440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 17, 2000 09:42 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Pac Bell set up DSL Internet access.

2...Develop Plan to Complete Installation DSL Service
3...Notified Pac Bell Additional Help Needed for Installation
4...Installation Coordinator Locates Account Rep for Welch Order
5...Account Rep Supervisor Informed on Scope W2000 Installation Problem
6...Request Pac Bell Assign Coordinator to Complete DSL Installation
7...Pac Bell Proposes 10 Day+ Delay to Complete Installation
8...Installation Coordinator, Supervisor Take Resposible Action
9...Pac Bell Customer Rep Sherrilynn Takes Responsibility for Results
10...Technical Support Backlogged, Cannot Get Help
11...Pac Bell Customer Reps Professional, Helpful, Deserve a Raise
12...Technical Support Needs Help Using Windows 2000
13...Customer Account Rep Takes Responsibility for Installation
14...Domain Register in Network Properties Assign to Pac Bell
15...Research Installation On Windows 2000 Unsuccessful
16...Cervando, Robert Take Responsibility to Coordinate Installation
17...Schedule Follow Up Tomorrow Solving W2000 Installation Problem

Click here to comment!

0201 - Pacific Bell Network Services        510 901 9094 fax 806 0729
020101 - Mr. Robert A Triado; Customer Support =858 320 5529
020102 -
020103 - DSL Orders
0202 - Pacific Bell Network Services        510 901 9094 fax 806 0729
020201 - Mr. Cervando Almazan; Account Representative =858 320 5529
020202 - DSL Orders

Communication DSL Internet Access
DSL High Speed Transmission System
Pac Bell DSL, 000401
DSL EnterNet 300 Pac Bell, 000415
High Speed Internet Access

0807 -    ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 34 0000, ref SDS 32 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Difficulty getting someone to coordinate completion of DSL service.
080904 - Wrote letter requesting help.  Via phone Lisa and her supervisor
080905 - Erline were very helpful scheduling on-site service for 000422, if
080906 - problem is not solved sooner. ref SDS 0 2345  Lisa found phone number
080907 - for Cervando's boss, Patrick, who proposed using Pac Bell technical
080908 - support. ref SDS 0 4711  That resource was backlogged and so difficult
080909 - to access, ref SDS 0 6006; when contacted could not solve problem.
080910 - ref SDS 0 2142  Asked Patric assign someone to coordinate solution.
080911 - ref SDS 0 4711  Pac Bell customer rep Sherrilynn, ref SDS 0 4144, and
080912 - Kerry, ref SDS 0 5525, very helpful.  Original account rep called and
080913 - took responsiblity per original plan. ref SDS 0 2747  Windows 2000
080914 - installation problems will be researched tomorrow and solution tried
080915 - in the PM. ref SDS 0 2700
080916 -
080917 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Robert linked to this record, and to the
080918 - work on 000415 for background. ref SDS 34 5852
080919 -
080920 -    [On 000418 Robert needs more help. ref SDS 35 0001
080921 -
080922 -
080923 -
080924 -
080925 -  ..
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Progress
0813 -
081301 -  ..
081302 - Develop Plan to Complete Installation DSL Service
081303 -
081304 - Called for Art Hernandez who did the initial work on 000415...
081305 -
081306 -
081307 -                           650 301 5106
081308 -
081309 -
081310 - Left message for Art to call back on status for...
081311 -
081312 -         Work Order....   C14121744
081313 -
081314 -         Tracking #       380719
081315 -
081316 - ..
081317 - Called Cervando    885 320 5553
081318 -
081319 -    Want to develop a plan of action based on Cervando's commitment on
081320 -    000401 to coordinate solution to installation problems. ref SDS 32
081321 -    4833
081322 -
081323 -    Cervando's number is now leaving a message that this is no longer
081324 -    a working number.
081325 -
081326 -    [...below, got corrected number for Patrick Welch. ref SDS 0 4544
081327 -
081328 -    [ corrected number for Cervando. ref SDS 0 1184
081329 -
081330 -    [.....corrected number for Cervando failed. ref SDS 0 2058
081331 -
081332 -    [ pager number for Cervando. ref SDS 0 2912
081333 -
081334 - ..
081335 - Called Pac Bell Marketing    888 884 2375
081336 -
081337 -                              888 558 4375
081338 -
081339 -    Talked to Bill.
081340 -
081341 -    He said we should talk to Provisioning...
081342 -
081343 -          888 900 9933
081344 -
081345 -    Explained having been on hold for 3 hours waiting to talk to these
081346 -    people on Saturday and Sunday.
081347 -
081348 -    Bill offered to get us connected.
081349 -
081350 -    While talking to Bill the line was dropped.
081351 -
081352 -
081353 -
081354 -
081355 -  ..
081356 - Notified Pac Bell Additional Help Needed for Installation
081357 -
081358 -
0814 -
0815 -
0816 - 1308 sent letter to Pac Bell
0817 -
081701 - Logged onto Pac Bell's web site...
081702 -
081703 -
081704 -,1888,14,00.html?site_code=PCB
081705 -
081706 -
081707 - ...and sent following message....
081708 -       ..
081709 -       On 000415 Saturday, Art Hernandez did a good job trying to
081710 -       install DSL on our phone line 415 781 3456 under work order
081711 -       C14121744, ref SDS 34 0001, issued on  000401. ref SDS 32 0001
081712 -       He encountered difficulties because Pac Bell Central Office
081713 -       assigned router #3 which supports static access service; and, it
081714 -       should have assigned router #9 or above for dynamic access
081715 -       service, per our order on 000401. ref SDS 32 4096
081716 -
081717 -       As a result the sync test failed.
081718 -
081719 -       There was also a problem getting the software installed,
081720 -       EnterNet 300. Art had to leave to help another customer before
081721 -       completing the work, so our system does not function.  I later
081722 -       downloaded and paid $30 for updated version 1.34 of EnterNet
081723 -       300, because the version Art brought was 1.28 and it does not
081724 -       support W2000.
081725 -       ..
081726 -       About 0300 Sunday morning, we were successful in getting
081727 -       "sync" where all three green lights are lit on the modem
081728 -       (router).  Was able to connect to the server, but the browser is
081729 -       not accessing anything. Called Pac Bell and talked to Jean in
081730 -       Customer Support.  She reported our "Profile" looks good, but
081731 -       noticed we were not accessing the server.  Jean planned to
081732 -       notify the "Escalation Manager" Sunday morning to complete
081733 -       configuration of our DSL service.  Nobody called yesterday.  We
081734 -       were unable to contact anyone at Pac Bell to help, probably
081735 -       because it was Sunday.
081736 -
081737 -       Please advise how to contact somone who can coordinate
081738 -       completion of installation of our DSL service.  I have left
081739 -       several calls for Art, who did the work on Saturday, 659  301
081740 -       5106, but he is likely pretty busy with other customers.  I have
081741 -       also been on hold for two hours at your phone number... 888 900
081742 -       9933.
081743 -
081744 -       Any help is appreciated.
081745 -
081746 -       Thanks.
081747 -
081748 -       Rod
081749 -
081750 -
081751 -
081752 -  ..
081753 - Installation Coordinator Locates Account Rep for Welch Order
081754 -
081755 -
0818 -
0819 -
0820 - 1312 got connected
0821 -
082101 - Talked to Lisa.
082102 -
082103 - Explained background work on 000415, ref SDS 34 0001, and that I have
082104 - called for Art, but he has not returned the call.
082105 -
082106 - Asked for someone to coordinate completion of DSL service.
082107 -
082108 - Lisa looked up our order.
082109 -
082110 -    She concludes from the phone company record that we need someone to
082111 -    come out and configure our system so we are registered.
082112 -
082113 - We considered the advantage of contacting Cervando for coordinating
082114 - Pac Bell resources in completing installation, including registration,
082115 - per Cervando's commitment on 000401.
082116 -
082117 - Lisa looked up the name of the person who wrote up our work order
082118 - number and saw that the phone number is...
082119 -
082120 -
082121 -                            888 558 4375
082122 -
082123 -
082124 - ...and it is for a person with the first name initial C. Almazan,
082125 - which aligns with Cervando.
082126 - ..
082127 - Lisa tried to contact Cervando.
082128 -
082129 -    We got a voice message and are on hold.
082130 -
082131 -    The woman said she knows Cervando.  She was able to look up and
082132 -    found a direct number...
082133 -
082134 -
082135 -                           858 320 5449
082136 -
082137 -
082138 -    Got a number for John Welch who is Cervando's supervisor...
082139 -
082140 -
082141 -                           858 320 5411
082142 -
082143 -
082144 -
082145 -  ..
0822 -
0823 -
0824 - 1344 Lisa called Cervando's number
0825 -
082501 - Got a woman's voice mail indicating Cervando's phone number is
082502 - changed.
082503 -
082504 - Lisa tried John Patrick Welch's number...
082505 -
082506 -
082507 -                          858 320 5411
082508 -
082509 -
082510 - Got through to a voice, who seemed to recognize John Welch's name, and
082511 - tried to put us through to a group.  Turned out that John's middle
082512 - name is Patrick, and so he goes by Patrick Welch, rather than John,
082513 - which explains why Cervando said his boss is Patrick, in the call on
082514 - 000401. ref SDS 32 0001
082515 -
082516 - After leaving this message, discussed planning with Lisa.
082517 - ..
082518 - We considered the possibility that we may never hear from
082519 - Patrick, and that we need to set some management machinery in motion
082520 - to ensure continued supervision toward completing installation of our
082521 - DSL service.
082522 -
082523 - Lisa feels her supervisor is good a this kind of supervision.  She
082524 - will ask her supervisor to call me on this.
082525 -
082526 -
082527 -
082528 -  ..
082529 - Account Rep Supervisor Informed on Scope W2000 Installation Problem
082530 -
082531 -
0826 -
0827 -
0828 - 1431 Patrick called back
0829 -
082901 - We reviewed the record on 000415 showing problems installing DSL under
082902 - Windows 2000, because Pac Bell's staff in Northern California are not
082903 - trained for this work. ref SDS 34 1350
082904 -
082905 - Also reviewed understandings on 000401 that Cervando would coordinate
082906 - solution to installation problems. ref SDS 32 4833
082907 - ..
082908 - Patrick said Cervando is in Texas training other people to do
082909 - this work, so Cervando cannot do the coordination.  Patrick said that
082910 - there are other people in his department who can provide coordination.
082911 -
082912 -     [...below, Cervando leaves for Texas tomorrow. ref SDS 0 6408
082913 -
082914 - Patrick said that Pac Bell's DSL service can be installed easily on
082915 - Windows 2000, confirming Cervando's comments on 000401 when the order
082916 - was placed. ref SDS 32 3519
082917 -
082918 - I explained having purchased and downloaded on 000416, the current
082919 - version 1.34 of EnterNet 300 which provides dial up service to Pac
082920 - Bell's DSL system. ref SDS 34 4899  This corrected the problem on
082921 - 000415 of Pac Bell providing version 1.28 which does not support
082922 - Windows 2000, per call to John. ref SDS 34 1824
082923 -
082924 - Further explained that we discovered the Kingston Technology network
082925 - card is configured automatically by Windows 2000, so we did not need
082926 - any of the drivers on the software provided by Pac Bell on 000415.
082927 - ref SDS 34 3038
082928 -
082929 - We reviewed the current status that our hardware is in sync with the
082930 - Pac Bell office router, and our profile looks good, per Jean
082931 - yesterday. ref SDS 34 1980
082932 -
082933 -
082934 -  ..
082935 - Request Pac Bell Assign Coordinator to Complete DSL Installation
082936 -
082937 - We need someone to trouble shoot configuration on Windows 2000, and to
082938 - help clear the boot error we are getting. ref SDS 34 2448
082939 - ..
082940 - Patrick suggests calling...
082941 -
082942 -
082943 -                        877 375 3375
082944 -
082945 -
082946 - I explained the need for someone to take responsibility for completing
082947 - the work.  I am happy to call another number, but often the other
082948 - number is not correct, and we have to call back and try again.  We
082949 - need some assigned to do the follow up to ensure people with
082950 - appropriate expertise are working on our little project.
082951 - ..
082952 - Patrick said that he has to leave in a few minutes to go to
082953 - another state and train other people, so he cannot coordinate
082954 - completion of instalation of our system.
082955 -
082956 -    [...below, Cervando seems to advise that Patrick is leaving for
082957 -    Texas tomorrow. ref SDS 0 6408
082958 -
082959 - He will go talk to a supervisor and have someone assigned to our case
082960 - to coordinate the solution of the problem.  He said we should get a
082961 - call in about 20 minutes or so.
082962 -
082963 -     [...below followed up. ref SDS 0 4144
082964 -
082965 -     [...Cervando, Robert take responsibility. ref SDS 0 2700
082966 -
082967 -
082968 -  ..
082969 - Pac Bell Proposes 10 Day+ Delay to Complete Installation
082970 -
082971 -
0830 -
0831 -
0832 - 1438 received call
0833 -
083301 - Keyda said her supervisor asked her to call and schedule someone to
083302 - come out and complete installation.  She said the earliest someone
083303 - can visit is next week, and asked what day next week would be good?
083304 -
083305 - Keyda said they have Tuesday and Wednesday open.
083306 -
083307 - We reviewed the record on 000401 that installation was scheduled for
083308 - 000415, ref SDS 32 3519, and that Art Hernandez with Pac Bell was here
083309 - on 000415, but was unable to complete the work.  So, we need Pac Bell
083310 - to come and complete the work today.
083311 -
083312 - Keyda feels I should speak to her supervisor.
083313 -
083314 - She will ask her supervisor to call back.
083315 -
083316 -     [...below, Keyda's supervisor is also Lisa's supervisor.
083317 -     ref SDS 0 3445
083318 -
083319 -
083320 -  ..
083321 - Installation Coordinator, Supervisor Take Resposible Action
083322 -
083323 -
0834 -
0835 -
0836 - 1451 Lisa called back          888 900 9933
0837 -
083701 - Lisa followed up our efforts to schedule completion of DSL
083702 - installation. ref SDS 0 2332
083703 -
083704 - She asked if I have been called yet by her supervisor, per our call
083705 - above?
083706 -
083707 - I explained getting a call from Keyda, but not from the supervisor.
083708 - ref SDS 0 0540
083709 -
083710 - Lisa asked if Patrick called me.
083711 -
083712 - Lisa asked me to hold on to talk to her supervisor.
083713 -
083714 - She came back online and said her supervisor will call me back.
083715 -
083716 -  ..
0838 -
0839 -
0840 - 1505 received call Pac Bell
0841 -
084101 - Talked to Erline.  She is the supervisor for Lisa and Keyda.
084102 -
084103 - We reviewed options.
084104 -
084105 - Erline said Pac Bell marketing is scheduling installations too rapidly
084106 - with the result that the work is not being done correctly.
084107 -
084108 - She can expedite assignment of an installer for Saturday the first AM
084109 - assignment on 000422.
084110 -
084111 - We reviewed discussions with Patrick, and that they are supposedly
084112 - assigning someone to coordiante trouble shooting our system.
084113 - ref SDS 0 7482
084114 -
084115 - Erline will go ahead and schedule a rep to visit our office on 000422
084116 - to complete installation of DSL.
084117 - ..
084118 - Earline said that if we get the system running to call her at...
084119 -
084120 -
084121 -                         415 542 5459
084122 -
084123 -
084124 - she can cancel the assignment for Saturday.
084125 -
084126 -    [On 000418 left voice mail status. ref SDS 35 3770
084127 -
084128 -    [On 000420 sent letter asking Pac Bell to coordinate. ref SDS 36
084129 -    0001
084130 -
084131 -    [On 000421 tried to call Earline. ref SDS 37 0001
084132 -
084133 -    [On 000422 received call from Neveda. ref SDS 38 0630; Nevada
084134 -    installed DSL, ref SDS 38 0788,
084135 -
084136 -
084137 -  ..
084138 - Pac Bell Customer Rep Sherrilynn Takes Responsibility for Results
084139 -
084140 -
0842 -
0843 -
0844 - 1537 called Patrick Welch back
0845 -
084501 - Since we have not heard from the guy Patrick said would be assigned to
084502 - coordinate our order, ref SDS 0 7482, called the number for Patrick
084503 - Welch, and spoke to telephone coordinator....
084504 -
084505 -
084506 -                       Sherrilynn
084507 -
084508 -  ..
084509 - She asked me to hold while she tries to find a responsible person.
084510 -
084511 - After about 10 minutes, Sherrilynn came back on line and proposed that
084512 - I leave a message in Patrick's voice mail.  Even though he has left
084513 - the office to go to another state to do training, ref SDS 0 7482, she
084514 - was told that people will eventually answer Patrick's messages and
084515 - call us back.
084516 -
084517 -  ..
084518 - We reviewed the idea of contacting Patrick's supervisor to find out
084519 - who he might have contacted about assigning someone to complete
084520 - installation of our DSL service.  If that has occurred, we may be able
084521 - to save time by contacting the assigned coordinator.
084522 -
084523 - Sherrilynn was agreeable.  She proposed that I talk directly to the
084524 - department upstairs who is handling this matter...
084525 -
084526 -
084527 -                 DSL and EPC     858 320 5417
084528 -
084529 -  ..
084530 - She tried to transfer my call.
084531 -
084532 - After another 10 minutes Sherrilynn came back on line and suggested
084533 - that she will coordinate this contact.  She took my number and said
084534 - she will get someone to call back who has the authority to coordinate
084535 - solutions.
084536 -
084537 -
084538 -
084539 -  ..
084540 - Technical Support Backlogged, Cannot Get Help
084541 -
084542 -
0846 -
0847 -
0848 - 1552 called                877 375 3375
0849 -
084901 - This is the number Patrick suggested, per above. ref SDS 0 2583
084902 -
084903 - It is different from the nubmer Rosalinda gave yesterday for DSL
084904 - Technical Support. ref SDS 34 9768
084905 -
084906 - Got a message saying they are backlogged, and to hang on.
084907 -
084908 -
084909 -  ..
084910 - Pac Bell Customer Reps Professional, Helpful, Deserve a Raise
084911 -
084912 -
0850 -
0851 -
0852 - 1600 Sherrilynn called back
0853 -
085301 - She talked to Kerry, and was told that Patrick is working on the
085302 - Welch order.
085303 -
085304 - We reviewed understandings that Patrick has gone to another state to
085305 - perform training, ref SDS 0 7482, and as a result he planned to ask a
085306 - supervisor to assign someone to coordinate completion of our order.
085307 -
085308 - Sherrilynn asked me to hold on.
085309 -
085310 - She put me in touch with Kerry who works in Patrick's department.
085311 -
085312 - Thanked Sherrlynn for her excellent work.
085313 -
085314 - Talked to Kerry.
085315 -
085316 - We reviewed the record that Patrick planned to speak with a superivsor
085317 - to have someone assigned to coordinate our order. ref SDS 0 7482
085318 -
085319 - Kerry said that Patrick is the supervisor and so this understanding
085320 - seems conflicting.
085321 -
085322 - We noted the potential for conflicts to arise when the number of tasks
085323 - and communications escalate.
085324 -
085325 - Kerry said she walked down to Patrick's office at the other end of the
085326 - building and noticed that he is not in his office.  She then paged
085327 - him, and spoke to Patrick just a few minutes ago.
085328 - ..
085329 - Kerry advised that Patrick said he is working on the Welch
085330 - order, and will call Welch when he gets information to move the matter
085331 - forward.
085332 -
085333 -    [...below Cervando called back. ref SDS 0 2747
085334 -
085335 - This seems to change prior understandings.  Evidently, Patrick did not
085336 - leave the state, and he seems to be working on the order, rather than
085337 - having asked a supervisor to assign a coordinator.
085338 -
085339 -    [...below, report that Patrick is leaving tomorrow. ref SDS 0 6408
085340 -
085341 -
085342 -
0854 -
0855 -
0856 - 1623 called                877 375 3375
0857 -
085701 - While talking to Sherrilynn, the call to the alternate technical
085702 - support group was dropped. ref SDS 0 6006
085703 -
085704 - Now the line is busy.
085705 -
085706 -  ..
085707 - Technical Support Needs Help Using Windows 2000
085708 -
085709 -
0858 -
0859 -
0860 - 1707
0861 -
086101 - Made a connection and put on hold.
086102 -
086103 -
086104 -  ..
0862 -
0863 -
0864 - 1714 got connected
0865 -
086501 - Talked to Sang.
086502 -
086503 - Sang asked where we got the updated software?
086504 -
086505 - I explained having purchased and downloaded the upgrade that supports
086506 - W2000 from, reported on 000415. ref SDS 34 4899
086507 -
086508 - Sang gave me an IP address to ping the server.  This was successful.
086509 -
086510 - He had me examine Netscape Preferences, but we could not find
086511 - anything that suggested a solution.
086512 -
086513 - Sang suggested calling up IE, but it also failed to recognize the
086514 - Internet connection through TCP/IP.
086515 -
086516 - Sang feels he needs assistance for working with Windows 2000.
086517 -
086518 - We reviewed the record showing that Patrick is trying to round up
086519 - someone who can coordinate that help.
086520 -
086521 - Sang asked for Patrick's number.
086522 -
086523 - While we talked, the phone rang....
086524 -
086525 -
086526 -
086527 -  ..
086528 - Customer Account Rep Takes Responsibility for Installation
086529 -
086530 -
0866 -
0867 -
0868 - 1729 Cervando called back
0869 -
086901 - Cervando is following up from talking to Patrrick, per telecon above,
086902 - ref SDS 0 7482, and with Kerry. ref SDS 0 1540
086903 -
086904 - He is aware we had to purchase EnterNet 300 v 1.34 for Windows 2000
086905 - for $30, and so is arranging to have our account credited that amount.
086906 - Cervando said Pac Bell should have delivered this program for
086907 - installation on Saturday, and also, Pac Bell has a site where we can
086908 - download the program for free.
086909 -
086910 - Advised that I am talking to Sang on the other line, and he is trying
086911 - to call Patrick to get instructions on how to configure Pac Bell's DSL
086912 - service with W2000. ref SDS 0 6984
086913 -
086914 - We decided that since Cervando has good resources on how to solve our
086915 - problem, we can accomplish the work directly, and then coordinate
086916 - with Sang later rather than try to get everyone involved now.
086917 -
086918 - Cervando asked for Sang's direct line.  He will call him later to
086919 - explain the solution.
086920 -
086921 - Talked to Sang.
086922 -
086923 - Sang asked for Cervando's direct line, so he can conference in on our
086924 - call.
086925 - ..
086926 - Talked to Cervando.
086927 -
086928 - He gave me his direct line....
086929 -
086930 -
086931 -                         858 320 5529
086932 -
086933 - Talked to Sang.
086934 -
086935 - Gave him Cervando's direct line, and hung up.
086936 -
086937 - Cervando put his "expert" on line for configuring W2000.
086938 -
086939 -
086940 -  ..
086941 - Domain Register in Network Properties Assign to Pac Bell
086942 -
086943 - Talked to Robert who is a Pac Ball W2000 expert.
086944 -
086945 - Robert advised we have to assign Pac Bell to a "Domain" register
086946 - somewhere in Network properties.  He does not Windows 2000 on his
086947 - computer, but has worked with Windows NT.
086948 -
086949 - Robert suggested looking for the "Domain" register as follows...
086950 -
086951 -
086952 -      Control Panel
086953 -
086954 -         Network
086955 -
086956 -            Properties
086957 -
086958 -                Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
086959 -
086960 -
086961 - Properties for this resource does not show a "domain" option.
086962 -
086963 - Robert was disappointed that W2000 seems different from NT.
086964 -
086965 - He feels there is one thing we need to do, but he cannot think of it
086966 - at the moment.  He wants to do some research, including call other
086967 - resources for assistance.
086968 -
086969 - Robert and/or Cervando will call back later this evening.
086970 -
086971 -
086972 -
086973 -  ..
0870 -
0871 -
0872 - 1820 Sang left message
0873 -
087301 - He tried to contact Cervando at the number he gave...
087302 -
087303 -
087304 -                         858 320 5529
087305 -
087306 - ...and reports Cervando is not at that number.
087307 -
087308 - I tried the number and did not get Cervando either.
087309 -
087310 -
087311 -
087312 -
087313 -  ..
087314 - Research Installation On Windows 2000 Unsuccessful
087315 -
087316 -
0874 -
0875 -
0876 - 1914 Robert called back
0877 -
087701 - Cervando and Robert were on the line.
087702 -
087703 - Initially, explained that Sang had difficulty contacting Cervando at
087704 - the direct line reported earlier, ref SDS 0 2058, and that I was not
087705 - able to get Cervando at that number either.
087706 -
087707 - Cervando said there are a lot of changes occurring in the department.
087708 - He indicated we could leave a message on that number for him.  We
087709 - reviewed the challenge of making timely contact to solve problems
087710 - where the voice mail message does not mention anything about DSL or
087711 - technical support, or anything remotely sounding like Cervando.
087712 -
087713 - Cervando gave me a pager number...
087714 -
087715 -
087716 -                         858 271 3761 pager
087717 -
087718 -
087719 - Robert advised that his research this afternoon was unsuccessful.  He
087720 - was unable to contact anyone who can provide guidance on solving this
087721 - problem.
087722 -
087723 -
087724 -  ..
087725 - Cervando, Robert Take Responsibility to Coordinate Installation
087726 - Schedule Follow Up Tomorrow Solving W2000 Installation Problem
087727 -
087728 - Cervando said that he and Robert are going to stay on this problem
087729 - until it is solved.  He feels that he and Robert are two of the top
087730 - experts in Pac Bell on DSL installation, and so he is confident they
087731 - will get the job done.
087732 - ..
087733 - Cervando is leaving for Texas tomorrow, however, he will remain
087734 - in touch with Robert on the Welch installation project until it is
087735 - completed.
087744 -
087745 - Robert has Pac Bell contacts in Texas who he feels will likely know
087746 - the solution to our problem because they have been working with
087747 - Windows 2000.
087748 -
087749 - Neither Robert nor Cervando have Windows 2000 installed on their
087750 - computers, and so they do not have actual experience using it.  They
087751 - plan, however, to make this a priority, since more customers will be
087752 - using w2000 in the period ahead.  I advised experience the past month
087753 - or so shows it is much more stable than W98.
087754 -
087755 - I explained I have to be in court tomorrow to serve on a jury, per
087756 - report on 000414. ref SDS 33 0001 and so have to leave the office
087757 - about 0815 to get the courthouse by 0845.
087758 -
087759 - Robert said he gets in the office about 0700.  He will call his
087760 - contacts in Texas and get the information we need.
087761 - ..
087762 - Robert will call me tomorrow after 1700 to finalize
087763 - installation.
087764 -
087765 - Robert seemed to indicate he stays at the office until OA 2000, so we
087766 - should be able to hook up.
087774 -
087775 - Robert will send a letter tomorrow on coordinating.  Cervando will
087776 - remain in touch to support our efforts.
087777 - ..
087778 - We have two issues...
087779 -
087780 -     1.  Connect Netscape and IE browsers to DSL server.
087781 -
087782 -         Includes getting FTP op running using ws_ftp pro.
087783 -
087784 -           [On 000422 Pac Bell solved this problem, but created new
087785 -           problem of the LAN not working. ref SDS 38 0788
087786 -
087787 -     2.  Clear W2000 error message during boot sequence, reported
087788 -         yesterday. ref SDS 34 2448
087789 -
087790 -         Robert noted this afternoon that he expects the solution to
087791 -         issue one will solve this matter as well.
087792 -
087793 -           [On 000422 Pac Bell solved this problem. ref SDS 38 8096
087794 -
087795 -    [On 000418 Robert needs more help. ref SDS 35 0001
087796 -
087797 -    [On 000418 Brad Schwab at MCE offers to help. ref SDS 35 2183
087798 -
087799 -
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"