Rod Welch
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
December 14, 2000
02 06 05 61 00121401
Hon. Wallace P. Douglas
Assistant Presiding Judge
Department 608
Superior Court of State of California
County of San Francisco
400 McAlister
San Francisco, CA 94102
Rent Control Dispute
Juror #200310516
Dear Judge Douglas,
Sorry to have taken so long to follow up, but wanted to say how much I enjoyed
your work, beginning on April 14, 2000,
presiding in a
case on rent control. It was a great pleasure to make a small
contribution as an alternate juror under your supervision.
In particular, your courtesy deserves notice
in stretching decorum to assess new methods by
permitting the use of a
notebook computer for a juror to take notes during trial.
Below are notes of
closing arguments,
and your
instructions to
the jury.
Similar notes were taken throughout trial. If you get a chance to look at this
letter on line, you will notice that clicking on underlined entries opens
relevant sections
of the broader record. If cases had been cited, you
could open them, as well, to verify accuracy. In 10 years, this will be a
standardized practice, because it accomplishes the
objective of law
to maintain alignment with the record and precedent, and to bring
about contextual
correlations and implications, which has its roots in religion, as explained in
the New World Order... paper.
For example, the record of trial on April 14, 2000 shows initial
concern about setting an objective
standard for evaluating intent
of the defendant, which
sounds a lot like issues that confronted the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore
this past week. Additionally,
as with the Bush case, it was a delight and
satisfaction to observe high caliber advocates presenting their
case, and arguing the client's cause,
under your guidance in the rent control matter.
I may have mentioned that
Douglas Engelbart
is working on a project at SRI to
expand use of technology for general purpose knowledge work.
He recently received from President Clinton
the nation's highest
award for innovations in this field, based on original work in the 1960s.
I am sure Doug would be pleased to know that his ideas are
beginning to spread out from the laboratory to find practical use in your
Again, thanks very much for your courtesy, and for outstanding trial
Rod Welch
Post Script
This letter is submitted through the regular mail. You can also
view it on the
Internet to access the full record prepared during trial by opening the
following URL....
Copy to:
- Douglas Engelbart, Ph.D
- SRI Project Team, OHS/DKR