440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:40:04 -0800

03 00050 61 01121302

Terry Winograd
Stanford University

Subject:   Meeting Wed Dec 19 10a
Explain POIMS and SDS

Dear Terry,

A meeting on Wed at 1000 would be good, if that is okay. That time works well to minimize traffic issues. I need your address and any special directions. I know my way around a little on campus, but directions are helpful.

I assume you reviewed POIMS in noting "high-level" buzz words and abstraction, in your letter today.

I believe Doug commended my work because it enables a new way of working, which he and his group, working through SRI, have experienced the past two years.

POIMS tries to explain experience from practice every day for the past 20 years that is different from using other methods, which I characterize as enhancing literacy, and particularly alphabet technology. Some people who have seen SDS work product feel it is useful, others feel it is information overload, as you comment in your letter today. In my letter on December 10 there is a reference to Professor Joe Ransdell commenting on 000716 that SDS is a major advance on management theory because it advances communication.

Of course not everyone agrees, and on any given day new ideas strike people differently.

Would love to discuss the opportunity for improving education using SDS, as shown in the record on June 14, 2001.

Please let me know if you feel this could be a productive meeting, and if not, we can defer. From my discussion with Doug, your work sounds very interesting, but I know this is a busy time of year, and I don't want to take up your time unnecessarily. If you want to meet, can you provide a reference for background on your work.

Thanks very much for considering this.




Rod Welch

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  1. Engelbart, Douglas C.,
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