440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 1, 2000 09:26 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Received information from Pac Bell on DSL Internet access.
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Communication DSL Internet Access
DSL High Speed Transmission System
Pac Bell DSL, 000401
High Speed Internet Access
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 29 0000, ref SDS 28 0000.
070802 -
070803 - 000329 1812 Pac Bell rep did not leave a name, but left a message
070804 - apologizing for responding about 2 weeks later than normal,
070805 -
070806 - This person said our address looks good for DSL service, and that a
070807 - DSL order specialist needs to give pricing in 7 to 10 days.
070808 -
070809 - 888 884 2375
070810 -
070811 -
070812 -
070813 - ..
070814 - Today, talked to Cervando 885 320 5553
070815 -
070816 - This supplemented information received from Pac Bell on 991018.
070817 - ref SDS 28 0710
070818 -
070819 - Cervando said we can get basic dynamic IP which means we are not
070820 - always on line, and will be using Dial-up service, so we can drop the
070821 - line when we want.
070822 -
070823 - This is good for security. Dynamic access rather than static access
070824 - reduces risk of people accessing our computer without authorization.
070825 -
070826 - Dynamic IP means a different IP port or address will be assigned each
070827 - time we use the service, based on availability.
070828 -
070829 - [On 000415 Art with Pac Bell installation could not complete
070830 - installation because Pac Bell configured our system to use router
070831 - #3 for status access, and it does not support Dynamic Access.
070832 - ref SDS 32 3851
070833 -
070834 - [On 000422 DSL service established. ref SDS 34 0001
070835 -
070836 - [On 000515 DSL serivice turns out to degrade with use throughout
070837 - the day, requires shut down for 2 minutes to restore performance.
070838 - ref SDS 35 5252
070839 -
070840 - I asked if this configuration can result in there not being an IP
070841 - address available when when we need it, due to heavy traffic?
070842 -
070843 - Cervando said that access is never a problem. Customers can access
070844 - the IP server 24 hours a day whenever necessary.
070845 - ..
070846 - Cervando asked about the motherboard, RAM, hard disk space
070847 - available, and operating system.
070848 -
070849 - I explained we have Intel SE440BX-2 Motherboard with 256 MB RAM and 11
070850 - GB on the hard disk, with about 8 GB free, and are using Windows 2000,
070851 - per work on 000310. ref SDS 31 0897
070852 -
070853 - Cervando said we are in good shape.
070854 -
070855 - [On 000415 Art with Pac Bell installation says they cannot install
070856 - on a W2000 system. ref SDS 32 0001
070857 -
070858 - Date of installation will be 000415
070859 -
070860 - We will get a piece of equipment that connects to the network
070861 - card, Not clear if this is a different connection from the one
070862 - we need for the network.
070863 -
070864 -
070865 - Work Order.... C14121744
070866 -
070867 - Tracking # 380719
070868 -
070869 -
070870 - Total cost is $39 per month for 12 months.
070871 -
070872 - $200 penalty if service dropped within one year
070873 -
070874 -
070875 - 384K download minimum guarenteed
070876 -
070877 - 128K upload minimum guarenteed
070878 - ..
070879 - I agreed to these terms, and asked about coordinating
070880 - installation.
070881 -
070882 - We reviewed potential for difficulties installing new hardware and
070883 - software on a customer's computer in a manner that aligns with Pac
070884 - Bell requirements for DSL service.
070885 -
070886 - Cervando said problems can occur becasue of variances in hardward and
070887 - software configuration. Cervando said he is an expert in this work,
070888 - and so he can coordinate the solution to any problems with our
070889 - installation. Cervando said he normally provides training to Pac Bell
070890 - staff, but today is taking orders for DSL service from customers. He
070891 - said if there are any problems with installation to call him at the
070892 - following number...
070893 -
070894 -
070895 - 885 320 5553
070896 -
070897 -
070898 - He said this is the number for his boss, Patrick, who will put us in
070899 - touch with Cervando.
070900 -
070901 - [On 000417 got corrected number for Patrick Welch. ref SDS 33 1221
070902 -
070903 - [...talked to Patrick. ref SDS 33 1680
070904 -
070905 - [ revised phone number. ref SDS 33 1184
070906 -
070907 - [...revised number did not work; got pager. ref SDS 33 2912
070908 -
070909 - [On 000422 DSL service established. ref SDS 34 0001
070910 -
070911 -
070912 -
070913 -
070914 -
070915 -
070916 -
070917 -
070918 -
0710 -