440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 12, 2000 04:46 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Contacted Douglas Hofstadter on alphabet technology.
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Computer Aided Management
Brain Memory Learning
Complex Communication Span of Attention, Mistakes, Needs SDS
Complexity Requires Integrate Objectives, History, Resources, Need SD
Poetry, Balance, Synthesize, Integrate
Pattern Recognition Intelligence Analysis
Fluid Concepts, Creative Analogies, Hofstadter
Reasoning, Numbers, Paradigms
Organization of Information
Alphabet Most Powerful Technology, Improved by SDS
Brain Memory Learning
Conntected Text = Context, Meaning, Understanding Intelligence
Connections Cause Effect, Meaning
1415 - ..
1416 - Summary/Objective
1417 -
141701 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000, ref SDS 2 000000.
141702 -
141703 - Douglas Hofstadter
141704 -
141705 - College Professor of Cognitive Science and Computer Science; Adjunct
141706 - Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy,
141707 - Comparative Literature, and Psychology
141708 - Indiana
141709 -
141710 - Phone: (812) 855-6965
141711 - Internet:
141712 -
141713 - Doug's biography says he won a Nobel prize for his work, and is
141714 - currently working on a project related to the alphabet...
141715 -
141716 - An emergent model of the perception and creation of alphabetic
141717 - style.
141718 -
141719 - The aim is to model how the 26 lowercase letters of the roman
141720 - alphabet can be rendered in many different but internally
141721 - coherent styles.
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141724 -
141725 - ..
141726 - Doug is the director for...
141727 -
141728 - Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition
141729 - Indiana University
141730 -
141731 -
141732 - Sent ref DIT 1 0001 asking if he knows of any work in cognitive
141733 - science that can contribute to POIMS technology which enhances the
141734 - alphabet by using it for "intelligence," ref OF 1 1299, rather than
141735 - mere analysis, explained on 991108. ref SDS 15 1683 Made reference to
141736 - Doug's explanation of creativity reported on 950925. ref SDS 15 1683
141737 -
141738 - Cited meaning drift explained on 991101, ref SDS 21 2800, which has
141739 - links to the letter on medical mistakes.
141740 -
141741 - [On 000113 called Doug. ref SDS 24 3432
141742 -
141743 - [000329 Doug Hofstadter organizing symposium at Stanford on
141744 - computers taking over the planet. ref SDS 25 4851
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