440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

November 29, 1999

03 00050 61 99112901

10 Lenox Street
Brookline, MA 02446.

Subject:   Civilization, Next Step to Continuous


For the past 15 years or so, I have been developing a technology with the lofty aim of improving the alphabet, at least I have been making this claim since about 1992.  A month ago, a friend sent a letter saying his son in the 9th grade submitted a paper on the legend of Prometheus.  I researched this subject and encountered what appear to be parallels to Judeo-Christian traditions, and also insight on the modern day tug between orality and literacy in the relm of daily management.  The modern scribe must be ever conscious of Prometheus' fate in shining the light of truth too brightly, lest the gods be stirred, etc.

Another important aspect of this research was on the origins of the alphabet, and the transition from orality to literacy.  This seems to have application to my technology which offers a new transition from literacy to "intelligence," where literacy is defined as using alphabet technology to generate information in books, letters, memos, etc., and my technology adds a dimension of time management that uses the alphabet to generate chronologies of cause and effect based on subject content, that ties everything together, which I think is the way the mind functions, more or less.

Literacy with alphabet technology objectivizes information, intelligence processes information to generate knowledge, wisdom and vision, based on the breadth of time encompassed by the record.  The simple way to think about it as integrating time and information.  Here is an example analysing Prometheus on 991108....

It seems to me that work in the classics, work in cognitive science and in technology can be synthesized in an important way that, so far as I can tell is not being addressed in the mainstream of industry nor education.

The Arion editorial statement indicated you support cross-discipline and innovative thinking.  I thought you might have a discussion area in your web site to develop the ideas of what I call "POIMS technology" to respect the past, and extend basic human cognitive capabilities.   Is there a discussion area?

Second, can you suggest how to get POIMS reviewed at the university level as an advanced form of literacy.  The technology needs support at the educational level because by the time people become managers or other knowledge workers the culture of their environment strongly resists literacy, since everyone works by guess and gossip in constant meetings, email, calls, and so on.

Third, there are four or so articles in Volumn 1.1 listed on your web site which I would like to review for support of my technology.  Are these available online?

Arion: Defining Space; Defying Category
Editorial Statement
Herbert Golder

Canon Fathers: Literacy, Mortality, Power
Glenn W. Most

Classics and Contemporary Criticism
Daniel L. Selden

Jocasta’s Divine Head: English with a Foreign Accent
D.S. Carne-Ross

Rosen's Ideas
The Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry: Studies in Ancient Thought,
by Stanley Rosen
Lowell Edmunds

Thanks for your help.  Sorry about this long letter.

415 781 5700



Rod Welch