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Famous Quotes in English...

  • "I'm no angel, but I've flapped my wings quite a bit"
    - Mae West (Contributed by Mette Glargaard)

  • "All discarded lovers should have another chance - with someone else!"
    - Mae West (Contributed by Mette Glargaard)

  • "If I look a little tired, it's because a woman knocked on my door for three hours last night - but I didn't let her out!"
    - Dean Martin (Contributed by Mette Glargaard)

  • "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men"
    - Ben Franklin

  • "Too much of a good thing is wonderful"
    - Lucy Liveitup

  • "The best way to make a small fortune is to start with a large one"
    - Spencer Spenditnow

  • "Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow"
    - Garry Gogetter

  • "The sooner you fall behind the more time you'll have to catch up"
    - Gordon Goldbricker

  • "Early to bed and early to rise ruins a lot of good times"
    - Henry Highliver

  • "I'm too busy to get organized"
    - Clara Clutter

  • "Promise him anything - but never put it in writing"
    - Fanny Fidelity

  • "I'm so far behind I think I'm first"
    - I.C.Dimly

  • "I may have my faults, but being wrong isn't one of them"
    - Amy Alwaysright

  • "I'm not overweight, I'm undertall"
    - Polly Plump

  • "Too soon old, too late smart"
    - Larry Latebloomer

  • "Never marry for money; it's cheaper to borrow it"
    - Corry Calculator

  • "If all else fails, lower your standards"
    - Homer Highprinciple

  • "The best thing for dinner is a reservation"
    - Connie Cookless

  • "When sweetness and tears fail, bitch"
    - Nelda Nailhim

  • "You know you're in trouble when you look like the picture on your drivers' license"
    - Orville Overthehill

  • "Age is a high price to pay for maturity"
    - Oliver Oldfool

  • "God must love calories; he made so many of them"
    - Wilma Willpower

  • "Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment"
    - Benny Beenthere

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