440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 31, 2000 03:56 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Call MCE about issues on C11 upgrade; bought Diskeeper, Beyond.Com.
2...Windows 2000 Installed on I as Upgrade to W98
....Manual and Product ID Not Supplied
....System Maintenance Defragment and Backup
3...Printer Lexmark 4039 10R Not Configured
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0201 - Mountain Computer Engineering 415 263 1990 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. JT Neville; Director of Engineering =202 Ext
020102 -
020103 - Technical Department
CPU11 Boot Failure, On\off Fails, Suspend Mode Problem
Motherboard, ASUS Pentium II 450 Mhz, ATX Replaced
Mainboard, Memory, Windows 2000, Install
Motherboard, Intel, SE440BX-2-AGP, for Pentium III, 000310
RAM, SDRAM 256 MB, 000310
Case Not Properly Insulated
0908 - ..
0909 - Summary/Objective
0910 -
091001 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000, ref SDS 16 0000.
091002 -
091003 -
091004 -
091005 -
091006 -
091007 -
091008 -
091009 -
0911 -
0912 -
0913 - Progress
0914 -
091401 - Talked Brad.
091402 -
091403 - Brad was not sure why MCE has not responded to the letter, ref DIP 7
091404 - 0001, sent on 000314. ref SDS 18 0001
091405 -
091406 - He said normally, MCE responds promptly to letters from customers.
091407 -
091408 -
091409 -
091410 -
091411 -
0915 -
Product Key
Installation Upgrade
Internet Explorer
Outlook Express
1508 -
150801 - ..
150802 - Windows 2000 Installed on I as Upgrade to W98
150803 -
150804 - Follow up ref SDS 18 4978, ref SDS 16 4978.
150805 -
150806 - ..
150807 - Manual and Product ID Not Supplied
150808 -
150809 - Follow up ref SDS 18 7004, ref SDS 16 7004.
150810 -
150811 - Discussed need for full version of W00, per ref SDS 16 3518 and our
150812 - letter to MCE, ref DIP 7 2048 on 000314. ref SDS 18 7004
150813 -
150814 - Brad feels there may have been a communication gap that occurred
150815 - in quoting the price for windows 2000.
150816 -
150817 - He says industry standard is that if a new hard disk or
150818 - motherboard is installed and an operating system is sold, then
150819 - the PC is considered new and qualifief for installing an OEM
150820 - version, rather than the full version.
150821 - ..
150822 - Brad said the only a customer can discover this industry
150823 - standard is to get experience from being quoted incorrectly,
150824 - then being informed after the work is done and payment is made,
150825 - and finding out from the vendor.
150826 -
150827 - He said this has never come up before with any other customer.
150828 -
150829 - Brad indicated that support for Windows 2000 is more expensive
150830 - than for Windows 98.
150831 -
150832 -
150833 -
1509 -
1510 -
Backup Improved
System Maintenance Backup Less Useful
MMC Microsoft Management Consoles
Maintenance Defrag Backup Batch Operation, 000314
Tape Drive, Novaback
Diskeeper, Beyond.Com, 000331
2209 -
220901 - ..
220902 - System Maintenance Defragment and Backup
220903 -
220904 - Follow up ref SDS 18 5882, ref SDS 16 5882.
220905 -
220906 - How to specify defrag, per our letter on 000314. ref DIP 7 1922
220907 -
220908 - Brad said there is a program MCE uses for defrag that makes it easy
220909 - to schedule the process.
220910 -
220911 - ..
220912 - During our call Brad sent a letter, ref DRT 1 0001, with the
220913 - following web address for obtaining the product...
220914 -
220915 -
220916 -
220917 -
220918 -
220919 - This evening I opened this address and purchased from...
220920 -
220921 - Executive Software, ref DRT 3 0002,
220922 -
220923 - 800-977-6171, ref DRT 3 0001,
220924 -
220925 - Diskeeper V5.0 for Windows
220926 - 95/98/2000 Workstation
220927 - (Intel)
220928 -
220929 - Cost $39.95, ref DRT 3 5605
220930 -
220931 - Invoice #9441025
220932 -
220933 - [On 010205 purchased upgrade for c13. ref SDS 22 0001
220934 -
220935 - The download is putting the code in...
220936 -
220937 -
220938 - Diskeeperworkstation\dk553
220939 -
220940 - The thing is 11MB, and transmission stopped at 4M.
220941 -
220942 - Started the download again, and set preferences to resume
220943 - interrupted download.
220944 -
220945 - The thing starts from 0 to downloand 11MB, rather than from
220946 - the 4MB already downloaded.
220947 - ..
220948 - Finally, got it to download. Ran install and got
220949 - question about where to install.
220950 -
220951 - h: 00 12
220952 -
220953 - Installation created two directories, and put all the stuff
220954 - in them, so moved the installation file to h: 00 12.
220955 -
220956 -
220957 -
220958 - ..
220959 - How to specify backup to separate file
220960 -
220961 - Explained problem of interim backup file that saves the directories
220962 - that are empty and thereby increases the size of the backup file by
220963 - a factor of 10.
220964 -
220965 - Brad said MCE does a full file backup everyday, so they do not
220966 - encounter this issue.
220967 -
220968 - Brad sent a letter with link to download new, improved backup
220969 - program. ref DRT 1 3696
220970 -
220971 -
220972 -
220973 -
220974 -
220975 - [On 000426 downloaded UltraBac. ref SDS 19 0862
220976 -
220977 - [On 000427 did not have good initial success. ref SDS 19 0001
220978 -
220979 - [On 000429 removed program. ref SDS 20 0001
220980 -
220981 -
220982 -
2210 -
2211 -
2212 -
Printer Lexmark 4039 10R not Configured under W2000, 000310
2404 -
240401 - ..
240402 - Printer Lexmark 4039 10R Not Configured
240403 -
240404 - Follow up ref SDS 18 3713, ref SDS 16 3713.
240405 -
240406 - Could not get the test page to print correctly under W00.
240407 -
240408 - Brad said in his 2nd letter, ref DRT 2 0001, there is no direct
240409 - email support for Lexmark.
240410 -
240411 - However, they do have other support services. Please see the
240412 - driver info pertaining to your printer in the following link. It
240413 - appears that there is no 2000 driver as of yet.
240414 -
240415 -
240416 -,1188,NDAzOS/sxMFJeTGFzZXIrVGVjaG5vbG9neQ==,00.html
240417 -
240418 -
240419 - If you would like to call them, here is a link to their phone
240420 - numbers:
240421 -
240422 -
240423 -
240424 -
240425 -
240426 -
240427 -
240428 -
240429 -
240430 -
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240441 -
240442 -
2405 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"