Various parts of the SDS program are placed in particular DOS directories to accomplish the structure needed for the program and to facilitate fast access to information. This is the structure used for program development and daily use by Rod Welch, Wayne Wetzel and Bill DeHart. For other end users, it is all on the c: drive for simplicity.
Dr Directory Description c: SD................................. SDS program Correlates personal analysis/understanding recorded in diary records, with formal documentation in correspondence, publications and other files, and integrates with schedule of things to do. c: SD 01................................ Programs This has Medit with compiled SDS macros into e.exe; Supersort, Spell checking and other stuff. h: SD 02................................ Printer Fonts Special fonts created by HP that print Medit line draw characters. c: SD 03................................ Macro Utilities for Functions Non-compiled macros that perform SDS functions not included in the e.exe compiled program file. h: SD 04................................ Menu/Function Assignments Menus for all of the various SDS modules. h: SD 05................................ Help h: SD 06................................ Subject Index h: SD 06 UUUUU............................ User ID h: SD 07................................ Reminders, e.g., birthdays, Anniversaries d: SD 08................................ Data Base for Diary Records d: SD 08 UUUUU............................ User ID d: SD 08 UUUUU 00........................... Current Work Schedule, scheduled tasks and diary records created for "today" are in this directory. When the program is first started for the first time each day, the program removes "performed" records and puts them in the "02" diary directory, so that that the schedule starts off with only pending tasks each day. d: SD 08 UUUUU 01........................... Subjects in Control Fields Control fields contain subject assignments, function assignments, which are used for cost control accounting and billings, time, mileage and Contact ID for the person performing work, so the system can support payroll and billings. d: SD 08 UUUUU 02........................... Diaries (performed tasks) These are performed tasks beginning with "yesterday" and before. This has the bulk of the SDS data, i.e., the diary. d: SD 08 UUUUU 03........................... References listed in SDS records Correspondence, publications and other files, e.g., spreadsheets, wordprocessing, autocad, programming files. d: SD 08 UUUUU 04........................... Descriptions of SDS records Used to quickly assemble chronological listings under various criteria. d: SD 08 UUUUU 05........................... Contacts listed in SDS records Used to report on records of events where particular organizations and people participated. e: SD 08 00000 06........................... Global Pointers This is a duplicate assemblage of all of each type of pointer, 01, 03, 04 and 05, to speed selection for reports exceeding 4 months. e: SD 08 00000 06 00001....................... Control Fields e: SD 08 00000 06 00003....................... References e: SD 08 00000 06 00004....................... Documents e: SD 08 00000 06 00005....................... Contacts h: SD 09................................ Contacts Similar to ordinary contact systems. It is used to tag SDS records quickly and in a uniform manner by listing people and organizations that relate to an event. Used to address correspondence, post the document log for formal correspondence and to call reports of diary records and documents where particular organizations and individuals were involved. h: SD 09 01............................... General h: SD 09 02............................... Organizations h: SD 09 03............................... Individuals c: SD 10................................ Work Directory - normally empty Computer always boots to this directory, so that anything created temporarily can be segmented from permanent stuff. g: SD 31................................ Extract for Transfer Holds SR.ZIP and SP.ZIP in sd 55 01. On Target PC, the pointer files are initially installed in dir: 31 01 and 31 02, same as Extracted. g: SD 35................................ Hold to Install Extracted Transfer SR.ZIP and SP.ZIP are initially copied to this dir then processed. The SP.ZIP files are initially downloaded to g: sd 31, after any Extracted files are removed. f: 02 14 01 60........................ Publications Books, magazine articles and similar publications. These are initially created and listed in SDS records under References. They are linked into the narrative in SDS records as support for analysis. f: 03 PPPPP 60........................ Correspondence Recieved f: 03 PPPPP 60 YY MM DDnn............... Document by Date Correspondence received by date. These are initially created and listed in SDS records under References. They are linked into the narrative in SDS records as support for analysis. f: 03 PPPPP 61........................ Correspondence Issued f: 03 PPPPP 61 YY MM DDnn............... Document by Date Correspondence issued by date, similar to "received." Documents that are neither publications nor correspondence, but are separate files such as a spreadsheet, a CAD drawing, a draft letter, are identified according to the directory structure that correlates to the Subject Index. Note: below this point are not part of program provided to customers. g: SD 50................................ Customer Program Files in Zip Format g: SD 51................................ Executive User Program Assembly Files