440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 17, 2000 08:06 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Prepare tax return for 1999.

2...Segment Check Registers
3...Expense and Income Register from Bank Statement
.....Millie and Rod Divorce
.....UPR Lawsuit and Judgement
5...Welch Company Review
6...SDS technology was improved this year....
7...Marketing initiatives failed...
.....US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
.....San Francisco International Airport (SFIA)
.....National Science Foundation Proposal
.....Intel - Cultural Resistance Due to Fear of Competence
.....Kaiser Medical
8...Construction Assignment Offered
9...Disruptive technologies require different marketing methods...
.....Colloquium at Stanford on Knowledge Management
10...Current Prospects

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Ed should ensure that the record is properly managed to protect
2...Hopefully, Ed can enter the numbers in the Excel spreadsheet based
3...UPR now seems to be earning 10% interest on the entire amount,


Personal, Finance, Taxes, 96
Tax Return 1997

0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 34 0000, ref SDS 32 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Prepared reports to support tax filings.
050604 -
050605 -
050606 -     [On 000323 submitted reports to Ed Traille. ref SDS 95 0001
050607 -
050608 -     [On 000414 received tax returns from Ed, signed and filed.
050609 -     ref SDS 97 0001
050610 -
050611 -     [On 000518 received payment for refund on fedreal taxes.
050612 -     ref SDS 98 0001
050613 -
050614 -     [On 000526 received refund on state taxes. ref SDS 99 0001
050615 -
050616 -
050617 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Progress
0510 -
051001 - Used record on 990209. ref SDS 30 0001
051002 -
051003 -
051004 -  ..
051005 - Segment Check Registers
051006 -
051007 - Follow up, ref SDS 30 8160, ref SDS 13 2568.
051008 -
051009 - Used procedures on 920603. ref SDS 1 2967
051010 -
051011 - Posted tax accounts to the Welch register.
051012 -
051013 - Created new check register for Welch Co. and for Millie, 2000.
051014 -
051015 - Created a 1999 check register for Welch Co., so we can create the tax
051016 - report.  Used procedures on 920603. ref SDS 1 3888
051017 -
051018 -     Somehow we have a bunch of dates from January to April entered as
051019 -     1998, so had to change to 1999.
051020 -
051021 -
051022 -
051023 -  ..
051024 - Expense and Income Register from Bank Statement
051025 -
051026 - Follow up ref SDS 30 8738, ref SDS 16 3630.
051027 -
051028 - Create tax file spreadsheet by opening the newly modified bank account
051029 - spreadsheet for Welch Company, and saving it to...
051030 -
051031 -
051032 -                   g: 08 03 02 01 14 tx99.xls
051033 -
051034 -
051035 - Prepared tax report, ref OF 8 0001, using instructions in the record
051036 - on 990209. ref SDS 30 G44O
051037 -
051038 -
051039 -  ..
051040 - Obligations
051041 -
051042 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0868, ref SDS 16 3936.
051043 -
051044 - Updated the file....
051045 -
051046 -                   g: 08 03 02 01 0202.XLS
051047 -
051048 - Appended results for 1999 to...
051049 -
051050 -                   g: 08 03 02 01 14 tx99
051051 -
051052 -     ... ref OF 8 8736
051053 -
051054 - Last year I submitted the obligations spreadsheet to Ed so he could
051055 - adjust the amount owed to UPR. ref SDS 32 2400
051056 -
051057 -       On 990308 Ed indicated he received the spreadsheet and would
051058 -       modify it, but I do not seem to have it. ref SDS 38 6192
051059 -
051060 -       On 990311 we received the tax returns, but not the modified
051061 -       Excel spreadsheet. ref SDS 39 5040
051062 -
051063 -           I sent a letter to Ed on this. ref DIP 1 0001
051064 -
051065 -       On 990330 called Ed about the letter sent on 990311. ref SDS 43
051066 -       7323
051067 -
051068 -       On 990413 the record indicates I called Ed on 990415 and he has
051069 -       a task pending to return our spreadsheet. ref SDS 45 0765
051070 -
051071 -
051072 -      ..
051073 -     Millie and Rod Divorce
051074 -
051075 -     Based on trends showing lack of progress for Welch Company, Millie
051076 -     and I dissolved our marriage as shown in an entry of judgement dated
051077 -     January 6, 2000.  The effective date is 000423.
051078 -
051079 -     Ed should ensure that the record is properly managed to protect
051080 -     Millie's interests and entitlements.
051081 -
051082 -
051083 -      ..
051084 -     UPR Lawsuit and Judgement
051085 -
051086 -     This year, a judgement was entered by the court on 000314 showing
051087 -     the following...
051088 -
051089 -
051090 -          Principal                     527,154.88
051091 -
051092 -          Pre-judgement interest         92,252.10
051093 -
051094 -          Cost                              223.00
051095 -
051096 -          Attorney fees                   5,751.87
051097 -                                    ----------------
051098 -          Total                         625,381.85
051099 -
051100 -
051101 -     Hopefully, Ed can enter the numbers in the Excel spreadsheet based
051102 -     on these new numbers, and the terms of the agreement, ref OF 3
051103 -     0001, entered on 991103. ref SDS 74 0001  We discussed this
051104 -     objective on 990308. ref SDS 38 0001  On 990413 there is a record
051105 -     citing a discussion with Ed on 990415 where he is working on this
051106 -     matter. ref SDS 45 0765
051107 -
051108 -         UPR now seems to be earning 10% interest on the entire amount,
051109 -         ref OF 3 4792, whereas, most of the obligation was incurred
051110 -         under an agreement where UPR was earning 7%.  Not sure if this
051111 -         makes a lot of difference in the overall scheme of things.
051112 -         But the spreadsheet reflects this, and so it should be
051113 -         reviewed.
051114 -
051115 -     This resolves a lawsuit filed by UPR on 990727...
051116 -
051117 -
051118 -                    Case Number      305199
051119 -
051120 -
051121 -     ...enforcing the agreement entered on 960522 with UPR, shown in
051122 -     Exhibit A of a declaration filed on 000314 by Marc Brown in
051123 -     support of UPR's claim.  Marc is employed by UPR.  The record on
051124 -     960522 supports Marc's declaration. ref SDS 7 7424
051125 -
051126 -     Chronology shows...
051127 -
051128 -          960522 entered into agreement with UPR. ref SDS 7 7424
051129 -
051130 -          981118 UPR counsel demands payment. ref SDS 25 8839
051131 -
051132 -          990303 UPR counsel sends letter. ref SDS 35 0001
051133 -
051134 -          990308 sent letter to UPR counsel agreeing to new terms proposed
051135 -          by UPR. ref SDS 37 3312
051136 -
051137 -          990610 UPR counsel claims did not receive letter on 990308.
051138 -          Mike Timpane had difficulty working with webmail. ref SDS 55
051139 -          0001
051140 -
051141 -          990806 Mike files case 305199. ref SDS 61 0001
051142 -
051143 -          990901 sent letter to Mike apologizing for his difficulty
051144 -          using webmail, proposed 24 month extension. ref SDS 62 0001
051145 -
051146 -          990916 UPR counsel proposes 6 month extension, then
051147 -          stipulated judgement. ref SDS 66 0001
051148 -
051149 -          991025 received proposed new agreement asking for $6K legal
051150 -          fees. ref SDS 71 0001
051151 -
051152 -          991031 submitted comments on proposed agreement. ref SDS 73
051153 -          0001
051154 -
051155 -          991103 met and signed new agreement with modified language.
051156 -          ref SDS 74 0001
051157 -
051158 -              The agreement planned on filing a default judgement to
051159 -              implement. ref DRP 1 2607
051160 -
051161 -              Terms of the new agreement. ref OF 3 0001
051162 -
051163 -          000211 received notice of hearing on default judgement.  UPR
051164 -          counsel advises not necessary for Welch to attend.
051165 -          ref SDS 87 0001
051166 -
051167 -          000229 hearing on default judgement. ref SDS 90 0001
051168 -
051169 -          000314 court granted default judgement enforcing new
051170 -          agreement signed on 991103.
051171 -
051172 -
051173 -
051174 -  ..
051175 - Welch Company Review
051176 -
051177 - This year produced no revenue, not a single assignment to deploy
051178 - Communication Metrics.  On 980307 review of Andy Grove's book showed
051179 - he characterized changing corporate culture at Intel was like walking
051180 - through the "valley of death." ref SDS 21 0502
051181 -
051182 - Helping people in government, business, education, medical practice is
051183 - challenging.  Andy had resources and leverage at Intel, ref SDS 21
051184 - 1660  Jesus had desciples.  Our ranks our still pretty thin, but there
051185 - are some bright stars who seem to "get it." ref SDS 65 4988  On 990303
051186 - new evidence from cognitive science seems fairly strong, ref SDS 36
051187 - 0920 that we have stumbled onto a breakthrough in knowledge work, as
051188 - described in the proposal to NSF, i.e., a fundamental advance on
051189 - alphabet technology. ref OF 4 3417
051190 -
051191 - Nominally, this is good; however, on 991108 the Legend of Prometheus
051192 - suggests helping people is not always met with applause. ref SDS 75
051193 - 5810  Again, Grove notes managers loathe changing work practices.
051194 - ref SDS 20 3740
051195 - ..
051196 - Additional obligations were incurred, mostly through interest
051197 - and legal fees on the UPR matter flowing from the Pier 11 project with
051198 - Caltrans in 1975, reviewed above. ref SDS 0 4611  At the beginning of
051199 - this year, on 000105, had to take out a personal loan for $15K to
051200 - soldier on. ref SDS 82 5083
051201 -
051202 - SDS technology was improved this year....
051203 -
051204 -      "Intelligence" has been more clearly defined. ref OF 11 0561
051205 -
051206 -      990218 made date and title display on web browser to provide
051207 -      constant orientation in Knowledge Space. ref SDS 33 2972
051208 -
051209 -      990410 created functions to automatically convert non-SDS records
051210 -      to HTML so it is efficient to connect everything in Knowledge
051211 -      Space. ref SDS 44 0001
051212 -
051213 -      990419 enhanced Communication Metrics for clear, concise and
051214 -      complete communication by developing Judicious Review procedures
051215 -      to help people who lose orientation in Knowledge Space.
051216 -      ref SDS 46 2601
051217 -
051218 -      990505 upgraded doc log on the web to provide chronological index
051219 -      of documents for any account or project, per request by Tom
051220 -      Keesling at USACE. ref SDS 47 0001
051221 -
051222 -      990507 developed formats for webmail on the Internet to improve
051223 -      conventional email. ref SDS 50 0001
051224 -
051225 -      990530 major improvements to linking process between SDS records
051226 -      and other types of information instruments. ref SDS 54 0001
051227 -
051228 -      990722 Y2K adjustments. ref SDS 59 0001
051229 -
051230 -      990729 streamlined conversion of content to HTML and transfer to
051231 -      Internet. ref SDS 60 0001
051232 -
051233 -
051234 - Marketing initiatives failed...
051235 -
051236 -
051237 -     US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
051238 -
051239 -     When the year began, there seemed to be potential for progress
051240 -     based on a new report from USACE counsel on 981027 that confirmed
051241 -     reports in 1997 that Communication Metrics improved management and
051242 -     saved money. ref SDS 24 7315  This supported advice of USACE
051243 -     counsel on 961015 to use Com Metrics to complete the Oakland
051244 -     Harbor project. ref SDS 8 6118  It seemed to resolve concern on
051245 -     970624 by District Engineer who disagreed with his counsel, Chief,
051246 -     Deputy Chief, Resident Engineer, Contracting Officer and others
051247 -     who reported Com Metrics saves money. ref SDS 12 7388
051248 -
051249 -     As a result the San Francisco District again developed an
051250 -     initiative to use Communication Metrics, see 990323. ref SDS 41
051251 -     3819
051252 -
051253 -     Additionally, HQUSACE in Washington D.C., was asked to review Com
051254 -     Metrics again, following rejection of the District report in
051255 -     October 1997, calculating cost savings from using Com Metrics, as
051256 -     not believable.  On 990105 Jim Lovo reported having issued a
051257 -     report recommending further review by a Directorate of Information
051258 -     something-or-other. ref SDS 27 1235
051259 -
051260 -     HQUSACE's report ignored comments by Tom Keesling, the engineer in
051261 -     the San Francisco District, who had commented on 981223,
051262 -     ref SDS 26 3600, concerning an earlier draft...
051263 -
051264 -            How many times have you gone to a negotiation or meeting
051265 -            and everyone is talking about a conversation or document
051266 -            which no one has brought to the meeting or recalls
051267 -            correctly?  My guess would be that this has happened more
051268 -            than once to you as well as many others. With the use of
051269 -            SDS these misunderstandings are reduced. ref DRP 4 5694
051270 -     ..
051271 -     The problem which Tom says SDS solves is ubiquitous....
051272 -
051273 -         1.  On 940114 founder of Project Management Institute laments
051274 -             that 30 years of tools and methods have not improved
051275 -             productivity of meetings. ref SDS 2 2290
051276 -
051277 -         2.  On 950228 executive VP laments wasting time arguing about
051278 -             who remembers what in meetings. ref SDS 3 1994
051279 -
051280 -         3.  On 950605 lawyer frustrated by time wasted in meetings.
051281 -             ref SDS 4 1842
051282 -
051283 -         4.  On 960205 study says managers waste 70% of day in
051284 -             unproductive meetings. ref SDS 6 5222
051285 -
051286 -         5.  On 991108 desire to work by conversation, because it seems
051287 -             fast and easy, and to avoid literacy with consequent
051288 -             tension about accuracy, extends from the time of Plato and
051289 -             Aristotle in 400 BC. ref SDS 75 7426
051290 -
051291 -     On 990127 HQUSACE used "common sense" to report Communication
051292 -     Metrics has significant cost because it is a powerful new method.
051293 -     ref SDS 29 5655
051294 -
051295 -     On 990328 Jim Lovo was asked to re-consider report issued in
051296 -     January and to promote using Com Metrics. ref SDS 42 9640
051297 -
051298 -     On 990507 Jim issued a new report within HQUSACE to better
051299 -     illustrate Communication Metrics. ref SDS 49 4956   He finally
051300 -     described Com Metrics as...
051301 -
051302 -          ...a technique and technology to help improve the
051303 -          effectiveness and efficiency of written communication (e.g.,
051304 -          memos, e-mails, briefings, regulations, MFRs of phone calls,
051305 -          etc) by intelligently linking them electronically.
051306 -          ref DRP 5 7560
051307 -
051308 -     We remain in contact with Jim at HQUSACE who seems favorably
051309 -     disposed to Communication Metrics, but so far there has been no
051310 -     effort by the agency to take advantage of the opportunity to save
051311 -     money.
051312 -
051313 -     At the District level in San Francisco, Tom Keesling again pushed
051314 -     for approval to use Communication Metrics.  A change in the
051315 -     District Engineer was thought to provide an opportunity to improve
051316 -     management. After a number of meetings and new efforts to prepare
051317 -     an order, the new District Engineer refused to approve the
051318 -     initiative.  In June, Tom Keesling quit the Corps in exasperation.
051319 -
051320 -
051321 -     San Francisco International Airport (SFIA)
051322 -
051323 -     On 990317 called Jason Yuen who was reported to be the top person
051324 -     in charge of expansion projects at SFIA.  Jason reported finding
051325 -     that Communication Metrics is "cutting edge" capability that seems
051326 -     effective, but he is not "totally convinced" it will work.
051327 -     ref SDS 40 5600
051328 -
051329 -     On 990505 Jason requested approval to use Com Metrics on SFIA
051330 -     projects to save money, and was told that adding "intelligence" to
051331 -     management can't be done, and is "off-the-wall." ref SDS 48 0778
051332 -
051333 -
051334 -     National Science Foundation Proposal
051335 -
051336 -     The major initiative for the year was application for a research grant
051337 -     from the National Science Foundation to advance some aspects of
051338 -     implementing SDS on the Internet.  The application was filed on
051339 -     990616.
051340 -
051341 -     The application provided a basis for obtaining review in marketing
051342 -     efforts.
051343 -     ..
051344 -     Received some favorable reviews...
051345 -
051346 -        On 990424 Dave Vannier, a contact at Intel, reported that SDS on
051347 -        the Internet supports Intel's goals for using technology to
051348 -        support management, and asks "...where to take it from here?"
051349 -
051350 -        On 990527 another contact at Intel cited strong cultural resistance
051351 -        prevents Intel from seriously considering Communication Metrics,
051352 -        due to fear of accountability.
051353 -
051354 -        On 990718 review at Intel for support to implement and develop
051355 -        Communication Metrics based on the NSF proposal, found that adding
051356 -        "intelligence" to management was funny and alien. ref SDS 58 1767
051357 -
051358 -        On 990907 Dave reported that SDS accomplishes goals of POIMS
051359 -        technology, provides self-evident benefits, and offered to support
051360 -        further review at Intel, but then dropped out of sight. ref SDS 63
051361 -        0149
051362 -
051363 -        On 000227 SDS was commended to a Colloquium at Stanford on
051364 -        Knowledge Management as the best capability. ref SDS 89 0897
051365 -
051366 -     On 991213 NSF rejected the Welch proposal saying it is needed work,
051367 -     ref SDS 77 0001, but Welch lacks the polish to accomplish the work.
051368 -     ref SDS 77 9144
051369 -
051370 -
051371 -     Intel - Cultural Resistance Due to Fear of Competence
051372 -
051373 -     On 910418 Dave Vannier, an engineer who focuses on marketing, was
051374 -     interviewed by Byte magazine and explained Intel objectives for
051375 -     using technology to improve management, the goal cited in 1994
051376 -     that was not achieved by PMI. ref SDS 0 4617  At that time, Dave
051377 -     reported Intel basically wanted technology to do what SDS does.
051378 -     However, in a meeting on 950927 he advised Intel failed to achieve
051379 -     this objective. ref SDS 5 7732  Over the ensuing years, Dave has
051380 -     remained interested in SDS.  In 1997 he requested permission to
051381 -     use it, and was turned down. ref SDS 11 5803
051382 -
051383 -     This past year Dave commented favorably on SDS, per above.
051384 -     ref SDS 0 6930
051385 -
051386 -     On 990524 proposal was submitted to Intel on using Communication
051387 -     for engineering management. ref SDS 51 0876   On 990525 Intel
051388 -     reported that engineers can't use this support because it requires
051389 -     analysis, and engineers don't like to write. ref SDS 52 0966
051390 -
051391 -     On 990527 strong cultural resistance was cited as preventing use
051392 -     of Communication Metrics to improve management at Intel, and this
051393 -     likely exists everywhere, based on other responses. ref SDS 53
051394 -     1233
051395 -
051396 -
051397 -     Kaiser Medical
051398 -
051399 -     On 990625 found that Kaiser Medical has a manual with guidelines
051400 -     for effective communication between doctors and patients.  These
051401 -     guidelines apply commonly recognized methods for good management.
051402 -     ref SDS 57 4185
051403 -
051404 -     Doctors reported they do not have time to implement guidelines, so
051405 -     proposed using Communication Metrics to help. ref SDS 57 1978
051406 -
051407 -     On 990924 Com Metrics can reduce the high cost of medical mistakes
051408 -     which occur three (3) times the rate of automobile and airplane
051409 -     accidents combined. ref SDS 67 3922
051410 -
051411 -     Personal experience shows medical practice is largely a service
051412 -     carried out through communication that is highly conducive to
051413 -     continual error, i.e., bumbling, as shown on 990910. ref SDS 64
051414 -     3038  As a result of continual mistakes reported on 991008,
051415 -     ref SDS 68 5727, local clinic staff facilitated contact with
051416 -     Kaiser management to evaluate Communication Metrics.
051417 -
051418 -     On 991028 doctors need communication support to practice medicine
051419 -     as it should be practiced, based on a letter from CEO of Kaiser,
051420 -     to members. ref SDS 72 0800
051421 -
051422 -     On 991207 national initiative announced to reduce high cost of
051423 -     medical mistakes. ref SDS 76 0001
051424 -
051425 -     On 991216 Kaiser executive found prospect that Communication
051426 -     Metrics can support Kaiser's medical practice and reduce mistakes
051427 -     is "arrogant." ref SDS 78 7735
051428 -
051429 -     On 991221 study shows doctors omit important information from
051430 -     communication with patients 90% of the time. ref SDS 80 0001
051431 -
051432 -     On 000121 Kaiser concurs mistakes were made over past six (6)
051433 -     months in Welch case, ref SDS 84 4967; tried to address some
051434 -     mistakes and advised that in late 2001 Kaiser will roll out
051435 -     automated systems to reduce mistakes. ref SDS 84 7654
051436 -
051437 -     Progress was achieved on 000207 when a doctor agreed to use Com
051438 -     Metrics delivered on the web, ref SDS 85 2783, and on 000208
051439 -     seemed to report the method is effective. ref DRP 6 0001
051440 -
051441 -
051442 - Construction Assignment Offered
051443 -
051444 -     In September I was interviewed for an assignment with AR
051445 -     Construction Company, a small to medium sized contractor in San
051446 -     Francisco.  There were a lot of positive aspects of this
051447 -     opportunity, not the least of which was income.
051448 -
051449 -     On 991019 an offer was made by the firm. ref SDS 69 0660
051450 -
051451 -     On 991021 decided not to accept. ref SDS 70 0001
051452 -
051453 -
051454 - Disruptive technologies require different marketing methods...
051455 -
051456 -     SDS and Communication Metrics may be disruptive technologies and
051457 -     require a different kind of marketing, based on review of Clayton
051458 -     Christensen's book...
051459 -
051460 -
051461 -                         Innovator's Dilemma
051462 -
051463 -
051464 -     ...see 990527. ref SDS 53 0001  While the need for SDS seems
051465 -     fairly broad, there is a lot of concern about how to obtain
051466 -     approval without incurring charge of lack of competence, as
051467 -     explained on 990924. ref SDS 67 0593
051468 -
051469 -     On 000317 (today) submitted letter to Colloquium at Stanford (see
051470 -     below), ref DIP 2 1450, explaining problem of competence that
051471 -     inhibits acceptance of Com Metrics. ref SDS 92 5760
051472 -
051473 -
051474 -      ..
051475 -     Colloquium at Stanford on Knowledge Management
051476 -
051477 -     This year Knowledge Management has become the new buz word taking
051478 -     the place of MIS, DBMS, LANS, Information Highway, Information
051479 -     Management, Business Intelligence, and so on, reviewed on 980226.
051480 -     ref SDS 17 2716
051481 -
051482 -     On 991217 attended seminar sponsored by the Knowledge Management
051483 -     Consortium, International, KMCI.  There were a lot of people who
051484 -     had jobs as Director of Knowledge Management, and they all asked
051485 -     what is Knowledge Management and are there any tools that support
051486 -     the job. ref SDS 79 9030
051487 -
051488 -     On 991222 in a discussion with Doug Engelbart learned he began in
051489 -     the 1950s trying to promote some of the SDS ideas, and is still at
051490 -     it.  Of course Doug benefited from being employed by SRI and doing
051491 -     contracts with DOD to support his work.  In 1992 he published a
051492 -     paper calling for "Intelligence" collection, ref SDS 81 5360, and
051493 -     now this year he has obtained funding to conduct a Colloquium at
051494 -     Stanford on implementing his ideas through what Doug describes as
051495 -     a...
051496 -
051497 -                  Dynamic Knowledge Repository (DKR)
051498 -
051499 -
051500 -     The Colloquium began on 000106.  This is one of many efforts
051501 -     world-wide searching for a way to use the Internet productively
051502 -     within the framework of Knowledge Management.  At some point all
051503 -     these buz words merge into a single desire to make technology
051504 -     useful for managing.
051505 -
051506 -     On 000120 an online dialog was begun among people attending and
051507 -     contributing to the Colloquium.  I submitted some ideas about the
051508 -     challenge of gaining acceptance, ref SDS 83 2546, and provided
051509 -     guidance on the need for designing capability that integrates time
051510 -     and information, which essentially is an enhancement of the
051511 -     alphabet. ref SDS 83 1250
051512 -
051513 -     On 000208 the leader of the online dialog asked for assistance on
051514 -     the core capability required for knowledge management, and this
051515 -     was submitted. ref SDS 86 0001  Four (4) days later, on 000212 an
051516 -     "innovation" is suddenly proposed, attributed to an insight while
051517 -     driving home from the Colloquium, that related the design ideas
051518 -     submitted on 000208. ref SDS 88 8960
051519 -     ..
051520 -     On 000227 a member of the Colloquium reported having
051521 -     observed Welch use SDS for Communication Metrics, and concluded it
051522 -     is the best personal dynamic knowledge management capability
051523 -     available. ref SDS 89 0897
051524 -
051525 -
051526 -
051527 -
051528 - Current Prospects
051529 -
051530 - There are only two (2) specific immediate opportunities...
051531 -
051532 -
051533 -    1.  On 000316 the Los Alamos National Laboratory people developing
051534 -        knowledge management capabilities indicated interest in
051535 -        Communication Metrics. ref SDS 91 0001
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051537 -          [On 000323 received somewhat promising contact. ref SDS 96
051538 -          6035
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051540 -    2.  [On 000320 was invited to join the post-Colloquium team to
051541 -        develop a dynamic knowledge repository (DKR). ref SDS 94 0001
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051543 -        At this stage, the effort is ad hoc, and may not have any
051544 -        funding.  Moreover, the group will be after me to explain how
051545 -        SDS works so they can create something useful, and I am not
051546 -        prepared to do that.
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051548 -        Plan to attend first meeting on 000324, to see if anything
051549 -        constructive can be formulated.
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