Oct 31, 2000, 11:23 UTC

Original Source

Managing Projects the Open Source Way
Oct 31, 2000, 11:23 UTC (20 Talkback[s]) (1059 reads)
(Other stories by Monty R. Manley
Begin at the Beginning

"A beginning is a very delicate time."
--Princess Irulan, from Frank Herbert's Dune

There are two words which don't get much play in Linux development projects: Requirements and Design. Not surprisingly, it is the lack of these two things which causes most of the problems in open-source software. Too many developers in the Linux space start programming before they have a good idea of what their project functions and capabilities are. In other words, they start in the middle, not at the beginning.
An overwhelming tendency in the Linux world is to focus on the act of programming as the sine qua non of the development process. The discussion is always about the code: how to write it, how to maintain it, when to release it, toolkits to build on, languages to use. The various discussions almost never turn on issues like top-level design, user requirements, and life-cycle management.
There is an unspoken but clear belief among many in the Linux development community that OSS development is fundamentally different than closed-source or commercial software development. There is a feeling that the rules are different, that Linux is somehow exempted from traditional development pitfalls. This is obviously not true, and it has led to an increasing spate of problems in Linux and other free OSes.
A project's success hinges on whether it has been properly begun. Many high-profile open-source projects (Mozilla particularly) have been burned by a lack of attention to high-level requirements and design. Beginning an OSS project properly means that a developer must, first and foremost, avoid writing code too soon!

The Value of Requirements And Design
Col. Kurtz: "Are my methods unsound, Willard?" Capt. Willard: "I don't see any method at all, sir."
-- "Apocalypse Now" llard?"

Many OSS developers get exasperated when they are asked to gather requirements, do top-level design, and produce a functional specification prior to writing code. The reason for this is simple: it is not-coding, and therefore a waste of time. The rationale that code is the end-all and be-all of development infects developers with the idea that if they're not coding, they're not progressing. This could not be further from the truth.
The gathering of requirements is an essential first step in any software project, whether closed-source or open. How can you write a program if you don't know what it is supposed to do? Unfortunately, when developers start coding without having any kind of requirements in hand, the functional specification remains open-ended: the software can never be finished because there is no finish-line. Worse, maintainers who come afterward no roadmap to work from.
Producing good requirements means being able to ask good questions. Bad requirements are vague, wishy-washy, or too broad: "This software will allow the user to do his job." Good requirements are specific and fairly atomic: "This software must allow the user to pass information x to system y in format d via the network, and this transfer must happen in real or near-real time." (Not perfect, but you get the idea.)
As you might guess, gathering requirements means talking to your users. As open-source software moves into the mainstream, the user-base becomes less technically savvy -- they are the prototypical end-users who use software as a tool. They are not programmers or administrators, but simply folks using the software to get a job done. These folks usually know a lot more about their needs than you do, so it is important to get their input. This give-and-take process can be difficult in OSS projects (your users might be spread out all over the globe!), which is why it's important to set up mailing-lists, message boards, or web forums to collect input.
Requirements also help to identify issues like localization and accessibility. Will this software be used by non-English speaking people? Are alternate character-sets required? Will seeing-impaired individuals be able to use the software? Are there artifacts in the software which might offend others (such as icons or bitmap pictures)? Your users may bring some of these issues up, but it's your job to make sure the questions are answered (even if the answer is 'No').
Once you have a fairly complete set of requirements in hand, the next step is to produce a top-level design. Again, it's still too early to write code! The top-level design is simply a kind of schematic -- a flowchart, box-diagram, or simply a few descriptive paragraphs -- which boils down the essential functions of your program. It identifies inputs, outputs, and the main processing modules. This design can help you to identify and problems like bottlenecks and missing I/O right up front.
For larger projects, it's usually a good idea to follow the top-level design with a detailed design for each module in your software. It serves the same function as the top-level design, but it helps to modularize the software and make the flow of data more efficient.
Lastly, the task is to turn the design into functional specifications. This is what you or your team members will write code from: the software blueprint, so to speak. These documents are so critically important to any of non-trivial software that it boggles the mind that so few Linux people use them. "Seat of the pants" programming may be fine for one-offs and learning exercises, but if you're at all concerned with longevity and maintainability, functional specifications are absolutely essential.
Be aware, though: functional specifications are not code. They are descriptions of code, with perhaps some difficult processing in pseudocode. It is the job of the programmer to turn the functional specification into code.
If all this sounds like the project lead does more paperwork than code...well, that's often the case. Many excellent project leads never write a line of code because managing the project is a full-time job. On larger projects, the requirements/design phase can sometimes encompass more than 50% of the entire process. So you can see that leaving these steps out can mean an almighty big hole in the project itself.

Building And Managing the Team

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers."
-- W. Shakespeare, "King Henry V"

To say that a good team is critical to the success of an OSS project is what is known as a BGO: a blinding glimpse of the obvious. But many OSS projects fail because of friction within the teams, and this friction can be alleviated somewhat if some simple ground rules are established up front.

0. The ship can have only one captain. As a rule, OSS projects do best when one person is the clear leader of a team and makes the big decisions (design changes, release dates, and so on).
  1. The project founder and the project lead do not necessarily have to be the same person. In fact, the founder of a project is often too close to the issue at hand to make objective judgments, or may lack some project management skills. This is a big problem in teams of more than a few people. The first thing a founder should do when starting a new project is find a good project lead if he does not feel he can do the job himself.
  2. Each team member should know the rules and responsibilities. Many larger teams often designate roles to team-members: buildmaster, webmaster, and so on. If a team-member cannot meet his responsibilities for whatever reason, an alternate must be designated to pick up the slack.

  3. Establish a community. Since OSS developers often live in very different parts of the world, it's important that the project establish some "place" -- an IRC channel, a web-forum, or a mailing-list -- where the developers can meet and exchange ideas. Many OSS teams never cohere because the developers never really feel part of a team. Nothing beats a face-to-face meeting, and this should be done if at all possible.
  4. Give everyone a goal. OSS projects tend to just laze along with no delivery dates or milestones. This tends to lull some developers. Giving developers target-dates for delivery of code is valuable because it gives them a target to hit -- even if they miss, it provides good variance data for the next target.

  5. Make sure every team member knows that he or she is valued. Some projects are dominated by "prima donnas" or outspoken programmers who tend to overwhelm others. This can lead to hurt feelings, flame-wars, and even project-forks. Everyone needs to be recognized from time to time; even an e-mailed "attaboy" for a good patch can do a world of good.
  6. Don't carry dead weight for too long. Not all programmers are created equal, and some team members just might be the wrong fit for the project. Their coding skills might not be up to par, they might have personal issues, or may simply have philosophical differences with the rest of the team. The project lead needs to stay on top of such situations. Sometimes, the best solution for all concerned is to remove a team member. This should be done only by the project lead, and only after all other alternatives have
The above items are common sense, but it's surprising how few projects make an effort to build good teams. Good teams don't just happen: they are built and carefully managed.

Testing Is Your Job

"About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a
window or just walking dully along..."
-- W. H. Auden, "Musee des Beaux Arts"

Crashes are bad. Obscure, inappropriate, or improper software behavior is bad. Security breaches are bad. The good news is, good unit testing can alleviate about 98% of these problems. The bad news is, not many Linux developers bother to test their code in a methodical fashion.

Many large projects have test plans as an integral part of the detailed design. As modules are completed, they are run against the test-plans; if they pass, then by definition they meet the functional specification. The cannot be considered as release-quality until it passes the test-plans.
In the Linux community, however, testing has devolved onto the users: the so called "release early, release often" doctrine. The thinking goes that getting code into the public eye right away means that bugs will get fixed faster and the program will thus mature much faster. This whole concept was fine in the days when Linux developers and Linux users were pretty much the same group of people, but now that Linux is in the mainstream, this attitude needs to change.

Nowadays, the users are probably just folks trying to get something done. Making them learn to read code or parse obscure initialization files is just perverse. We must assume that our users' time is at least as valuable as our own, and anything which wastes that valuable time is bad and wrong. Testing is a way to save the user time; we find and fix the bugs so they don't have to.
Testing also has more immediate benefits. If each developer is responsible for unit-testing modules and making sure they pass formal test plans, then the design can be verified incrementally and problems found and fixed much sooner. An error in design amplifies the longer it goes unfixed, so it pays off to find it early. It saves a lot of hair-pulling later.

Finally, a careful unit-test can uncover such security exploits as buffer overruns and dangling pointers.
A good test of each module should include the following:
  1. Boundary conditions. Always check maximum buffer lengths, data conversions, upper/lower boundary limits, and so on.

  2. Inappropriate behavior. Even if the program works correctly when the user follows the rules, users often make mistakes: they enter the wrong value, click on the wrong button, or forget to enter some piece of crucial data. What happens if the user enters a nonsense our out-of-range value? What if the software receives an incorrectly-formatted message? What if a file-write or database-update fails?
  3. Check for graceful failure. Software should never just crash and leave no indication of what happened. Whenever possible, the program should fail gracefully and give the user some idea of what happened.

  4. Standards conformance. If the program has a UI, does it conform to a standard? Are the fonts, button placement, etc. conformant? Do the GUI elements in this module act the same as in other modules? If the program has no UI (if it is a daemon, for example), does it communicate with the system in standard ways? Does it enter and exit gracefully? Does it "play nice" with the other daemons on the system?
Most developers know these things, but rarely put them to use in debugging. Debugging is tedious, boring, and often maddening, but it is also essential to robust software. And the above rules apply to integration and system testing as well as unit testing, just on a larger scale.

A Project Lives (Or Dies) On Documentation
"It does not do harm to the mystery to know a little about it."
-- Richard Feynman

A programmer's favorite refrain to a complaining user is "RTFM" (read the fine manual). Unfortunately, the OSS world largely lacks the manuals the user is supposed to read!
Most programmers hate writing documentation. There are lots of reasons for this, but in the end it boils down to either a lack of writing skills, laziness, or both. (Most often both.) Linux is notorious for shoddy, incomplete, out-of-date, and inaccurate documentation, and with good reason. Whereas commercial companies can hire technical writers to produce documents, Linux has to rely on the developers themselves, but they often just don't bother.
Why is documentation important? What is "documentation" anyway? Does that mean commenting code in a rational way? Does it mean writing good manpages where appropriate? Does it mean writing API documentation? Should the developer really be responsible for all that stuff?
Documentation is really just a way of detailing and illuminating the subject at hand. Everyone needs documentation. Maintainers - even those who are expert programmers - cannot dive into a massive pile of code without some higher-level document to help light the way. Project leads need documentation to track progress and determine how well the project is meeting the top-level design. It's almost a given that users will require documentation to install and use the program effectively.
Things that are self-evident are also self-documenting, but precious few things in software projects are so simple. Writing documentation is an integral part of writing software; it's just that programmers tend not to extend the documentation beyond the source code itself. This makes maintenance very difficult, and raises the bar for new developers too high.
Documentation should be integrated into every step of the development process. At least three documents are essential: a developer's guide (to explain the API, naming conventions, toolkit issues, and so forth), a user's guide (a comprehensive guide for users on how to operate the software), and the Requirements/Design document specified earlier. These documents should be kept with the code-tree in whatever change-control system you're using (most often CVS).
Bear in mind that these documents must be "living documents" which change and adapt as the project itself does. If the project lead spreads out responsibility for documentation to every member of the team, it tends to get done more consistently. For example, one rule might be that if a module is updated by programmer A, then programmer A is also responsible for updating both the developer's guide and the user's guide.
A project without documentation is almost guaranteed to fail.
Writing documentation isn't something that will magically get done at some later time. It's not an intrusion in your development process ("I don't have time to write docs!" I can hear a programmer whine). It is an integral and vital part of development, and should be treated as such.

OSS Lifecycle Management
"Thales said there was no difference between life and death.
'Why, then,' said some one to him, 'do not you die?' "Because,"
said he, 'it does make no difference.'"
-- Diogenes Laertius (circa 200 A.D.)

Most software lives far longer and plays larger roles than its developers ever anticipated. That's why Linux developers need to take a longer view and bring some sanity to their release procedures. Linux has made a mockery of the Alpha/Beta/Release Candidate/Release cycle.
Let's state it plainly: Alpha is not Beta. Beta is not Release. Repeat that several times until it sticks. Then mumble it under your breath all day long until it sounds like a children's nonsense rhyme. Keep saying it until you dream it and hear ghostly echoes of it all the time.

Feature-incomplete (or API-incomplete) software is often referred to as "pre-Alpha", and generally, it should never live outside the development team. Alpha software is feature-complete but (perhaps) only partially functional. Beta software is feature-complete and functional, but is in the testing cycle. Release-candidate software indicates that software has one or more beta-cycle tests and is thought to be ready for production use.
Linux developers seem to be at a loss as to how to designate software as Alpha, Beta, or Release. The whole "release early and often" motto has turned formal release methodology on its head. What we need is a commitment to release software in a more regularized way - the users need this information to plan for deployments and future upgrades.

Part of this commitment means giving at least ballpark delivery-dates and then meeting them. Users need to have at least a general idea of when software will be usable. And developers have a double role now: not only to work on the next major revision of software, but to respond to bugs in the current release and provide patches. They can juggle these tasks better by being able to prioritize them.
A key issue in this process is responsiveness. Simply saying, "I'll do it when I get around to it" won't do at all. It doesn't matter if you're working on the project for fun, are doing it at night for no pay, and have a day-job that takes all your energy. When you make software available to the general public, there is an implicit promise of quality: "This software will do what we say it will." Responding to user concerns in a timely way reinforces the ideal of OSS as a better way than closed-source software.
Understand, responding to a problem and fixing the problem are not the same thing: a fix may take a long time to implement, but the user will be happier knowing that his or her concerns have been heard.

Learning From Failure
"We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often
discover what will do by finding out what will not do; and
probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery."
-- Samuel Smiles (1816 - 1904)

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, projects fail. There are as many reasons for this as there are stars in the sky: bad design, bad management, immature technology, lack of developer talent...the list goes on and on. But the one constant is that usually we can look back on a project and identify something that was the main contributor to the failure. Hindsight, as they say, is always 20/20.
The first rule is to avoid placing blame (even on yourself!). No one is perfect; the whole software industry has a pretty lousy batting average. At least you're in good company!

Secondly, recognize that the failure was probably as much administrative as it was technical: a lack of design, focus, or goals in the project itself. Often the hardest thing to change about developers is the mindset -- unlearning bad habits and learning good ones.
Last, do a postmortem on the failed project and see if it can be resurrected -- often, the underlying idea is sound but simply needs to be implemented better.

If there's one point I want to hammer home, it's this: don't write code too early. It's a guaranteed way to run into big trouble later on.

Good software is rarely the result of brilliant programming, despite the mythos that has grown up around the activity. Most often, good software results from good design, good planning, and strict attention to detail: all those things programmers find boring and not-fun. So, as developers, we have a choice to make: have lots of fun producing mediocre (or downright bad) software, or put up with some tedium and produce good software.
The choice is ours.