440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 24, 2000 10:24 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Bernie submitted inquiry about Com Metrics.
2...Bernie mentions Fascinations...
3...Bernie cites Difficulties...
4...Bernie cites hopes for getting help on developing progress from
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0201 - Bootstrap Institute 510 713 3550
020101 - Mr. Douglas C. Engelbart, Ph.D.
020102 -
Attend seminars, and other product demos to sell SDS
Colloquium at Stanford, Unfinished Revolution
Demo SDS via Web Site
Bootstrap Institute
0906 - ..
0907 - Summary/Objective
0908 -
090801 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0000, ref SDS 35 0000.
090802 -
090803 - Received received ref DRT 1 0001 from Bernie responding to my letter
090804 - yesterday, ref DIP 5 0001
090805 -
090806 - Bernie mentions Fascinations...
090807 -
090808 - ...I think you're very close to technography, or that
090809 - technography would be a short jump for you. in other words,
090810 - there's a likemindedness, a paralleling of insights that
090811 - intrigues me. ref DRT 1 0001
090812 -
090813 - It would help for Bernie to provide examples of work product
090814 - or otherwise explain the commonality he sees.
090815 -
090816 - ... interested in how you use hypertext so casually, even in your
090817 - letters, and it makes me wonder how you manage all those
090818 - hypertext letters you must have created.
090819 -
090820 -
090821 - SDS capability to make the Interent an easily accessible utility,
090822 - i.e., an extension of human thinking, is a big part of Knowledge
090823 - Management, needed for a DKR objective. The goal is to convert most
090824 - everything into hypertext, so that connections of cause and effect
090825 - can be generated.
090826 -
090827 -
090828 - Bernie cites Difficulties...
090829 -
090830 - ...there's a LOT to read. too much. especially with all the
090831 - links. the writing itself is dense. the jargon, ubiquitous. the
090832 - format, though wonderfully legible, adds to the feeling of
090833 - density. ref DRT 1 5092
090834 -
090835 - The record on 000120 explains why the writing and links are
090836 - dense, based on the definition of "intelligence." ref SDS 34
090837 - 2856
090838 -
090839 - ...reference to the Welch system it seems self-promotional, which
090840 - raises filters and closes doors rather, creating for me something
090841 - else I have to learn to go through.
090842 -
090843 - The discussion with Doub Engelbart on 991222 disclosed his objective
090844 - to promote his ideas on knowledge management within the CODIAK
090845 - framework for a DKR. ref SDS 26 3977
090846 -
090847 - He indicated the Welch work parallels his objectives in some respects,
090848 - so I am contributing in the Colloquium to explore for synergy to
090849 - achieve common goals. This requires promoting ideas and methods that
090850 - seem to be effective based on considerable experience, as reported by
090851 - the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. ref DRP 10 6172
090852 -
090853 - Understanding knowledge management and practical ways for technology
090854 - to aid human intelligence, requires experience interacting with
090855 - examples of such capability. I am providing that exposure. Many
090856 - people will turn away and reject this path. Some may come forward and
090857 - inquire about helping. I think Doug is working toward this goal, and
090858 - so am I.
090859 -
090860 - ..
090861 - Bernie cites hopes for getting help on developing progress from
090862 - fascinations. ref DRT 1 8008
090863 -
090864 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record indicating interest in
090865 - supporting Bernie's objective to make progress on fascinations.
090866 - Request example and/or explanation of Technography work product.
090867 -
090868 - [On 000125 Bernie responded. ref SDS 37 5589]
090869 -
090870 -
090871 -
090872 -
090873 -
090874 -
090875 -
0909 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"