440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 4, 2000 09:15 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Submitted SDS program update to Wayne for Y2K corrections.

2...Installation Instructions
3...070401 Print SDS Records; Convert Lines to Dashes
4...Group Manager for Wayne

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0201 - Dep Natrl Recrs & Consrvtn         406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel; Deputy Director =406 444 6722; Director's Office

SDS Update, Jan 04, 2000

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 24 0000, ref SDS 23 0000.
040502 -
040503 - As a result of corrections the past few days, e.g., on 000101,
040504 - ref SDS 25 0001, put a revised set of code on the web for Wayne to
040505 - download.
040506 -
040507 - Called and talked to Wayne today about this update.  He has held off
040508 - using SDS as a result of my call Sunday night.
040509 -
040510 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record.
040511 -
040512 -
040513 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - 2141
0409 -
040901 -  ..
040902 - Installation Instructions
040903 -
040904 - The code can be downloaded from the following website...
040905 -
040906 -
040907 -        
040908 -
040909 -
040910 - ...transfer the file from the web to the corresponding local
040911 - directory...
040912 -
040913 -                  c: 10
040914 -
040915 -
040916 - If this directory is not on the computer, you can create it with the
040917 - make directory command from the Command Prompt...
040918 -
040919 -
040920 -                  C>md \10
040921 -
040922 -
040923 - ...or just download to another convenient directory.
040924 -
040925 - After downloading the update file, copy the existing SDS program
040926 - directories on the c: drive to another drive to preserve it.
040927 -
040928 - I keep a duplicate set of SDS on the C: drive, on the e: drive.  I
040929 - think Wayne does also, and if not, he can create it today.
040930 -
040931 -
040932 -      1.  Delete existing files on e: drive, if they already exist.
040933 -
040934 -              e: 01 04
040935 -              e: sd 01
040936 -              e: sd 03
040937 -
040938 -      2.  Copy existing files from c: to e:
040939 -
040940 -
040941 -          If the directories already exist, you can use a copy
040942 -          command, or use W98 drag and drop.
040943 -
040944 -              C>copy c:\01\04\*.* e:\01\04
040945 -              C>copy c:\sd\01\*.* e:\sd\01
040946 -              C>copy c:\sd\03\*.* e:\sd\03
040947 -
040948 -          If the directories do not exist, you can use xcopy to create
040949 -          them...
040950 -
040951 -              C>xcopy c:\01\04\*.* e:\01\04\ /s
040952 -              C>xcopy c:\sd\01\*.* e:\sd\01\ /s
040953 -              C>xcopy c:\sd\03\*.* e:\sd\03\ /s
040954 -
040955 -          Now you have a duplicate set of your original SDS program
040956 -          files on the e: drive.
040957 -
040958 -
040959 -      3.  After transferring existing code to e: under step 2, delete
040960 -          the existing SDS code on c: as follows...
040961 -
040962 -              C>del c:\01\04\*.*
040963 -              C>del c:\sd\01\*.*
040964 -              C>del c:\sd\03\*.*
040965 -
040966 -          Copy the unzip command back to c: sd 01 for use in step 4.
040967 -
040968 -
040969 -                 C>copy e:\sd\01\zu.exe c:\sd\01
040970 -
040971 -
040972 -      4.  Install updated code on c: drive.
040973 -
040974 -          Change to the directory where the updated files were
040975 -          downloaded...
040976 -
040977 -                        c: 10
040978 -
040979 -
040980 -          Enter following commands using the zu command, which needs
040981 -          to be copied from e: sd 01 to c: sd 01 under step 3.
040982 -
040983 -
040984 -              C>zu -d -n cs c:\ *.*
040985 -
040986 -
040987 - Everything should run exactly the same.  Let me know of any problems.
040988 -
040989 -
040990 -
040991 -
040992 -
040993 -
040994 -
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 2048
0413 -
041301 -  ..
041302 - 070401   Print SDS Records; Convert Lines to Dashes
041303 -
041304 - Follow up ref SDS 24 7437.
041305 -
041306 - Actually, there is another way to accomplish this.  Print the record
041307 - from HTML mode in a web browser.
041308 -
041309 - Line 820, ref OF 2 2U3G, -label dGreF This is where other
041310 - non-printable characters are changed to something that can print.
041311 -
041312 - There are two lines for Wayne.  I plugged these in and configured a
041313 - print file macro for him.  Alternatively, he can print SDS records
041314 - and other documents from the Web browser.
041315 -
041316 -
041317 -
041318 -  ..
041319 - Group Manager for Wayne
041320 -
041321 - Moved Wayne's Group Manager to the maine Group Manager code...
041322 -
041323 -
041324 -            C>copy c: sd 03 047027W c: sd 03 047027
041325 -
041326 -
041327 -
041328 -
041329 -
041330 -
041331 -
041332 -
041333 -
041334 -
041335 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"