440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 5, 2000 08:37 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Sent Debbi Bronis notice of Colloquium at Stanford.
2...The philosopy page defines the mission and values of the firm...
3...People development to improve skills and teamwork by training,
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0202 - OOCL (USA) Inc. 925 460 4800 O-00000742 0705
020201 - Ms. Debbie Bronis; 925 460 4943 O-00000742 0705
020202 - O-00000742 0705
020203 - Claims Department O-00000742 0705
Overwhelmed by Details Outside Span of Attention
Ideas Grand - Paradigm Shifts
Colloquium Unfinished Revolution, 000106
Risk Management Communication Main Task of Managers, Largest Risk
Mission Statements, TQM
1107 - ..
1108 - Summary/Objective
1109 -
110901 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000, ref SDS 15 0000.
110902 -
110903 - At Christmas, Debbie mentioned she is spending a lot of time fixing
110904 - problems that arise to shipments once they reach the US.
110905 -
110906 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001, explaining risk management.
110907 - ..
110908 - Submitted paper on medical mistakes, since it explains the cause
110909 - of small mistakes that escalate into big problems. ref DIP 2 0001 Cite
110910 - Clinton's initiative to cut medical mistakes announced on 991207.
110911 - ref SDS 12 0001
110912 -
110913 - [Below, OOCL's mission explains a value of pursuing quality, but
110914 - does not cite communication. ref SDS 0 3685]
110915 -
110916 - Sent notice of colloquium reported on 991222. ref SDS 13 3977
110917 -
110918 -
110919 -
110920 - ..
1110 -
1111 -
1112 - 2012
1113 -
111301 - Received letter from Debbie, ref DRT 1 0001, indicating Communication
111302 - Metrics embodies "great ideas."
111303 -
111304 - This reflects the record on 991228 where the history of "grand ideas"
111305 - is credited with creating a better world. ref SDS 16 5320
111306 -
111307 - [On 000107 sent response to Debbie. ref SDS 17 0001]
111308 -
111309 - Debbie works in claims for OOCL, a shipping company whose main office
111310 - is in Pleasanton, where Debbie works. Claims work arises after risk
111311 - management has failed, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 6 1113
111312 -
111313 - OOCL has a web site at....
111314 -
111315 -
111316 -
111317 -
111318 -
111319 - ..
111320 - The philosopy page defines the mission and values of the firm...
111321 -
111322 -
111323 -
111324 -
111325 -
111326 - To be the best and most successful global container transportation
111327 - company for our customers, employees, shareholders and partners,
111328 - providing the vital link to world trade. ref OF 1 0002
111329 -
111330 -
111331 - OOCL was evidently voted shipping line of the year in 1999.
111332 - ref OF 1 0015
111333 -
111334 -
111335 - OOCL accomplishes the mission by adhering to core values...
111336 -
111337 -
111338 - Customers ref SDS 0 5772
111339 -
111340 - Quality ref SDS 0 3685
111341 -
111342 - People ref SDS 0 0620
111343 -
111344 - Community ref SDS 0 3024
111345 -
111346 -
111347 - OOCL is a major ship transportation firm to Europe and Asia.
111348 - ref OF 1 0004
111349 -
111350 - OOCL is an Asian based carriar. They provide access and facilitate
111351 - shipping through China which other companies cannot accomplish.
111352 - ref OF 1 0011
111353 - ..
111354 - OOCL gives customers added value, creating win-win
111355 - situations through mutually beneficial business relationships
111356 - that deliver value to both sides. ref OF 1 0006
111357 -
111358 - ...deliver what the customer wants, and provide innovative
111359 - solutions that anticipate what the customer needs. ref OF 1 0007
111360 - and, ref OF 1 0008
111361 - ..
111362 - "We take it personally" encapsles OOCL's policy for staff
111363 - to apply a strong "attitude" in taking the initiative to solve
111364 - customer problems. ref OF 1 0014
111365 -
111366 - Taking initiative may conflict with the quality policy to be
111367 - right the first time, discussed below. ref SDS 0 4505
111368 -
111369 - "Attitude" is critical to improvement as reported by Jason
111370 - Yeun on 990505 at the San Francisco International Airport in
111371 - connecton with objections to improving communication by
111372 - adding "intelligence" to management. ref SDS 6 4732
111373 -
111374 - Initiative is often suppressed by cultral forces that resist
111375 - adding "intelligence" to management, as reported on 990527.
111376 - ref SDS 7 1233 Company policy and CEO pronouncements urging
111377 - employees not to be "wimps" cannot overcome fear of reprisal,
111378 - i.e., accountability, that prevents people from taking the
111379 - initative, reported on 980307. ref SDS 5 5517
111380 -
111381 - Prometheus exemplifies courage and initiative, reported on
111382 - 991108. How would his fate have been different if he worked
111383 - for OOCL rather than Zeus? ref SDS 10 5810
111384 -
111385 - ..
111386 - Quality training was begun in 1991. ref OF 1 0020
111387 -
111388 - OOCL is committed to "quality," but does not cite efforts to
111389 - improve communication, which is the source of most problems in
111390 - enterprise for the reasons in the letter on medical mistakes,
111391 - ref DIP 2 1680, submitted to Debbie this morning. ref SDS 0 2832
111392 -
111393 - Since communication is the dominate task of all human endeavors,
111394 - it needs "quality" support.
111395 -
111396 - ..
111397 - Doing things right the first time is OOCL's goal. ref OF 1 0022
111398 -
111399 - A commitment to do things right the first time conflicts with
111400 - Einstein's observation that experience is the source of human
111401 - knowledge, reported on 991124. ref SDS 11 3066 Gaining
111402 - experience necessarily requires the courage to act in advance of
111403 - absolute assurance that an initiative will succeed. Therefore,
111404 - insisting upon doing things right the first time suppresses
111405 - initiative to exerpiment and discover better ways to do things,
111406 - called out under the policy value to aid customers. ref SDS 0
111407 - 0920 Only the least risky initiatives will be attempted in order
111408 - to align with the policy of being right the first time.
111409 -
111410 - Low risk efforts by definition have low return, with the result
111411 - that others, with the courage to experiement, will overtake those
111412 - who insist on being right the first time, as reviewed by
111413 - Christensen on 990527. ref SDS 7 5258 This reflects Aristotle's
111414 - view that courage is the strongest virtue, since it enables all
111415 - others.
111416 -
111417 - On 950710 Landauer explains that "do it right the first time"
111418 - suppresses useful technology, ref SDS 2 3848, by preventing trial
111419 - and error, which is the only way to discover usefulness.
111420 - ref SDS 2 0582
111421 -
111422 -
111423 - Quality has been integrated into the daily business and goals of every
111424 - department at OOCL. ref OF 1 0022
111425 -
111426 - How is quality integrated into daily communication?
111427 -
111428 - OOCL uses cross-functional process improvement teams to
111429 - continuously find better and more efficient ways of doing things.
111430 - Investment in information technology complements this and
111431 - similarly assists us to achieve much more using the same
111432 - manpower. ref OF 1 0025
111433 -
111434 - How do improvement teams discover better methods?
111435 -
111436 - What better method has been adopted to improve the dominate task
111437 - of management to speak and listen in meetings, calls and email?
111438 -
111439 -
111440 - ISO 9002 compliant. ref OF 1 0026
111441 -
111442 - On 961026 ISO certification firm reported that organizations
111443 - obtain compliance certificates by preparing written processes
111444 - which include maintaining alignment of communications. But no
111445 - organization actually performs this process because there is not
111446 - enough time. ref SDS 3 3245
111447 -
111448 - ..
111449 - People development to improve skills and teamwork by training,
111450 - ref OF 1 0040, learning and education. ref OF 1 0043
111451 -
111452 - How does OOCL develop intelligence skills to support the dominate
111453 - task of people: communication in meetings, calls and email?
111454 -
111455 -
111456 - Flat organization reduces bureaucracy and empowers people to take
111457 - initiative and demonstrate innovation. ref OF 1 0043
111458 -
111459 - Intel reported on 970710 that empowerment reduces use of good
111460 - management practice. ref SDS 4 1431
111461 -
111462 - How does OOCL empower literacy that is suppressed by limited time
111463 - and cultural forces in the workplace, reviewed on 991108.
111464 - ref SDS 10 7380
111465 -
111466 -
111467 - Success Management System reviews employee goals twice a year for
111468 - alignment with OOCL objectives. ref OF 1 0045
111469 -
111470 - Aligning the work twice a year is a good start, however, the
111471 - complexity of controlling forces that need to be aligned everyday
111472 - is much wider than people realize, as shown in POIMS, ref OF 6
111473 - 6011, and reviewed on 991014. ref SDS 8 5600
111474 -
111475 - How do employees from the CEO on down align goals for the next
111476 - meeting, the next phone call, the next email with company
111477 - objectives, policies, commitments, customer requirements, local
111478 - regulations, national and international laws?
111479 -
111480 - How is meaning drift avoided, cited on 991101? ref SDS 9 2800
111481 -
111482 -
111483 - OOCL supports efforts to add value to people, customers and the
111484 - business. ref OF 1 0049
111485 -
111486 - Nominally this would support adding "intelligence" to managment,
111487 - since "intelligence" is a valuable process, as explained in
111488 - POIMS. ref OF 6 0582
111489 -
111490 - ..
111491 - OOCL aids community by donating transportation for worthy
111492 - causes. ref OF 1 0060
111493 -
111494 - Another way to support community is to improve communcation, as
111495 - the engine of civilization, explained in the record on 950327.
111496 - ref SDS 1 0001
111497 -
111498 -
111499 -
111500 -
111501 -
111502 -
111503 -
111504 -
111505 -
1116 -