Deneen Consulting
24 Heritage Oaks Road
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

April 13, 2001

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496

Subject:   Global Conference UN Millennium Project

Dear Rod,

Take a look at Jerome Glenn's presentation (Powerpoint slides) to SRI, which is attached to a letter Jerome submitted to SRI on March 12, 2001. Jerome's presentation may offer ideas about SDS use cases for managing collaboration in quarterly reports and a future Global Internet-based Conference.


John Deneen

Jerome C. Glenn

March 12, 2001

Carla Woodworth
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Subject:   Once More with e-feeling!

Dear Carla,

[Oops, forgot last time to add attachement]

Thank you very much for having the video tape copies of my talk at SRI sent to my hotel. I enjoyed being with you and your colleagues.

Attached is the PPT file in case someone there would like to see the talk with the overheads.

When the second round of the future issues of S&T is ready, I will send you a copy and hope that you will send it on to those at SRI who are the most interested in this topic.

I look forward to seeing your story board on bootstrap and how we can collaborate in the future.

All the best,


Jerome C. Glenn

  1. The Millennium Project...

    1. a global participatory think tank providing accumulative, inter-institutional, inter-cultural, inter-disciplinary views of change and strategy American Council for the United Nations University

    2. United Nations University (UNU) is the principal academic research organ of the UN headquartered in Tokyo with centers around the world.

    3. The American Council for the United Nations University (AC/UNU) was created by the UNU in 1975 as U.S. NGO to be the point of contact between Americans and the UNU and represent its interests in Washington, D.C.

    4. The Millennium Project operates under the auspices of the AC/UNU with funding from UNU and other sponsors.

  2. The Millennium Project
    New Kind of Think Tank

    1. Accumulative participatory global futures research

    2. Over 800 futurists, scholars, business planners, and policymakers

    3. who work for the UN and international organizations, corporations, governments, NGOs, and universities in over 50 countries

    4. It is Interinstitutional, Interdisciplinary, Intercultural

    5. Funded and used by this broad range of institutions

  3. Current Sponsors

    1. Deloitte & Touche

    2. Foundation For the Future

    3. General Motors

    4. Hughes Space and Communications

    5. United Nations University

    6. U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute

    7. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science

  4. Nodes

    groups of individuals and institutions - connect global and local views in:

    Nodes identify participants, translate questionnaires and reports, and conduct interviews, special research, workshops, symposiums, and advanced training

  5. Recent Products

    1. State of the Future at the Millennium

    2. State of the Future: The Video

    3. UN and Environmental Security

    4. 26 Ways to increase futures in decisionmaking

    5. Very Long-Range Factors and Scenarioso

    6. UNU Technology Paper for UN SG's Millen. Report

    7. Partnership for Sustainable Development.

    8. Translations - Chinese, Spanish, Farsi, Japanese

    9. Articles: TF&SC, Futures, Foresight, FRQ, AEPI

  6. Current work

    1. Future Issues of Science & Technology

    2. UN Millennium Summit Head of States Speeches

    3. Up-Dating Global Challenges

    4. Env-Crimes, Military Actions, and the ICC

    5. Futures Research Methods - V 2.0

    6. State of the Future Index

    7. Node Millennium Symposiums

  7. Some Explorations

    1. World Bank-UN World Conference Globalization, MP asked to lead strategy and content

    2. State of the World Forum also wants to organize a world conference on globalization an talking with MP

    3. In both are learning systems in need of rapid improvement systems.

  8. Future Science & Technology IssueskThree-Year Studyvement systems.

    Year 1: Future S&T Issues

    Year 2: Implications for S&T management and policy options

    Year 3: Alternative scennarios

  9. Some Principal Findings

    1. The most important challenges are transnational in nature and trans-institutional in solution. They require collaborative action among governments, international organizations, corporations, universities, and NGOs.

    2. Hundreds of futurists, scholars, business planners, scientists, and decisionmakers were asked what could significantly affect the future. Their responses have been rated in questionnaires and discussed in interviews over the past four years. The results can be organized into 15 global challenges.

    3. Global challenges had regional and local counterparts (sustainable development could be discussed as a global or neighborhood objective).

    4. There is greater consensus about the scope of global issues and opportunities than is evident in the media. There is good agreement about many promising actions, although diverse views exist about other constructive actions.

    5. Suggested actions could be organized into 12 meta strategies:

      1. establishing new alliances, agreements, and treaties

      2. engaging in social marketing

      3. creating standards and permits

      4. enforcing or modifying laws and regulations

      5. performing scientific research and development

      6. engaging in meetings, dialogs, or workshops

      7. creating and amending economic systems, sanctions, and incentives

      8. improving planning, accounting, and forecasting

      9. creating and improving new educational programs

      10. developing and sharing information

      11. modifying institutions, infrastructure, and priorities

      12. initiating new institutions, projects, and programs

    6. (left blank)

    7. Decisionmakers are generally not trained to make good decisions; in the future, formalized training for decisionmakers could result in an improvement in the quality of global decisions.

    8. Information to reduce the time from early warning to timely action should unequivocally demonstrate that a crisis is pending and that details are available about what is possible and how action might alter the outcome of the situation.

    9. Sustainability is a concept that has spread globally and provides useful guidance to policymaking. Many global policies are now based on perceptions about their impacts on sustainability.

    10. Many desirable policies, especially those addressing environmental and economic relationships, depend on scientific, technical, and economic standards that do not yet exist.

    11. Since education is one of the fundamental strategies to address most of the global issues, it is important to identify the most effective educational materials, curricula, and distribution media for global education as well as institutional arrangements to accelerate learning, that address the right challenges.

  10. The Global Challenges

    1. Sustainable development for all

    2. Sufficient clean water for all without conflict

    3. Population growth and resources brought into balance

    4. Genuine democracy emergence from authoritarian regimes

    5. Policy-making more sensitive to global long-term perspectives

    6. Globalization and convergence of information and communications technologies works for everyone

    7. Ethical market economies reduce rich and poor gap

    8. Threat of new and reemerging diseases, and immune micro organisms reduced Global Challenges (continued)

    9. Capacity to decide improved while the nature of work and institutions is changing

    10. Shared values and new security strategies reduce ethnic conflict, terrorism, and mass destruction

    11. Changing status of woman improves civilization

    12. Organized crime stopped from becoming more powerful and sophisticated global enterprises

    13. Growing energy demand safely and efficiently met

    14. Scientific and technological breakthroughs to improve the human condition

    15. Ethical considerations more routinely incorporated into global decisions?

The end.