in relation
081328 - to past practice and requirements. It identifies problems based on
081329 - what has been done and what went wrong. This can help training. The
081330 - record also confirms understandings to avoid communication mistakes by
081331 - providing timely feedback, and lets everyone work from a common
081332 - information base, called "shared meaning."
081333 -
081334 - Robert wants to use the SDS record to help Pac Bell management
081335 - recognize the effort required for configuring Windows 2000 for DSL
081336 - service, and that Pac Bell should invest the resources to develop
081337 - expertise in setting up DSL under Windows 2000.
081338 -
081339 - Robert has another colleague who works in the same building, and who
081340 - has configured Pac Bell DSL on Windows 2000 for his home computer.
081341 -
081342 - That person, however, is on assignment today, and so cannot be
081343 - easily contacted for assistance.
081344 -
081345 - Robert tried to contact this person on the phone using a pager number.
081346 -
081347 - This effort was not successful.
081348 -
081349 - Robert will send his colleague a letter via email explaining we need
081350 - assistance configuring W2000 with DSL. He will request ideas based
081351 - on the record so far, and try to arrange for a conference call
081352 - tomorrow OA 1730.
081353 -
081354 - [...below received Robert's letter. ref SDS 0 4020
081355 -
081356 - We are still stuck on how to get the browser to address the Pac Bell
081357 - server after getting connected, with 3 green lights on, showing
081358 - "sync."
081359 - ..
081360 - Yesterday, Robert discussed making an assignment for a "Domain"
081361 - parameter to Pac Bell's server, or something like that. ref SDS 35
081362 - 5982
081363 -
081364 - We need help on how to accomplish this step.
081365 -
081366 - [On 000422 Pac Bell reps got DSL running without a domain account,
081367 - ref SDS 37 0788, but it disconnected the LAN. ref SDS 37 5740
081368 -
081369 - [...later found where to make domain assignment. ref SDS 37 2170
081370 - ..
081371 - I explained the Network folder has the following entries....
081372 -
081373 - Name Type Status Device Name
081374 - ==================== ======== ============ ===================
081375 - Make New Connection
081376 - Attglobal Dial-up Disconnected US Robotics 56K.. PnP
081377 - EnterNet-DoD Direct Disconnected Direct Parallel
081378 - IBM Global Network Dial-up Disconnected US Robotics 56K.. PnP
081379 - JPS Dial-up Disconnected US Robotics 56K.. PnP
081380 - Local Area Conn.. LAN Enabled 3Com EtherLink III ISA
081381 - Local Area Conn..2 LAN Enabled LNE100TX Fast Ethernet
081382 - Local Area Conn..3 LAN Network Cable NTS Enternet PPPoE Adpt
081383 - unplugged
081384 -
081385 -
081386 -
081387 -
081388 -
081389 - ..
0814 -
0815 -
0816 - 1849 received letter from Mountain Computer
0817 -
081701 - Received ref DRT 2 0001 from Brad at MCE responding to my voice mail
081702 - yesterday asking about how to clear a product key error encountered on
081703 - 000415, ref SDS 34 2448, and reported in the record yesterday.
081704 - ref SDS 35 6351
081705 -
081706 - Brad offers to help.
081707 -
081708 -
081709 -
081710 - ..
0818 -
0819 -
0820 - 2217 received letter
0821 -
082101 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Robert to Gil, asking for assistance, per
082102 - planning above, and suggesting that Gil might be able to conference
082103 - with us tomorrow. ref DRT 1 8700
082104 -
082105 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 thanking Robert for coordinating with Gil,
082106 - and providing link to this record for support, including the list of
082107 - stuff in the Network folder, above. ref SDS 0 4377
082108 -
082109 -
082110 -
082111 - ..
0822 -
0823 -
0824 - 2244 called Earline 415 542 5459
0825 -
082501 - She is the manager in the Escalation Department who asked me to keep
082502 - her posted on progress, per our telecon on 000417. ref SDS 35 3445
082503 -
082504 - Left a message about Robert's efforts, and we hope to get the problem
082505 - solved so it will not be necessary to send someone out on Saturday,
082506 - 000422, which was schedule yesterday.
082507 -
082508 - Left my email address, so if she wants to get in on the
082509 - correspondence, we can send her a link to the record.
082510 -
082511 - [On 000420 received letter from Robert that he is not making
082512 - progress. ref SDS 36 0001
082513 -
082514 -
082515 -
082516 -
082517 -
0826 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"