440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 30, 2000 08:48 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Letter from Ross on family progress, Hutch's paper.
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0503 -
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000, ref SDS 3 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Ross responding to my letter, ref DIP 1
050504 - 0001, yesterday. ref SDS 7 0001
050506 - ..
050507 - Ross says things are going well. He is taking the family to London
050508 - and Paris for spring break, because it is cheaper than going to Disney
050509 - World in Florida.
050511 - ..
050512 - Ross does not say anything about the letter from the Colloquium
050513 - dialogs on IBM's speech recognition capability, ref DIP 1 3632, which
050514 - Ross earlier mentioned in a letter on 991108, ref SDS 1 7823, as part
050515 - of a letter on a paper by Prometheus. ref SDS 1 4355
050517 - ..
050518 - Ross will let Hutch know that his paper on Prometheus has been a hit
050519 - among the Colloquium at Stanford on considering literacy, as for
050520 - example noted by Henry van Eykan on 000223, ref SDS 5 0782, and again
050521 - on 000225. ref SDS 5 3878
050523 - ..
050524 - Ross does not comment on the record of the meeting for 000324 about
050525 - developing knowledge management capability, ref SDS 6 0001, cited in
050526 - the letter, ref DIP 1 1083, to illustrate the Pandora's Box angle from
050527 - the Legend of Prometheus, reviewed on 991108. ref SDS 1 5810
050529 - ..
050530 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to Ross' letter and to the vacation
050531 - Millie and I took to Las Vegas, where we saw the Eiffle Tower exhibit
050532 - on 000127. ref SDS 4 0001
050534 - ..
050535 - Linked to the letter to Kory on medicine citing Prometheus.
050536 - ref SDS 8 4356
050537 -
050538 -
050539 -
050540 -
050541 -
050542 -
0506 -