440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 22, 2000 06:46 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Submitted response to information on Stanford Colloquium.
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0201 - Bootstrap Institute 510 713 3550
020101 - Mr. Douglas C. Engelbart, Ph.D.
020102 -
Attend seminars, and other product demos to sell SDS
Colloquium at Stanford, Unfinished Revolution
Demo SDS via Web Site
Bootstrap Institute
Sales discussions
Knowledge Space
Collaboration Helps Everyone
Collaborative Document System Email Core Capability DKR, Eric, 000505
Collaborative Epistomology Core Capability DKR for Ontology, Jack, 00
1311 - ..
1312 - Summary/Objective
1313 -
131301 - Follow up ref SDS 33 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
131302 -
131303 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Erick Armstrong responding to his letter
131304 - providing an initial outline for a DKR project, ref DRP 4 0001,
131305 - received on 000120. ref SDS 33 4466
131306 -
131307 - [On 000811 Eric objected to Welch method of using links in email
131308 - for accessing Knowledge Space. ref SDS 37 0001
131309 -
131310 - [On 000824 Eric reports Doug Engelbart proposed a design for the
131311 - OHS/DKR that is the Rod Welch system.
131312 -
131313 -
131314 - ..
131315 -
131316 - Submitted ref DIT 2 0001 to Bernie DeKoven responding to his letter,
131317 - ref DRP 7 0001, received on 000122. ref SDS 33 2300 Linked to USACE
131318 - report for scope of services. ref DRP 9 4929 Mention that Bernie's
131319 - letter support's Doug's ideas for DKR, which includes collabotation,
131320 - per analysis on 991222. ref SDS 25 0784 Collaboration is reviewed on
131321 - 000120. ref SDS 33 1640
131322 -
131323 - Bernie wrote back asking me to "explain how," which I assume is
131324 - inquiring how Doug's Colloquium calls for collaboration and how his
131325 - work to enhance collaboration supports the goal of augmenting
131326 - capabilities. This indicates he did not review the letter sent to
131327 - him, or at least did not click on the link to collaboration in para 1.
131328 - ref DIT 2 0001
131329 -
131330 - ..
131331 -
131332 - Submitted a second letter, ref DIT 2 0001, to Bernie DeKoven to
131333 - explain this correlation and linked to the record on 000120 that
131334 - discusses collaboration. ref SDS 33 1640 and linked to USACE report on
131335 - 970328 explaining collaboration. ref DRP 9 6403
131336 -
131337 - [On 000123 received letter from Bernie. ref SDS 34 0001]
131338 -
131339 - The reference to Doug's 1992 paper on Groupware reviewed 991222,
131340 - ref SDS 25 0784, provides a direct link to the challenge of
131341 - collaboration on a project involving thousands of people and thousands
131342 - of organizations. ref OF 4 1242 Doug also offers specific
131343 - requirements to enhance collaboration. ref OF 4 0155 and, ref OF 4
131344 - 0162
131345 -
131346 - [On 000505 Eric Armstrong develops requirements for Collaborative
131347 - Document System. ref SDS 35 4392
131348 -
131349 - [On 000623 Jack Park submits ideas for Collaborative evolutionary
131350 - epistomology to support DKR. ref SDS 36 4752
131351 -
131352 -
131353 -
131354 -
131355 -
131356 -
131357 -
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131359 -
1314 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"