Publication No. 05-10043
Sooner or later, nearly everyone will be affected by
Medicare, the nation's major federal health insurance
program. In fact, if you pay taxes, you're already
affected by Medicare because a portion of your taxes
goes to finance part of the Medicare program.
Even though you're paying into the Medicare program
during your working years, and will probably rely on
its services in the future, you may not be aware of
what benefits the program offers—and what it doesn't
offer. The basic information in this booklet will give
you an overview of the Medicare program. If you want
detailed information or are interested in a specific
part of the program, you'll need to get a copy of Your
Medicare Handbook, published by the Health Care
Financing Administration. The Handbook is mailed to
Medicare beneficiaries when they become eligible for
the coverage. See Section 7 for information about
ordering the Handbook and other publications.
Please Note: This booklet does not list premium
amounts, deductibles, coinsurance payments, and other
figures that change every year. For the most
up-to-date information about these numbers, ask Social
Security for a copy of the factsheet Social Security
Update (SSA Publication No. 05-10003).
Section 2 -- Who Can Get Medicare And How To Sign Up
Section 3 -- What Medicare Covers
Section 4 -- What Medicare Does Not Cover
Section 6 -- What You Should Know If You Have Other Health Insurance
Section 7 -- Want More Information?
Medicare is our country's health insurance program for
people age 65 or older, certain people with
disabilities who are under 65, and people of any age
who have permanent kidney failure. It provides basic
protection against the cost of health care, but it
doesn't cover all your medical expenses nor the cost
of most long-term care. You can choose one of two ways
to get benefits under Medicare: the traditional
fee-for-service system or the managed care program. To
help you decide which way is best for you, read the
descriptions in Section 5.
The Health Care Financing Administration is the agency
in charge of the Medicare program. But we—the people
at the Social Security offices—help you enroll in the
program and give you general Medicare information.
There are two parts of Medicare. They are:
Each part of Medicare covers different kinds of
medical costs, has different rules about enrolling,
and so on. Because of these differences, the two parts
of the Medicare program are described separately in
many sections of this booklet.
Many people think that Medicaid and Medicare are two
different names for the same program. Actually, they
are two different programs. Medicaid is a state-run
program designed primarily to help those with low
income and little or no resources. The federal
government helps pay for Medicaid, but each state has
its own rules about who is eligible and what is
covered under Medicaid. Some people qualify for both
Medicare and Medicaid. For more information about the
Medicaid program, contact your local social service or
welfare office.
If You Are 65 or Older
Most people 65 or older are eligible for Medicare
hospital insurance (Part A) based on their own—or
their spouse's— employment. You are eligible at 65 if
Before age 65, you are eligible for Medicare hospital
insurance if you:
Under certain conditions, your spouse, divorced
spouse, widow or widower, or a dependent parent may be
eligible for hospital insurance when he or she turns
65, based on your work record.
Also, disabled widows and widowers under age 65,
disabled divorced widows and widowers under 65, and
disabled children may be eligible for Medicare,
usually after a 24-month qualifying period. (For
disabled widows/widowers, previous months of
eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
based on disability may count toward the qualifying
There are special rules for people with permanent
kidney failure. Under these rules, you are eligible
for hospital insurance at any age if you receive
maintenance dialysis or a kidney transplant and:
Certain aged or disabled people who do not qualify for
Medicare hospital insurance under these rules may be
able to get it by paying a monthly premium.
Almost anyone who is 65 or older or who is under 65
but eligible for hospital insurance can enroll for
Medicare medical insurance by paying a monthly
premium. You don't need any Social Security or
government work credits for this part of Medicare.
Aliens who are 65 or older and are not eligible for
hospital insurance must be lawfully admitted permanent
residents and must live in the United States for five
years before they can enroll for medical insurance.
If your income and assets are very limited, you should
know about programs that can help save you money. One
is the "Qualified Medicare Beneficiary" or "QMB"
program. The other is the "Specified Low-Income
Medicare Beneficiary" or "SLMB" program. Both programs
are run by the Health Care Financing Administration
and the state agency that provides medical assistance
under the Medicaid program. They differ in the amount
of income that qualifies you for help.
If you qualify for the QMB program, your state will
pay your monthly Medicare premiums. You will not have
to pay the Medicare deductibles and coinsurance, which
can save you a lot more money. If you qualify for the
SLMB program, your state will pay only your medical
insurance (Part B) monthly premium.
The rules vary from state to state. In general, you
may qualify for help from the QMB or SLMB program if:
If you're already getting Social Security retirement
or disability benefits or railroad retirement checks,
we'll contact you a few months before you become
eligible for Medicare and give you the information you
need to sign up.
If you aren't already getting checks, you should
contact us about three months before your 65th
birthday to sign up for Medicare. You can sign up for
Medicare even if you don't plan to retire at 65.
You should contact Social Security about applying for
Medicare if:
If you're 65 or older and don't qualify for Medicare,
you can buy Part A coverage, much like private
insurance, for a monthly premium. If you want to buy
Part A hospital insurance, you must enroll in Part B
and pay a monthly premium for that coverage as well.
If you wait to buy Part A hospital insurance, the
enrollment periods are the same as those for Part B,
discussed above.
The two parts of Medicare are designed to help pay for
different kinds of health care costs. Some kinds of
health care aren't covered by Medicare at all. You can
get specific information about Medicare costs,
deductibles, and "coinsurance" rates by calling Social
Medicare hospital insurance can help pay for inpatient
care in a hospital or skilled nursing facility
following a hospital stay, home health care, and
hospice care. Except for home health care, each is
subject to a benefit period, which measures your use
of services covered by Medicare Part A.
A benefit period starts the day you enter a hospital.
It ends when you have been out of the hospital or
other facility primarily providing skilled care for 60
days in a row. If you remain in such a facility (other
than a hospital), a benefit period ends when you have
not received any skilled care there for 60 days in a
row. There is no limit to the number of benefit
periods for hospital and skilled nursing facility
care. But special limits do apply to hospice care.
(See "Hospice Care.")
If you need inpatient care, hospital insurance helps
pay for up to 90 days in any Medicare-participating
hospital during each benefit period. Hospital
insurance pays for all covered services for the first
60 days, except for a deductible. For days 61 through
90, hospital insurance pays for all "covered services"
except for a daily coinsurance amount. (Coinsurance is
the portion of the bill that the beneficiary is
required to pay even after the deductible is met.)
If you are out of the hospital for at least 60 days in
a row, and then go back in, a new benefit period
begins—your 90 days of coverage starts all over again
and you pay another deductible.
What if you need more than 90 days of inpatient care
during any benefit period? You can use some or all of
your "reserve days." Reserve days are an extra 60
hospital days you can use if your illness keeps you in
the hospital for more than 90 days. You have only 60
reserve days in your lifetime, and you decide when you
want to use them. For each reserve day you use,
hospital insurance pays for all covered services
except for a daily coinsurance amount.
If you need inpatient skilled nursing or
rehabilitation services after a hospital stay and you
meet certain other conditions, hospital insurance
helps pay for up to 100 days in a
Medicare-participating skilled nursing facility in
each benefit period.
Hospital insurance pays for all covered services for
the first 20 days. For the next 80 days, it pays for
all covered services except for a daily coinsurance
NOTE: It is important to know that Medicare does not
pay for "custodial care" when that is the only kind of
care that you need. Custodial care is the type of care
many people receive in nursing homes. It is care that
could be given by someone who is not medically skilled
(for example, help with dressing, walking, or
If you are confined at home and meet certain other
conditions, Medicare can pay the full approved cost of
home health visits from a Medicare-participating home
health agency. There is no limit to the number of
covered visits you can have. If you need one or more
of the covered services, then hospital insurance also
covers part-time or intermittent services of home
health aides, occupational therapy, physical therapy,
medical social services, and medical supplies and
equipment. A 20-percent copayment applies to covered
durable medical equipment (e.g., wheelchairs and
hospital beds).
A hospice program provides pain relief and other
support services for terminally ill people. Medicare
hospital insurance can help pay for hospice care for
terminally ill beneficiaries if the care is provided
by a Medicare-certified hospice and certain other
conditions are met.
Special "benefit periods" apply to hospice care.
Hospital insurance can pay for hospice care for a
maximum of two 90-day periods and one 30-day period
and one extension period of indefinite duration when
the patient is terminally ill.
Medicare medical insurance helps pay for doctor's
services and many medical services and supplies that
are not covered by the hospital insurance part of
Medicare, such as ambulance services, outpatient
hospital care, and X-rays.
Each year, before Medicare medical insurance begins
paying for covered services, you must meet the annual
medical insurance "deductible." (A deductible is the
amount a beneficiary must pay before Medicare begins
paying.) After you meet that deductible, Medicare will
generally pay 80 percent of the approved charges for
covered services during the rest of the year.
Medicare provides basic health care coverage, but it
doesn't pay all of your medical expenses. Here are
examples of what Medicare does not pay for:
Medicare beneficiaries may now choose how they'll
receive hospital, doctor, and other health care
services covered by the program. And, your choice may
affect the amount of money you pay for these services.
Most people use the traditional "fee-for-service"
delivery system--visiting the hospital or doctor of
their choice and paying a fee each time they use a
service. But more and more people are turning to
health maintenance organizations (HMOs) that feature
comprehensive coverage of services offered by a
network of health care providers. Medicare coverage is
the same under both systems. The differences include
how the benefits are delivered, how and when payment
is made, and the amount of "out-of-pocket" expenses
Under fee-for-service systems, Medicare pays a set
percentage of a beneficiary's hospital, doctor, and
other health care expenses, and the beneficiary is
responsible for certain deductibles and coinsurance
payments (the portion of the bill Medicare does not
pay). Most people covered under a "fee-for-service"
Medicare plan also purchase private insurance—usually
called "Medigap"—or have retiree coverage available
from their former employer or union to supplement
their Medicare coverage (see Section 6).
HMOs that have contracts with the Medicare program
must provide all hospital and medical benefits covered
by Medicare. However, usually you must obtain services
from your HMO's network of health care providers
(doctors, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, for
example). In most cases, for services not authorized
by your HMO (except emergency services or services
urgently required while you are out of the HMO's
service area), neither the HMO nor Medicare will pay
for these services.
If you enroll in an HMO that has a contract with
Medicare, the HMO will receive a monthly payment from
Medicare, and you will have to enroll in Medicare Part
B and continue to pay your Part B monthly premium.
Most HMOs charge a monthly premium for enrollees in
addition to a small copayment each time you use a
service. Usually, no additional charges are made no
matter how many times you visit the doctor, are
hospitalized, or use other covered services. HMO
members usually do not need a Medigap policy.
Many HMOs that have contracts with the Medicare
program also provide benefits beyond those Medicare
pays for. These include preventive care, prescription
drugs, dental care, hearing aids, and eyeglasses. The
benefits may vary by HMO and you'll need to read the
individual descriptions to determine which benefits
are offered by each.
Traditional "fee-for-service" Medicare coverage
provides basic health care coverage, but it can't pay
all of your medical expenses, and it doesn't pay for
most long-term care. For this reason, many private
insurance companies sell insurance to fill in the gaps
in Medicare coverage. This kind of insurance is often
called "Medigap" for short. However, Medigap insurance
is not needed if you use an HMO (see section on Health
Maintenance Organizations).
The Health Care Financing Administration publishes a
booklet with information on supplementing Medicare
coverage. It's called Guide To Health Insurance For
People With Medicare (Publication No. HCFA 02110) and
is available from any Social Security office or by
writing to: Medicare Publications, Health Care
Financing Administration, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.
As we've explained, Medicare hospital insurance is
free, but you pay a monthly premium for medical
insurance. If you already have other health insurance
when you become eligible for Medicare, is it worth the
monthly premium cost to sign up for Medicare medical
The answer varies with the individual, and the kind of
other health insurance. Although we can't give you
"yes" or no answers, we can offer a few tips that may
be helpful when you make your decision.
Get in touch with your insurance agent to see how your
private plan fits—or "integrates"—with Medicare
medical insurance. This is especially important if you
have family members who are covered under the same
policy. And remember, just as Medicare doesn't cover
all health services, most private plans don't either.
In planning your health insurance coverage, keep in
mind that most nursing home care is not covered by
Medicare or private health insurance policies. One
important word of caution: For your own protection,
don't cancel any health insurance you now have until
your Medicare coverage actually begins.
In this case, there are some special rules you should
know about.
If you are age 65 or older and are covered under a
group health plan either from your own employment or
you are covered from your spouse's employment, you may
delay enrolling in Medicare medical insurance (Part B)
without having to wait for a general enrollment period
or pay the 10-percent premium surcharge for late
enrollment. The rules allow you to:
If you enroll during any of the seven remaining months
of the special enrollment period, your coverage will
begin the month after you enroll.
If, however, the coverage or employment ends during
the last four months of the initial enrollment period,
protection will be delayed one to three months (see
Section 3).
If you do not enroll by the end of the eight-month
period, you'll have to wait until the next general
enrollment period, which begins January 1 of the next
Group health plans of employers with 20 or more
employees are required by law to offer workers who are
age 65 (or older) the same health benefits that are
provided to younger employees. They must also offer
the spouses who are age 65 (or older)—of workers of
any age—the same health benefits given younger
If you are under 65 or older and have current
employment—or you are age 65 or older and are the
spouse of a person who has current employment—and you
accept the employer's health insurance plan, Medicare
will be the "secondary payer." This means the employer
plan pays first on your hospital and medical bills. If
the employer plan does not pay all of your expenses,
Medicare may pay secondary benefits.
If you reject the employer's health plan, Medicare
will be the primary health insurance payer. The
employer is not allowed to offer you Medicare
supplemental coverage if you reject his or her health
Remember that when you enroll in Medicare Part B at or
after 65, you will trigger your one-time Medigap open
enrollment period. If you enroll in Part B while you
are covered under an employer plan that is the primary
payer, you may not need a Medigap policy. Your
Medicare Part B will be the secondary payer and your
employer will be the primary payer. Later, when you
are no longer covered by your employer plan, you may
not be able to purchase the Medigap plan of your
choice because your Medigap open enrollment period
will have expired.
If, on the other hand, you delay Part B enrollment
until your primary employer plan coverage is about to
stop, you will be able to use your open enrollment
period to your best advantage. During open enrollment,
you may purchase any Medigap plan from any company at
its most favorable price for your age group. During
this period, you can purchase policies that cover
outpatient prescription drugs, which generally are not
available outside of the open enrollment period unless
you are healthy.
If you are under 65 and disabled, and you are
currently employed or are the family member of a
person who has current employment and you have health
coverage under a "large group health plan," Medicare
will be the secondary payer. A large group health plan
covers employees of an employer or group of employers
of which at least one employer has 100 or more
workers. If that's the case, you will also have
special enrollment period and premium rights that are
similar to those for workers age 65 or older.
If you are entitled to Medicare because of permanent
kidney failure and you have employer group health
coverage, Medicare will be the secondary payer for the
first 18 months of your Medicare Part A eligibility or
entitlement. At the end of the 18-month period,
Medicare becomes your primary payer.
If you have coverage under a CHAMPUS or CHAMPVA
program, your health benefits may change or end when
you become eligible for Medicare. You should contact
the Department of Defense or a military health
benefits advisor for information before you decide
whether or not to enroll in Medicare medical
If you have health care protection from the Indian
Health Service, Department of Veterans Affairs or a
state medical assistance program, contact the people
in those offices to help you decide whether it is to
your advantage to have Medicare medical insurance.
We've covered a number of difficult rules in this
section. If you aren't sure if any apply to you,
contact Social Security for help. (But if you aren't
sure about the size of the employer group health plan,
check with the personnel office or the employer.)
It's difficult to summarize a program as complex as
Medicare in a single booklet. If you have other
questions about Medicare, please contact Social
You can get more information 24 hours a day by calling
Social Security's toll-free number: 1-800-772-1213.
You can speak to a service representative between the
hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on business days. Our lines
are busiest early in the week and early in the month
so, if your business can wait, it's best to call at
other times. Whenever you call, have your Social
Security number handy.
If you have a touch-tone phone, recorded information
and services are available 24 hours a day, including
weekends and holidays.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can call our
toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778, between 7 a.m.
and 7 p.m. on business days.
The Social Security Administration treats all calls
confidentially—whether they're made to our toll-free
numbers or to one of our local offices. That's one
reason why if you've asked someone to call our office
for you to discuss your personal business, you need to
be with them when they call so we can verify you want
their help. Our representative will ask your
permission to discuss your business. We also want to
make sure that you receive accurate and courteous
service. That's why we have a second Social Security
representative monitor some incoming and outgoing
telephone calls.
The Social Security Administration produces many other
publications and factsheets to give you information
about other parts of the Social Security program. You
can get a free copy of these publications from any
Social Security office. Here's a list of some of the
publications we have available.
In addition to Your Medicare Handbook, the Health Care
Financing Administration publishes several leaflets of
particular interest to Medicare beneficiaries. Among
them are:
You can also access Medicare information from the
Health Care Financing Administration Web site at
Social Security Administration
June 1997
ICN 460000
Section 1 -- What Is Medicare?
You are automatically enrolled in Part B when you
become entitled to Part A. However, because you must
pay a monthly premium for Part B coverage, you have
the option of paying for the coverage or turning it
If You Are Under 65
If you receive a disability annuity from the Railroad
Retirement Board, you will be eligible for hospital
insurance after a waiting period. (Contact your
railroad retirement office for details.)
In addition, your spouse or child may be eligible,
based on your work record, if she or he receives
continuing dialysis for permanent kidney failure or
had a kidney transplant, even if no one else in the
family is getting Medicare.
Medicare Medical Insurance
Help For Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
Only your state can decide if you qualify for help
under the QMB or SLMB program. To find out if you
qualify, contact your state or local medical
assistance (Medicaid) agency, social service office,
or welfare office. For general information, ask Social
Security for a copy of the leaflet Medicare: Savings
for Qualified Beneficiaries (Publication No. HCFA
Signing Up For Medicare
Initially, you have seven months to sign up for
medical insurance (Medicare Part B). This seven-month
period begins three months before your 65th birthday,
includes the month you turn 65 and ends three months
after that birthday. If you enroll during the first
three months of your enrollment period, your medical
insurance protection will start with the month you are
eligible. If you enroll during the last four months,
your protection will start one to three months after
you enroll. If you don't enroll during this initial
enrollment period, each year you are given another
chance to sign up during a general enrollment period
from January 1 through March 31. Your coverage begins
the following July. Your monthly premium increases 10
percent for each 12-month period you were eligible but
didn't enroll.
Section 3 -- What Medicare Covers
Section 4 -- What Medicare Does Not Cover
Section 5 -- Medicare Options
If you enroll in Part B while covered by an employer
plan or during the first, full month when not covered
by that plan, you have the option to have your
coverage begin the first day of the month you enroll
or the option of delaying coverage until the first day
of the following three months.
All of these publications, including this one, are
available in Spanish.
These publications are available from any Social
Security office or by writing to...
Health Care Financing Administration
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850
SSA Publication No. 05-10043
June 1997 (June 1996 edition may be used)
ICN 460000