440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 15, 2000 01:50 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Pac Bell setting up DSL Internet access.

....1...Installed filters for router (modem)...
....2...Tested phone line 415 781 3456 for throughput and reported the
....3...Westell Wirespeed modem (also called a "router") was connected
........LED Indicators on Modem
....4...Tested the line and router connected with Art's Compaq
........Incorrect Router Assigned for Dynamic Access; System Down
........Tech Support Available 24 Hours Per Day
....5...Dedicated data line.
....6...Network card.
....7...Software for Network Card Not Needed under W2000
....8...Sync up Status achieved
....9...Software for Pac Bell Internet Support
...10...Customer Setup Identification Codes
2...Trying to contact Pac Bell Technical Support
3...Technical Support Does Not Support Software Installation
4...DSL Set Up Profile User Name and Password, Connected to Server
5...Failed Connect to Server via Web Browser; Need EnterNet 300 v 1.3
6...Downloaded EnterNet 300 v 1.34 for Windows 2000
7...DSL Installation Failing to Connect Browser to Pac Bell Server

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Communication DSL Internet Access
DSL High Speed Transmission System
Pac Bell DSL, 000401
DSL EnterNet 300 Pac Bell, 000415
High Speed Internet Access

0807 -    ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0000, ref SDS 29 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Art did a lot of the physical installation.  He was not trained for
080904 - installing on w2000 and had to leave to help another customer before
080905 - completing installion on our system.  Art was delayed because the
080906 - Central Office assigned router #3 to our account, and we need to be
080907 - assigned to router #9 or above for dynamic access.  This took several
080908 - hours to fix in order that he could establish "sync." Art was also
080909 - delayed because the Pac Bell ISP system was down for some time.
080910 - ref SDS 0 5621  Software for Kingston Technology network card is not
080911 - needed for installation under Windows 2000.  The operating system
080912 - makes sets up the driver automatically. ref SDS 0 3038  For dial up
080913 - access to the server, needed upgraded software for EnterNet 300.  Art
080914 - brought version 1.28 but Windows 2000 requires 1.3 or better.
080915 - Purchased the current version 1.34. ref SDS 0 4899  Late at night was
080916 - finally able to contact the Pac Bell Technical Support people, and got
080917 - information for configuring our access to the server.  This failed,
080918 - which led to getting the upgraded EnterNet 300 program.  We are still
080919 - failing to get access after getting the upgraded dial up program.
080920 - There is a system boot message that may be the problem. ref SDS 0 6972
080921 - Have a call in to get help. ref SDS 0 1980
080922 -
080923 -     [On 000417 made progress on assigning team to coordinate
080924 -     completion of DSL service. ref SDS 34 0001
080925 -
080926 -     [On 000422 got DSL running. ref SDS 35 0001
080927 -
080928 -
080929 -  ..
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Progress
0813 -
081301 - Art Hernandez arrived.  His phone number is...
081302 -
081303 -
081304 -                           650 301 5106
081305 -
081306 -
081307 - Art initially reported that he is not authorized to install the Pac
081308 - Bell DSL system on a computer running Windows 2000.
081309 -
081310 - Art mentioned this before we discussed anything about our computer, so
081311 - he must have been informed in advance of arriving about our system
081312 - configuration.
081313 -
081314 - We reviewed the record on 000401 where Pac Bell account representative
081315 - who prepared the order, Cervando, advised that Pac Bell can install
081316 - its DSL modem system on a computer that is running under Windows 2000.
081317 - ref SDS 32 3519
081318 -
081319 - Art feels there must have a communication mistake at Pac Bell.
081320 -
081321 - We called Cervando    885 320 5553
081322 -
081323 - Cervando did not answer, so we left a message about the situation.
081324 -
081325 -     [On 000417 Cervando's phone number is disconnected. ref SDS 34
081326 -     0319
081327 -
081328 - Art called his boss, Raymond and spoke for a minute or so privately.
081329 -
081330 - I asked to talk to Raymond.  We talked on the speaker phone, so Art
081331 - could listen.
081332 -
081333 - Raymond said the policy in Northern California is that Pac Bell DSL
081334 - system cannot be installed on a W2000 system, because staff have not
081335 - yet been trained for this work.  As a result, he instructed Art not to
081336 - make the installation today.
081337 -
081338 - We did not discuss why Art came by today with tools and equipment, if
081339 - there was no intent to perform Pac Bell's commitment to make an
081340 - installation.  We also did not discuss why the customer was not
081341 - notified within the past 2 weeks of this possible conflict, so that
081342 - remedial measures could be taken to avoid wasting Art's time and that
081343 - of the customer.  If preparation is needed, notice would have helped
081344 - have everything ready.
081345 -
081346 - We reviewed the record on 000401 where Pac Bell accepted an order to
081347 - make this installation. ref SDS 32 3519  I gave Raymond the phone
081348 - number for Cervando so he can try to follow up internally.
081349 -
081350 - I asked Raymond if the policy not to install the DSL system on Windows
081351 - 2000 is published, so there is an authority to contact, and possibly
081352 - some clarification, or is it a verbal understanding that might have
081353 - gotten exaggerated, as reviewed in 991108? ref SDS 31 4505
081354 -
081355 - Raymond said he has published instructions on this.
081356 -
081357 - I asked him to send me a copy of the policy by email, so we can make
081358 - plans on how to proceed.
081359 -
081360 - Raymond said he cannot send the policy because his boss has it, and
081361 - told him what to do.  He has not actually seen the published policy.
081362 -
081363 - So, we are back to conversation.
081364 - ..
081365 - I asked Raymond if he is aware of any harm that occurs to
081366 - Windows 2000 as a result of attempting to operate Pac Bell's DSL
081367 - software?
081368 -
081369 - Raymond said no harm is caused, that the system runs well on Windows
081370 - 2000, but he cannot authorize Art to make the installation because
081371 - they have not been trained for this work.
081372 -
081373 -     [...below Peter Catherwood confirms this understanding.
081374 -     ref SDS 0 8925
081375 -
081376 - Raymond then talked to Art privately.
081377 -
081378 - Art received several names of other bosses who might be able to help.
081379 -
081380 - After talking to Raymond, Peter tried to call one of several names he
081381 - wrote down while talking to Raymond.  He got voice mail, and left a
081382 - message about our situation.
081383 - ..
081384 - After leaving this message, Art and I reviewed options.
081385 -
081386 - Art feels uncomfortable doing an installation under W2000 since his
081387 - boss has given an instruction not to do so.
081388 -
081389 - We did not discuss why he came by knowing we had a W2000
081390 - configuration, if there was to be no attempt to get the job done?
081391 -
081392 - I asked if he has installed Pac Bell's DSL service on a Windows NT
081393 - system, which has been around for several years?
081394 -
081395 - Art said he has done this.
081396 -
081397 - We considered similarities between W2000 and NT which might result in
081398 - the Pac Bell DSL service running under W2000, as Raymond noted.
081399 -
081400 - Art concurred with this analysis.
081401 -
081402 - I offered to install the DSL software under Art's direction based on
081403 - his experience installing on NT systems.
081404 -
081405 - Art feels this might work.
081406 -
081407 - Art left to set up the physical wiring and get the equipment needed
081408 - to make the installation.
081409 -
081410 -
081411 -
0815 -
0816 -
0817 - 1419 Peter Catherwood called
0818 -
081801 - Peter said he is Raymond's supervisor, with whom we spoke a few
081802 - minutes ago, and he is one of the people Art called after talking to
081803 - Raymond.
081804 -
081805 - I explained Art is downstairs working on installation, and will be
081806 - back shortly.
081807 -
081808 - We reviewed concern about installation on W2000.
081809 -
081810 - Peter said he was at a recent training class and was told that Pac
081811 - Bell has not begun to do installations on W2000 and so this should not
081812 - be attempted.
081813 - ..
081814 - I asked if the training class disclosed that installation on
081815 - W2000 causes harm to W2000?
081816 -
081817 - Peter said that the trainer did not say harm would result from making
081818 - the installation on W2000.  This confirms Raymond's understanding, per
081819 - above. ref SDS 0 9810
081820 -
081821 - We reviewed the idea of the customer making the installation, and Art
081822 - observing and advising based on experience working with NT systems,
081823 - per planning above. ref SDS 0 8528
081824 -
081825 - Peter said this is fine, and that Art can call him if he needs further
081826 - assistance.
081827 -
081828 -
081829 -
081830 -
0819 -
0820 -
0821 - 1443 Art returned
0822 -
082201 - Art brought the equipment for installation.
082202 -
082203 - I explained the call from Peter Catherwood, per above, and that Art
082204 - can call Peter if he needs more information.
082205 -
082206 - Art did not call Peter.
082207 -
082208 - Art then began installation.
082209 -
082210 -        ..
082211 -    1.  Installed filters for router (modem)...
082212 -    
082213 -
082214 -                  Z Blocker Filter Model Z 2000 SM
082215 -
082216 -
082217 -        ...on each of the three phone jacks to avoid voice system from
082218 -        accessing data stream that will now be used on the line.
082219 -
082220 -    2.  Tested phone line 415 781 3456 for throughput and reported the
082221 -        following...
082222 -
082223 -            1536 KB using 26% bandwidth downstream (downloading)
082224 -
082225 -             128 KB using 21% bandwidth upstream (uploading)
082226 -
082227 -        Art seemed to indicate these results are favorable conditions
082228 -        for expanding service, if we wish to do so later.  We have
082229 -        ample bandwidth because of being relatively near the phone
082230 -        company office.  He related earlier getting readings of only
082231 -        900K using 100% bandwidth downstream for several other
082232 -        customers earlier today.
082233 -
082234 -         ..
082235 -    3.  Westell Wirespeed modem (also called a "router") was connected
082236 -        to phone line...
082237 -
082238 -                          415 781 3456
082239 -
082240 -                   Ethernet ADSL Modem
082241 -
082242 -                   Westell Inc.          04 2000
082243 -                   P.O. Box 2200
082244 -                   Aurora, IL  60507
082245 -                   Part # B99 35R516B6
082246 -                   36R516 with Ethernet Cable & NA PWR
082247 -                   SN 00B404228030
082248 -
082249 -      [On 010202 connected this equipment to c13, moved c11 to Concord.
082250 -      ref SDS 38 5395
082251 -
082252 -        The manual in the box has a slightly different explanation...
082253 -
082254 -                   Ethernet ADSL Modem        02 2000
082255 -                   Model B90 35R51x
082256 -                   Part # 030-300108 Rev A
082257 -
082258 -        Installation says a data filter is needed, which is the purpose
082259 -        of step 1. ref SDS 0 5852
082260 -        ..
082261 -        Instruction #3 says a "cross-over" cable may be required
082262 -        when connecting to other equipment, such as an Ethernet hub.
082263 -
082264 -           This seems to indicate the router ADSL modem can connect to
082265 -           a network hub, rather than directly to the network card.
082266 -
082267 -           However, we may need a cross-over cable.  Where do we get
082268 -           it?
082269 -
082270 -           Since we installed a second network card, this issue is
082271 -           initially moot. ref SDS 0 6804
082272 -        ..
082273 -        LED Indicators on Modem
082274 -        
082275 -            Power green on
082276 -            Ready green on
082277 -            Link green on
082278 -
082279 -        This makes three green lights are on, indicating the system is
082280 -        ready to transmit and receive.
082281 -
082282 -        A fourth light is a pulsating yellow to indicate when data is
082283 -        actually being transmitted.
082284 -
082285 -        This means we should have the modem in plain view to see
082286 -        status, so I moved it to between the printer and the scanner,
082287 -        where it is easy to see from the desk facing the monitor.
082288 -        ..
082289 -    4.  Tested the line and router connected with Art's Compaq
082290 -        laptop computer running W98 to "sync" with the router in the
082291 -        Pac Bell central office that connects to the server.
082292 -
082293 -        Test failed.
082294 -
082295 -        Art advised that the system could not sync up with the router
082296 -        in Pac Bell's central office.
082297 -
082298 -        Art called several numbers for assistance.
082299 -
082300 -           He would not provide these numbers to the customer because
082301 -           they are for internal support.
082302 -
082303 -        Initially, he contacted Bev.  I only heard half of this
082304 -        discussion, but it sounded like Bev was very helpful.
082305 -        ..
082306 -        Incorrect Router Assigned for Dynamic Access; System Down
082307 -        
082308 -        Bev advised that the test "sync up" failed because Pac Bell
082309 -        connected the Welch 415 781 3456 line to router #3 in the
082310 -        central office, and it does not support Dynamic Access, which
082311 -        is the kind of service assigned for this account, as reported
082312 -        on 000401. ref SDS 32 0001  Bev advised that Pac Bell should
082313 -        have configured the Welch account to routers #9 or above, since
082314 -        they support dynamic access.
082315 -
082316 -        Art later talked to Rosalinda.
082317 -
082318 -        He learned that in addition to the wrong router being assigned
082319 -        to the Welch account, the Pac Bell system is down at the
082320 -        moment, and not expected to be back online for several hours.
082321 -        ..
082322 -        So, to complete installation, we need to get both the...
082323 -
082324 -           a.  Correct router assigned in the central office, and the
082325 -
082326 -           b.  Pac Bell IP system needs to come back online.
082327 -
082328 -               Below, called Pac Ball Technical Support and they said
082329 -               the Pac Bell system is back online, and the fact that we
082330 -               have "sync" with the 3 green lights on, shows that the
082331 -               router problem has been fixed. ref SDS 0 1500
082332 -
082333 -        Rosalinda is to call NDPSC about changing our router assignment
082334 -        in the central office from #3, which does not support dynamic
082335 -        service, to router #9 or above, which support dynamic service.
082336 -
082337 -         ..
082338 -        Tech Support Available 24 Hours Per Day
082339 -
082340 -        Rosalinda gave a number for Pac Bell Technical support...
082341 -
082342 -
082343 -                              800 708 4638
082344 -
082345 -
082346 -        ...and said it is open 24 hours per day.
082347 -
082348 -            [On 000417 got different number for technical support.
082349 -            ref SDS 34 6006
082350 -
082351 -        Art said that after the central office makes the corrections,
082352 -        we should sync up and be able to complete installation of the
082353 -        software.
082354 -
082355 -            [...below, before Art left about 1730 he noticed that all
082356 -            three LED lights are on, indicating "sync up" is achieved.
082357 -            ref SDS 0 2146
082358 -
082359 -    5.  Dedicated data line.
082360 -
082361 -        Art decided to create a dedicated data line for the router
082362 -        using line 415 781 3456.  A colleague, Joe, came in and joined
082363 -        us about 1600, and he helped install the dedicated data line,
082364 -        including a switch box.  I asked them to leave some extra line
082365 -        so in case we change the configuration of the office layout, we
082366 -        have some flexibility to re-position the computer.
082367 -        ..
082368 -    6.  Network card.
082369 -    
082370 -        Evidently, while talking to Art, Rosalinda was able to connect
082371 -        Alex, so he could join the discussion between her and Art to
082372 -        collaborate on this installation effort.
082373 -
082374 -        Alex suggested using the network card installed since it is
082375 -        already configured, tested and running.
082376 -
082377 -        After hanging up from talking to Rosalinda and Alex, Art
082378 -        indicated that we would have to disconnect the network card
082379 -        from the hub in order to connect the router to the network
082380 -        card, rather than connect to the router to the hub.
082381 -
082382 -        This configuration would eliminate the LAN network capability.
082383 -
082384 -        We discussed whether the router can be connected to the hub in
082385 -        order to preserve the network capability?
082386 -
082387 -        Art indicated he has not done that installation.
082388 -
082389 -           Subsequent research indicated the router can be connected to
082390 -           the hub using a cross-over cable, which Art did not bring
082391 -           today. ref SDS 0 6699
082392 -        ..
082393 -        Art decided to install a second network card dedicated to
082394 -        the router, in order to ensure the LAN will work with DSL.
082395 -
082396 -             [On 000422 LAN network failed with DSL. ref SDS 35 5740
082397 -
082398 -             [ it fixed by switching to Netbeui. ref SDS 35 7396
082399 -
082400 -        Art shut the computer down, and installed Pac Bell's network
082401 -        card...
082402 -
082403 -
082404 -                          Kingston Technology
082405 -                          EtherRx VP 10/100 Base-TX
082406 -                          PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
082407 -                          Model:  KNE110TX
082408 -
082409 -                          Part No. 4460071 001.B00
082410 -
082411 -              The manual says the card is dynamically configured by
082412 -              the computer system's BIOS.
082413 -
082414 -      [On 010202 connected this equipment to c13, moved c11 to Concord.
082415 -      ref SDS 38 5395
082416 -
082417 -        We turned the power on and the system booted.  There was no
082418 -        operation for configuring the network card, however, the
082419 -        Control Panel now shows two network cards.  The original 3Com
082420 -        Etherlink III ISA, and now a 2nd...
082421 -
082422 -                  Local Area Connection 2
082423 -                  LAN
082424 -                  Enabled
082425 -                  LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter Version 1.0
082426 -
082427 -           [Below, un-installed the card and re-installed to try and
082428 -           clear a system boot error. ref SDS 0 6972
082429 -
082430 -
082431 -    7.  Software for Network Card Not Needed under W2000
082432 -
082433 -        Art provided a diskett identified as...
082434 -
082435 -                       EtherRx VP 10/100
082436 -                       PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
082437 -                       Driver with Qstart
082438 -                       Version #1.3
082439 -                       PC Version DOS 1.44 Disk 1 of 1
082440 -                       P/N  7700064-001.A04
082441 -
082442 -        Decided to put these drivers in...
082443 -
082444 -                       h: 00 09
082445 -
082446 -              Disk says to put the disk into the a: port and type run
082447 -              qstart to install the software.
082448 -
082449 -              However, the back of the instruction document for the
082450 -              Kingston Technology EtherRx VP 10/100BASE TX network card
082451 -              says the following...
082452 -
082453 -                Windows NT Users
082454 -
082455 -                The required network driver for this adapter is located
082456 -                in the root directory of the Kinsington drivers disk.
082457 -                Do not install any drivers from the Qstart program.
082458 -                For proper installation, simply follow the procedures
082459 -                listed below.
082460 -
082461 -                1.  Click on Start and choose Settings Control Panel.
082462 -
082463 -                2.  Double click on the Network icon and select the
082464 -                    Adapters tab.
082465 -
082466 -                    Windows 2000 actually works differently.
082467 -
082468 -                    Device Manager has to be opened by right clicking
082469 -                    on the System Management, also called My Computer.
082470 -
082471 -                    This opens system properties.
082472 -
082473 -                    Click on Hardware tab.
082474 -
082475 -                    Click on Device Manager.
082476 -
082477 -                3.  Network Adapters is about 2/3s down the list.
082478 -                    There are two of them, since we also have a 3Com
082479 -                    Ethernet card for the LAN.
082480 -
082481 -                4.  LNE100TX right click on this to open properties.
082482 -
082483 -                5.  Drivers, click on this tab.  This shows...
082484 -
082485 -                    Driver Provider     Microsoft
082486 -
082487 -                    Driver Date         991022
082488 -
082489 -                    Driver Version
082490 -
082491 -                    Driver Signer     Microsoft Windows 2000 Publisher
082492 -
082493 -                6.  Update Driver button near bottom of the window.
082494 -
082495 -                    Select from software disk root directory...
082496 -
082497 -                    Kingston EtherRex PCI 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter
082498 -                    (KNE100TX)
082499 -
082500 -                    Unfortunately, this driver does not seem to be on
082501 -                    the software diskett.
082502 -
082503 -                    Windows 2000 driver installation Wizard reported
082504 -                    the following...
082505 -
082506 -                                ktc110n3.inf
082507 -
082508 -                    ...provides closer match to the network card than
082509 -                    what was configured by W2000
082510 -
082511 -                    Got an error message saying...
082512 -
082513 -                       An error occurred during installation of the
082514 -                       device
082515 -
082516 -                       The style of the inf is different than what was
082517 -                       requested.
082518 -
082519 -                    As a result, the device driver was not updated.
082520 -              ..
082521 -              There is a web site for getting updated drivers...
082522 -
082523 -                 
082524 -
082525 -
082526 -              Checked the website, and found that it says Windows 2000
082527 -              configures the network card automatically and there is
082528 -              no indication on the screen of this occurring.  That
082529 -              seems to be what happened here.
082530 -
082531 -              So installation of the network card is easier on Windows
082532 -              2000, because it is entirely plug and play.
082533 -
082534 -        ..
082535 -    8.  Sync up Status achieved
082536 -    
082537 -        After Joe completed setting up the separate data line, Art
082538 -        connected the router to the data line and then to the network
082539 -        card.
082540 -
082541 -        He showed that the system now has "sync" status, because all
082542 -        three lights are green on the Westel Wirespeed router, per
082543 -        instructions in the Westel manual shown above. ref SDS 0 7081
082544 -
082545 -        This seems to suggest that Pac Bell has cleared the prior
082546 -        problems that prevented sync up, per above. ref SDS 0 4028
082547 -        However, Art did not expressly state this.
082548 -        ..
082549 -    9.  Software for Pac Bell Internet Support
082550 -    
082551 -        When Art talked to Bev, she confirmed that Pac Bell is not
082552 -        supporting W2000 but everyone understands that it should work
082553 -        okay.
082554 -
082555 -        Art indicated that Bev advised the software CD he brought
082556 -        today...
082557 -
082558 -
082559 -                         SBC Internet Services
082560 -                         Client Software for Basic DSL
082561 -                         V1.28.00
082562 -
082563 -
082564 -        ...supports W2000.
082565 -
082566 -            [Below, turned out that version 1.34 supports Windows 2000,
082567 -            so had to purchase it. ref SDS 0 4899
082568 -
082569 -        Art said he has to make an installation for another customer.
082570 -
082571 -        There was not enough time for Art to examine the Pac Bell CD
082572 -        and explain installation procedures and issues.
082573 -
082574 -        Art suggested contacting Pac Bell Technical Support for help to
082575 -        install the SBC CD.  He said the Technical Support people will
082576 -        provide the password and other setup information needed to
082577 -        complete installation.
082578 -
082579 -            [Below, turned out Pac Bell Technical Support does not help
082580 -            install the software. ref SDS 0 4096
082581 -
082582 -            [...below got software installed. ref SDS 0 4899
082583 -
082584 -        Before Art left, we tried several times to call the Pac Bell
082585 -        technical support number...
082586 -
082587 -
082588 -                          800 708 4638
082589 -
082590 -
082591 -        ...and was told there is a 2 hour wait.  This may have
082592 -        influenced Art's determination to go to another customer.
082593 -        ..
082594 -        After Art left, I installed the CD in...
082595 -
082596 -
082597 -                         h: 00 13
082598 -
082599 -
082600 -        ...did the actual installation late at night, using input from
082601 -        Technical Support, per below. ref SDS 0 4096
082602 -
082603 -        The procedure is run....
082604 -
082605 -
082606 -                         h: 00 13 install enternet300.exe
082607 -
082608 -
082609 -        Seems to turn out that the actual program that is installed on
082610 -        the computer from the CD is...
082611 -
082612 -
082613 -                        Enternet 300
082614 -
082615 -
082616 -        ...see below for details of problems. ref SDS 0 6972
082617 -
082618 -
082619 -   10.  Customer Setup Identification Codes
082620 -
082621 -        Before leaving, Art gave two codes he said we need for
082622 -        contacting Technical Support to complete installation...
082623 -
082624 -        Service order Number:  c14121744
082625 -
082626 -        Customer code:    280
082627 -
082628 -
082629 -  ..
082630 - Trying to contact Pac Bell Technical Support
082631 - Technical Support Does Not Support Software Installation
082632 -
082633 -
0827 -
0828 -
0829 - 2229 Pac Bell Tech Support
0830 -
083001 - Kevin A. answered the phone, after I was on hold for 3 hours.
083002 -
083003 - He said the three lights show "sync" but this is not sufficient to
083004 - complete installation, which provides access to the server.
083005 - ..
083006 - Kevin said he cannot support installation of the software and
083007 - drivers for the hardware.  We reviewed understandings from discussion
083008 - with Art earlier today that Pac Bell Technical Support can help
083009 - install the software and answer questions about configurations.
083010 - ref SDS 0 8648
083011 -
083012 - Kevin asked for Art's last name and department.  He indicated plans to
083013 - call Art's department to clarify that Technical Support does provide
083014 - software installation support.
083015 -
083016 - I advised that Art did an outstanding job, and my purpose is not to
083017 - complain, but merely to expedite completion of the work, since it
083018 - appears that everyone at Pac Bell is working hard to get started in a
083019 - new business, so there are a lot of loose ends at this stage, ramping
083020 - up to develop an installed base of customers.
083021 -
083022 - Kevin said he cannot support Windows 2000 and knows nothing about
083023 - deciding whether or how to connect the Pac Bell router to the network
083024 - hub or to a separate network card.
083025 -
083026 - Since Kevin did not provide support information, I installed the Pac
083027 - Bell software, per above. ref SDS 0 8648
083028 -
083029 -
083030 -  ..
083031 - DSL Set Up Profile User Name and Password, Connected to Server
083032 -
083033 - After we got EnterNet 300 installed running enternet300.exe, per
083034 - above, ref SDS 0 9400, we created a profile.
083035 -
083036 - Kevin gave me a user name:  dslreguser
083037 -
083038 -
083039 -                 password:   reguser
083040 -
083041 -
083042 - We used this to create a Setup profile.
083043 -
083044 -     Setup profile has a tab for Services.  This is applied by
083045 -     selecting the only entry in the window below, and it automatically
083046 -     makes an entry in the "Server" box.
083047 -
083048 -
083049 -
083050 -  ..
083051 - Failed Connect to Server via Web Browser; Need EnterNet 300 v 1.3
083052 -
083053 - Were able to connect to the server.
083054 -
083055 - Could not get the Netscape browser to access any web sites.  Kept
083056 - getting the message...
083057 -
083058 -          There was no response.  The server could be down or is not
083059 -          responding.
083060 -
083061 -          If you are unable to connect again later, contact the
083062 -          server's administrator.
083063 -
083064 -
083065 - Kevin suggested uninstalling the software and installing it again.
083066 -
083067 -
083068 -
083069 -  ..
0831 -
0832 -
0833 - 2308
0834 -
083401 - Talked to supervisor John.
083402 -
083403 - John said we need version 1.3 of the Pac Bell server software, and we
083404 - have 1.28.
083405 -
083406 - He suggested we download from Get Help on Pac Bell's web site at...
083407 -
083408 -
083409 -      
083410 -
083411 -
083412 - this site we tried Get Help, but it goes to a site that does not
083413 - have the updated DSL software for W2000, that John suggests is needed.
083414 -
083415 - John made several more suggestions...
083416 -
083417 -
083418 -      
083419 -
083420 -
083421 - ...bug it did not an access to the DSL software either.  He thinks
083422 - the site we need is down for repairs or something.
083423 - ..
083424 - John suggested calling Pac Bell DSL installation, where Art
083425 - works...
083426 -
083427 -
083428 -                        888 900 9933
083429 -
083430 -
083431 - He suggested an alternate place to get the software is from...
083432 -
083433 -
083434 -            
083435 -
083436 -
083437 - He is not sure where to get an updated driver for the Kingston
083438 - network card, but thinks Kingston may have a web site.
083439 -
083440 - Tried and was able to find something that looks like
083441 - version 1.34 that is 4.4 MB.  It says it works with W2000.
083442 -
083443 - Downloaded it.
083444 -
083445 -
083446 -
083447 -
0835 -
0836 -
0837 - 0039 completed download
0838 -
083801 - Removed the prior version.
083802 -
083803 - Rebooted.
083804 -
083805 - Started to install the downloaded version and it said it is only an
083806 - evaluation program.
083807 -
083808 - Tried to log back to get an actual user version, and the attglobal
083809 - server is down for service.
083810 -
083811 -
083812 -
083813 -
0839 -
0840 -
0841 - 0108 called                  888 900 9933
0842 -
084201 - Talked to Majadi Tech 534.
084202 -
084203 - Explained that John at the Technical Support gave this number to call
084204 - for updated software. ref SDS 0 1748
084205 -
084206 - Majadi said John made a mistake.
084207 -
084208 - He said this department only services the hardware after the software
084209 - is installed.  Majadi said to get updated software we have to call...
084210 -
084211 -
084212 -                             800 506 2599
084213 -
084214 -
084215 - I asked if there is a number at Pac Bell to call for coordinating the
084216 - installation, rather than the customer calling different departments?
084217 -
084218 - Majadi said there is a number for an Escalation Manager, but that
084219 - person contacts the lower department, and they would notify the
084220 - customer to call the number for software because they don't install
084221 - software.
084222 -
084223 -
084224 -
084225 -
0843 -
0844 -
0845 - 0112 called     800 506 2599
0846 -
084601 - Got a message saying to call back on Monday morning.
084602 -
084603 - Tried to leave a message we might be dead by then, but there is
084604 - nobody listening at Pac Bell.
084605 -
084606 -
084607 -
084608 -
084609 -  ..
084610 - Downloaded EnterNet 300 v 1.34 for Windows 2000
084611 -
084612 -
0847 -
0848 -
0849 - 0115 Tried Using JPS
0850 -
085001 - Logged back onto NTS.COM.
085002 -
085003 -
085004 -            
085005 -
085006 -
085007 - Since we are having problems with EnterNet300 v 1.28 provided by Pac
085008 - Bell today, and since John said v 1.3 will run under W2000, per above,
085009 - ref SDS 0 1824, I purchased Enternet 300 1.34, which seems to be the
085010 - program we are actually using from the Pac Bell CD, per above.
085011 - ref SDS 0 8648
085012 -
085013 - Cost $30.
085014 -
085015 - This is version 1.34 for w95, w98 and NT.
085016 -
085017 - Certificate Number:  1574000000039124
085018 -
085019 - Registered to Rod Welch
085020 -
085021 -     [On 000417 Cervando said he is crediting our telephone account
085022 -     this amount, advises the program is available for free from a Pac
085023 -     Bell web site. ref SDS 34 2747
085024 -
085025 - The readme.txt file says this supports Windows 2000. ref OF 6 3600
085026 -
085027 -  ..
085028 - Installed the EnterNet 300 program, per following instructions...
085029 -
085030 -      If you are installing EnterNet 300 on a Windows NT or Windows
085031 -      2000 computer, you must install it from a Windows user account
085032 -      that possesses Administrator privileges. EnterNet will be
085033 -      installed as a Service and will thereafter be useable from user
085034 -      accounts that do not have Administrator privileges. ref OF 6 3600
085035 -
085036 -   [On 000418 this installation was removed and replaced to complete
085037 -   setup of DSL. ref SDS 35 7P9O and ref SDS 35 YT7L
085038 -
085039 -   [On 010422 DSL installed by Pac Bell, ref SDS 35 0788, but caused
085040 -   problem with LAN. ref SDS 35 5740
085041 -
085042 -   [On 010129 Pac Bell clarifies installation procedures. ref SDS 37
085043 -   RM5H
085044 -
085045 -   [On 010129 Pac Bell advises 1.34 is current version for w2k.
085046 -   ref SDS 37 9X4M
085047 -
085048 -   [On 010517 received request for version of NTS Enternet 300
085049 -   installed on our computers. ref SDS 39 V76H
085050 -
085051 -
085052 -
085053 -  ..
085054 - DSL Installation Failing to Connect Browser to Pac Bell Server
085055 -
085056 -
0851 -
0852 -
0853 - 0212
0854 -
085401 - After purchasing and installing the program upgrade to version 1.34
085402 - that supports Windows 2000, ref SDS 0 4899, used procedure provided by
085403 - Kevin, per above, to create a Setup profile. ref SDS 0 3416
085404 -
085405 - Got connected to the Pac Bell network again using the Setup profile.
085406 -
085407 - We got this far the last time.
085408 -
085409 - Will now try the browser.
085410 -
085411 - Got the same result as before. ref SDS 0 5844
085412 - ..
085413 - Booted the system, and got error message...
085414 -
085415 -
085416 -             Error reading register key
085417 -
085418 -
085419 -       The message has the title "Product" but does not have an error
085420 -       number or give any indication of how to clear it.
085421 -
085422 -         [On 000417 set action item for Robert. ref SDS 34 6351
085423 -
085424 -         [On 000422 Pac Bell fixed this problem. ref SDS 35 8096
085425 -
085426 -         [On 000422 problem is conflict between LAN and TCP/IP network
085427 -         protocols for DSL. ref SDS 35 5740   Solved conflict.
085428 -         ref SDS 35 7396
085429 -
085430 -         [On 000518 configured DSL without problem. ref SDS 36 6942
085431 -
085432 -         [On 010129 Pac Bell offers additional ideas to configure NTS
085433 -         Enternet 300 for DSL support. ref SDS 37 RM5H
085434 -
085435 - This may be the cause of the problem.
085436 -
085437 - Need to figure out how to clear the problem.
085438 -
085439 -     Going to try uninstalling the network card and installing it
085440 -     again.
085441 -
085442 -     Used Add/Remove hardware to remove...
085443 -
085444 -                  LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter Version 1.0
085445 -
085446 -     ...installed earlier per above. ref SDS 0 2907
085447 -
085448 - Didn't clear the system boot error.
085449 -
085450 -
085451 -
085452 -
085453 -  ..
0855 -
0856 -
0857 - 0222 called Pac Bell Tech Support    888 900 9933
0858 -
085801 - On hold.
085802 -
085803 -
0859 -
0860 -
0861 - 0309 talked to Jean
0862 -
086201 - She took down information for someone to call us.
086202 -
086203 - She asked for the name of the modem.
086204 -
086205 - Jean said the system has been down.  She has to wait for the system
086206 - to come back up.
086207 -
086208 - She said our profile looks good.
086209 -
086210 - Someone will call us in the morning.
086211 -
086212 -    [ day no one called.  When I called, was told no one will
086213 -    call until Monday.]
086214 -
086215 -    [On 0000415 no one called.  Called and eventually developed team
086216 -    assignment for Cervando to coordinate solution. ref SDS 34 0001
086217 -
086218 -
086219 -
086220 -
086221 -
086222 -
086223 -
086224 -
086225 -
0863 -